Chapter 46   - Fourty - Six : What The Hell Is Wrong With This Madman? magic

She didn't know what she could have done without Dan, probably would've lost her brother in that fight.

Truthfully, she didn't go to fight the mandurugo unprepared, she had a secret upper hand, fat thanks to Dan.

The Mandurugo feeds on human blood but for unknown reasons was hooked on her's, but she's clearly not human as said by Dan.

She wouldn't boost of having a high IQ but she was smart and understood at once what he was implying.

So she pulled a weak front, appearing scared and submissive tricking the mandurugo into thinking she was desperate to save the life of her brother, so therefore would do anything.

And yes, she was desperate to save her brother but the real reason was for the creature to let down its guard. So when it finally did, boom! she striked and defeated it or so she thought.


Thanks to the sneak attack, Lia realized at once why they were called vicious and vengeful creatures. They never give up unless dead , and even on the brink of death tries to drag their opponent down with them.

"He's good, I think so " Lia said when she saw Dan crouch down to check on her brother.

"The mandurugo took blood from him but not much, he fainted from shock " Dan explained examining her brother's face.

Lia let out a frustrated sigh, this scene would haunt her brother for the rest of his life.

"Grab my hand, I'll teleport you both back to the house " Dan said, scooped Trevor up and threw him over his shoulder as if he weighed nothing

She didn't hesitate this time, grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes conveying her unspoken words.


She trusts him

Dan gave her a faint smile, tightened his clasp on her and did his mojo. They all disappeared, within seconds, appeared in the same room the both had fought hardly an hour ago.

Dan placed Trevor on the bed , careful not to stir him awake, he had many things at hand to settle before coming to his.

"My brother can't remember this " Lia said , a troubled look on her face. She was pacing up and down, her mind all over the place.

She whipped around, a hopeful glint in her in his eyes as she approached him. "You're a vampire with an unbelievable ability, perhaps, you might know of others like you with a mind erasing ability "

"You mean hypnosis " he corrected.

"Yes, you are right. You must know of one, right " She acknowledged, a radiant smile on her face.

Dan breathed "All vampires are naturally born with a compulsive ability thanks to our dripping and amplified sex appeal "

Lia's face lit up with excitement, what she thought difficult was now made easier for her.

"Then compel, hypnotize or do whatever you guys do, to him, I need him to forget this unpleasant incident. He should, infact must never remember this incident, he's too fragile to handle all this "

Dan waved his head sympathetically "I can't, he's being accepted "

"What?! "

Lia's ears buzzed, she probably didn't hear right. "You're kidding, right? "

But when she saw the straight look on Dan's face, she understood at once, he wasn't joking. Eventhough she didn't know Dan that much but from the little time they spent together, she understood he was a serious person. He never jokes with an important task.

" I don't understand, what has his acceptance got to do with the compulsion? moreover they told us the acceptance ceremony was to ward us from evil" She asked confused, her heart in turmoil.

"Yeah, to ward you guys from us . We are the evil, the ceremony made you guys immune to our hypnosis "

Lia felt nauseous, and weak at the knees but she clutched her fist, garnering the little strength she had left.

She looked Dan straight in the eye, blinking hard at the tears threatening to leave her eyes

"Isn't there another way? "She whispered "The man whom calls himself my father, his death devastated Trevor. Eventhough I pretended not to care about him but I saw the way he was hurting.

"Trevor sees this place as some sort of asylum, a place he could heal and make new memories, unfortunately, this place is the opposite of it. Little Town is a hive of monsters, quite hilarious that I'm one of them too... "

"You are not a monster! We are not monsters, we're just different " Dan growled at her

She laughed mirthlessly "Easy for you to say but you don't come from a human family. Humanity is kind and all but not when push comes to shoves. When that time comes, will they accept me as a daughter ? sister? friend? what's the assurance I won't end up hurting them myself?.... "

"There's a way " he interrupted, startling her. He saw the way she licked her lips nervously, watching him anticipatedly.

"The witches can erase his memories and I happen to know one but I can assure you, she won't be pleased to see me "

"Oh " Lia said, nodding her head "I'm guessing there's a story behind the dislike "

Dan saw the twinkle in her eyes and groaned, he just landed himself in the soup

"We dated , more like had a fling fifty years ago, but you should know vampires and witches are like fire and ice, we don't exactly go along. I broke up with her when things became heated and complicated but she threw a tantrum, nearly severing my head."

"OK , an angry ex-girlfriend " she breathed, maybe he using ' she won't be pleased to see him ' was an understatement.The witch would definitely roast his ass.

He released a wry smile "I'll contact her and hopefully, I'll survive today but until then, I have a mandurugo to dispose" he said and disappeared before she could say a word.

Great ! now she has to stay behind and pray Trevor doesn't wake before the witchy ex-girlfriend arrives.

Lia was about to check out the room since she didn't have the chance earlier but suddenly the door clicked and snapped open.

"Dan, you got to have.... "

Lia saw the guy who entered pause, then visibly froze upon discovering she wasn't whom he needed .

Wait, those eyes....

"You " he roared, face distorted with rage and hands pointed accusingly at her.

Before Lia could comprehend what was going on, he slammed into her, pressed her against the wall with his elbow on her neck choking her.

She coughed, struggling to breath.

What the hell is wrong with this madman.
