Chapter 303   - Three Hundred And Three: Kidnapped

Trevor and Rex were on tenterhooks, they were the only ones left behind- even the creepy Ben was found useful. He had to stay behind and take care of his brother, Rex - as well as guide the house from whoever might snoop around.

"Can you tell me what's going on with them?" Even Rex was now uncomfortable with the silence.

"They're in the middle of childbirth, Rex. I can't interrupt them by calling neither do I have powers like the others that could enable me to see what's going on" Trevor explained to his anxious brother. Oh, he was anxious too.

Suddenly, there was an earthquake.

"Rex! Get under the bed!" Trevor ordered his brother. If it was truly an earthquake, he had to be protected from falling objects.

But to his surprise, the earth's tremor stopped. What the hell was that? He had been sure it was an earthquake but Little Town has never experienced one since the beginning of its history nor do they stop this quickly.


"What was that?" Even Rex was curious.

"I have a feeling that has to do with her sister. It can't be a coincidence that she's in labor alongside the manifestation of destructive power and this happens? " he reasoned.

Trevor was worried. That tremor had been so noticeable that hunters would be flooding that scene in no time like bees attracted to honey.

Seriously, they couldn't even deliver the kids low key. It was already hard as of the moment keeping this secret and being a part of the hunter league.

He has passed all tests for level one agents and soon his initiation ceremony would be held. Trevour knew once he was in, there was no going back. In fact, he began to question why he had even joined the league in the first place because his view of them was beginning to crumble.

Trevour had thought those nasty creatures were to be exterminated from the surface of the earth. But now, having a hybrid sister who had two mates, his view on them changed-they weren't as heartless as he thought. However, they were predatory creatures - he still had to protect himself and his family.


Moreover, Trevor had a nasty senior breathing down on his neck. Chris had made it clear he disliked him and he'd showed it in more than one way. What did he even do so wrong? He hardly even knew the man.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Trevor and Rex's eyes connected, who could that be.

Picking up the gun, Trevor slowly and carefully made his way to the door. With his family gone and that strange earthquake, his nerves were in chaos and his stomach was doing some salsa dance in there.


Trevor released a breath he was holding in, it was Williams.

"Hey," He waved back at him, tactically hiding the gun in the back of his waistband.

"You look tensed," Williams observed.

"No, I'm not tensed. It's just that... that earthquake seems ominous and then, my nerves you know..." Trevor blabbered whatever came into his mind. Just hoped that Williams bought that.

"Alright," He pursed his lips, "Are you going to keep me standing here forever," Williams pointed to the fact he was still standing outside.

"Oh, sorry about that, come in," Trevor welcomed him in and closed the door.

But for Trevour to turn around, he bumped into Williams. His heart skipped a beat at their closeness. No, this had to stop, Trevor decided. He had a mate - as funny as it sounds -?and wanted to give that relationship a shot. This game with Williams had to stop now.?But just as he opened his mouth to confess the truth, Williams muttered,

"I'm sorry,"


Trevor suddenly felt a prick in his neck, what the hell? He glanced up, his eyes widened, "You... What did you do to...."

"I'm truly sorry," Williams whispered into his ear just as Trevor lost consciousness. This had to be done.

Effortlessly, Williams lifted Trevor off his feet and threw him over his shoulder as if he weighed nothing, and left.

Rex came out of his holding place, dumbfounded at what just happened. He looked down and picked up Trevor's phone that must have fallen to the ground, who was he going to call for help.

"I have him," Williams notified Chris after dumping Trevor in the backseat.

He climbed into the front seat with the hunter who nodded and threw out the cigarette he had in his mouth outside.

With a pleased smirk, Chris started his car and drive off from the Darlington residence.

"Trevor is innocent," Williams spoke out when he couldn't hold in anymore, guilt was gnawing at him. He didn't need to guess, Trevor would hate him for this.

With their history, Williams didn't trust Chris with Trevour alone, so he took up the mission of getting him out instead.

"I know Trevor, Chris. He loves his life as a hunter hence would never?hide a member of the Dark witch - he knows that and would never go against our rules,"

"I guess, we just have to confirm that, right?" Chris sneered, his eyes fixed on the road.

"But still, giving him the truth serum is a violation of his right as a human and hunter," Williams protested, "We have to think of another way. Perhaps, the power of persuasion could help." He offered, "If you let me talk to him, I could get the truth from him instead of forcing the truth out of him,"

"Williams, the council gave their orders and we've been specifically permitted to use extreme means if that ensures the success of our mission," Chris scowled at him, "Look around you, Williams. The Dark witches are becoming darker and bolder. So if there's anything Trevor knows about them, it should be out in the open,"

"Fine, remember not to hurt him or report anything to the council," Williams struck a deal with him.

"Deal," he agreed.

However, Williams didn't get to hear him mumble under his breath, " Let's hope so,"

Meanwhile, back at the house, Rex didn't know what to do. He chewed on his fingers nervously, who would he call? Trevor has been kidnapped by his friends, Lia was giving birth and mother was helping out. It was almost as if everyone deserted him.

"Where is Trevor?"

"Ahh!" Rex screamed, jumping out of his skin when that voice sounded from behind him.

He looked around and saw Electra, "I'm serious here, you shouldn't sneak up on someone like that," his hand was on his heart: It was beating so fast, he imagined it jumping out his chest.

"Where's Trevor and why's his scent all over the place?" Electra scanned the surrounding.

She heard about his father's mate being in labor and would have joined them, if she wasn't more interested in seeing her mate, Trevor. Lia had all the help she could get - her father would make sure of it. Moreover, it was not like there was something she could do there specifically.

"Trevor has been kidnapped," Rex told her.

"Kidnapped?" Electra's eyes flashed, "Who dares to…." she sniffed the air deeply, "That asshole!"

"Whoah, what are you going to do?" Rex grabbed her hand, stopping her,

"You're not planning on killing anyone, right?"

"I wish so," A chilly smile curved her lips and she stormed out with Rex calling after her.


"Trevor," His name sounded distant but he shook the dizziness out of his eyes, "Where am I?" he looked around the cabin with confusion.

"You don't need to worry about that Trevor, just answer a few questions and you're free to go," Chris told him.

"You're not getting a word out of my mouth and once I'm out of here, I'll have you reported for illegal kidnapping and interrogation," Trevor informed him.

"Don't keep your hopes high, kid. You're a suspect in this case, so I have every right to interrogate you and I don't have to worry about you opening up, I have many ways to get what I want," He said, injecting some substance into his body.

Trevour winced, this man was crazy,

"I would not say a word," He was determined.

"Not for long," Chris told him.

"W-where is Williams? You forced him into this, didn't you?" he looked around for any sign of that betrayer.

"You should thank your lover boy, he was the one who suggested this mild questioning. Else, I had so many plans for you. Now, let's begin," He took a seat and sat down facing Trevor who was bound to the chair.

"Tell me everything about your sister, Lia," He began.

Trevor wanted to shut his mouth up but he found himself spilling his guts out without hesitation.

Williams stood outside Chris's cabin, he couldn't bear to look Trevor in the eye when he awakes. If Trevor really hid the secret about the dark witches as Chris claims, then he'd be in serious trouble. However, he could work out something with Chris before it escalates - if it turns out to be true.

This was the thought Williams had in mind when he sensed a foreign presence, dodging to the side as the vampire missed him.
