Chapter 69   - Sixty - Nine : Take A Condom To A Party

So " Jenny said "Tell me more about this party?" She asked curiously but Lia knew it took her mom everything not to interrogate her.

"Meh" Lia shrugged "It's just a party where the rich and popular kids come to fool around "

"OK " She nodded but Lia knew she wasn't assured at all, sometimes it was really tiring having an overprotective mom.

"Mom, I'll be fine " Lia sighed, dropping the makeup brush on top of her dresser.

Jenny looked away " Who said I'm worried? why should I be worried? Aren't you an adult?"

Lia scoffed in disbelief, really mom?


She turned to face her mom and gestured "It's kinda written all over your face "

Jenny snorted noisily "What are you? A face reader? "

Lia shook her head and turned back to finish applying her makeup.

"Don't worry, Ben's coming along" Lia said and her mom lit up at once.

"Really? "

"Yeah " She replied, pulling her wavy brown hair into a ponytail.


Her body was clad in a short sleeve half-high neck crop top that showed a bit of her belly with a high-waisted purple camo pants and Converse.

"Why isn't Trevor coming along? " Jenny asked as her daughter picked her handbag.

"Trevor's lame, he's socially inept " Lia explained as she opened the door to leave her room only to discover the Trevor in question was outside, leaning beside her door with arms crossed.

"I heard ya " He said eyes locked on her's

"Like I care?" She blew a raspberry at Trevor who stared at her in shocked silence

"I'm not socially inept! " Trevor refuted , keeping pace with her as she walked into the living room and slumped down onto a sofa.

"Says someone who haven't had his first kiss yet " Lia teased on purpose

"Y-yo ..." Trevor sputtered, becoming red in the face.

"Be good Lia " Her mom warned as soon as she came into the living room while Rex chuckled at the side.

By the time Trevor could compose his flustered emotion, they heard a car honk and pull-up at their house.

Lia sprang up "I'm guessing that's my ride "

She said excitedly and rushed to go see Ben, curious to see how much he spruced himself up.

Immediately lia opened the door, she saw Ben with fisted hand about to knock on their door and froze.

Oh my God.

Ben was sporting a printed jacket with a black turtleneck, skinny pants and a cream white Adidas Pharrell Hu NMD.

His curly black hair was straightened and slicked back. And for the first time ever, Lia noticed his high cheekbones and chiseled bone structures.

The guy was breathtakingly handsome.

"What's taking you so long to answer the... Wow " Jenny breathed as soon as she stumbled upon them.

Was this Ben? where the hell was he hiding this beauty all along? she wouldn't have recognized him if not for his usual cheeky smile.

"Hi Jenny " He said waving and giving her his signature sheepish smile.

"Hi " She replied calmly

"H-hi " Lia finally managed to say, eyes still glued on him with blazing intensity.

The way she was staring at him was beginning to make even Jenny uncomfortable talk more him.

"Umm, come in dear " Jenny said making a way and scuffling Lia who was still staring absentmindedly at him to the side in order to make way for him.

Ben scratched his hair awkwardly and walked inside, wondering why his goddess was staring at him as if he was some sort of alien.

With a hand rubbing her jaw thoughtfully, Lia scrutinized Ben intensely.There was something different about him, not just appearance-wise but aura - wise but she just couldn't exactly pinpoint what was that.

Thinking Lia was back , Trevor was about to retort when his eyes suddenly rested on a stranger - no scratch that, a familiar stranger.

"B-ben " He stammered, wide-eyed.

That was Ben?

"Hi" Ben greeted "It seems I've overdressed this time, everyone seems shocked to see me "

"You certainly did " Rex agreed

"You certainly did not "Jenny contradicted hastily.

Suddenly Lia walked in with this odd gleam in her eyes and approached him.

"Let's go, we're already late for the party "

"Sure my goddess" He said but noticed the way she flinched. Did he do anything wrong?

But Jenny came to the rescue

" Alright kids, have fun at the party " She said, guiding them to the door.

"Remember to use protection, don't get pregnant! " Trevor shouted from behind.

"Jesus!" Lia passed him a sideways glare

"Ignore the boy " Her mom mouthed and led them outside only to see a convertible in their lawn.

"Is that your car?" Jenny pointed at the white convertible.

"Yes but only used on occasions " He explained and she nodded in understanding while Lia remained unusually quiet .

"Alright, have a good time " She said to them but drew Lia to the side and whispered into her ears " Seriously, use protection if push comes to shove "

Lia rolled her eyes "That's not going to happen "

Jenny cocked an eyebrow "Yeah, that was what I said during my own time until I ended up giving a blowjob to the guy -"

"God! mom! Too much information " Lia cried out in distress, she couldn't even dare imagine the scenario her mom portrayed .

"Lesson learnt? " Her mom bashed on

"Take a condom to a party " Lia answered crudely.

Her mom was a bit taken aback before covering it up with a smile " If you say it that way then "

Lia waved her head sympathetically before heading to Ben's convertible and sat beside the drivers seat.

"Have fun!" Her mom screamed as they drove off.

Lia smacked her face from shame, luckily there was no one around to see this save Ben.

For the first time ever, the ride to Caroline's place was awkwardly quiet until Lia muttered

"Stop the car "

" What ?"

"I said stop the car!" Lia screamed and Ben had no choice than to pull to the side at once.

Immediately the engine died, Ben was startled when Lia suddenly pressed an elbow against his neck, choking him

"Who are you? " She asked furiously

"What are you talking about? " He struggled to speak.

"Do you think you can fool me, there's something weird about you today "

"Seriously, I'm Ben and I've always being weird!." He retorted furiously

Suddenly her hold loosened.

"You're really Ben? " She asked, eyes narrowed.

"Of course, who else? "

"If you're really Ben, what was the last thing you said to me yesterday at school? " she suddenly threw a question at him.

"I asked you to describe your makeout session with Asher in one word but you fled " He summarized in one quick breath.

Lia's lips twitched.

He's weird, he's really Ben

"You're Ben " She concluded and let go of him.

"Yeah, duh " He mocked " I told ya and why in the world would you think I'm not me "

"Well, you looked different "

He frowned at her " That's because I changed from the usual me to the handsome me "

Lia nodded, she wasn't mistaking, this narcissist was really Ben. But why did she feel that way in the first place?

"Sorry " She finally apologized

"Whatever " he said, obviously pissed

"It was hot and steamy " Lia said out of nowhere.

"What? "

She blushed hard "The kiss "

Ben's face lit up with a lewd smile " Keep on talking sister "

"Don't push your luck, now drive! " She commanded sternly trying so hard to contain her red face.

Ben obeyed, starting the engine but continued snickering at the side.

"That's not funny " She spat but he continued laughing anyway.

This time their journey was warm and Jolly as they made small talks and jokes until they reached Caroline's house - no , mansion.

No wonder the kids at school were so excited to be at this party.
