Chapter 298   - Two Hundred And Ninety-eight: Size Of A Volleyball

"Huh?" Daniel was confused.

Jenny stood up and moved towards him menacingly, "I carried Lia in my womb for nine months, so anything that makes her sad makes me sad. Hence, if you, and you…" She pointed at Daniel and Asher, "Make her shed a drop of tears, I'll not hesitate to take her away forever," she warned them.

"Of course, Mrs. Jenny." Daniel promised her, "I'll treasure your daughter and protect her from danger,"

Her gaze rested on Asher, waiting expectantly for his reply.

"Yes, mother-," Asher said.

Jenny hissed, cutting him off before he could finish the rest of his words. Honestly, this was weird. This man had gone from being her daughter's principal at school to be her soul mate? Boyfriend? Whatever Lia called it. She just prayed her daughter knew what she was doing and this doesn't backfire on her.


Asher was giddy inside, he didn't need to hypnotize Lia's mother anymore. He knew Lia was hurt by her mother's disapproval of their relationship and had planned to go see the woman and try to talk some sense into her. If the woman still doesn't see things with him, he'd be forced to take action.

"So now, we're good.. " Jenny slapped her palms together, "Let's draw some boundaries here, shall we?"

Lia groaned, just when she was thinking the storm was over.

Jenny took a seat, crossing her leg over the other, giving them the eyeball to eyeball regard.

"As you can see," She started, "My daughter is quite young and I wouldn't want her to be involved in some activities that…"

At the mention of "some activities", all trio - Lia, Daniel, Asher - eyes connected in this sequence: Daniel and Asher's eyes met first but the werewolf somehow made it in time to meet Lia's before all of them stared at each other.


"You have done it, haven't you? " Jenny's voice was taut. How did she find out? she had watched the way they looked at each other and put two and two together. Moreover, she was a mother with experience, so that gesture shouldn't have been hard to decipher.

Lia slowly nodded, chewing on her lips nervously. This was time for her mother to explode.

Jenny took a long, deep calming breath, "It's okay," She kept chanting inwardly. Well, it's normal, Jenny told herself. An estimated fifty percent of male and female teens have had sexual intercourse by age eighteen, so it wasn't surprising for her daughter to follow the trend - she herself wasn't any different. Just put on a happy face, all would be well - while hoping she used protection.

However, amid the reassurances, Jenny still went ahead to ask, "Who did you do it with? Daniel? Asher? Both of them?!" It surely couldn't be all three of them!

Lia went red in the face, she scratched the back of her ear, gaze moving to rest on Daniel.

"Him?" Jenny asked.

Lia nodded.

"Phew, thank God it's not a threesome," Jenny was relieved. She didn't want her lovely daughter tainted to that degree, nor did she see the way Daniel and Asher spoke with their eyes.

That was a close one.

"You know what?" Jenny had a throbbing headache, " We should head home," she said to Lia.

Her blood pressure kept increasing the more she stayed here, discovering her daughter wasn't the angel she thought.

In fact, none of her kids were -including that damned late husband of hers. After discovering a gun in Trevor's room, Jenny opened her mind for more shocking revelations. Seriously, how could everyone be so normal with this craziness?

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Jenny but we need Lia -"

"I'm sure Lia has missed you already and would love to return home with you," Asher interrupted Daniel. Their eyes met and he shook his head tactically, gesturing to him not to press the woman.

"Of course," Daniel picked up at once, covering up with a sheepish smile,

"You should spend more time with your daughter since you both have been apart for days,"

And that was how Lia found herself being driven home by her mother. Contrary to her thoughts, the ride home wasn't tense; she and her mom cracked jokes and sang along to some songs on the radio. By the time they got home, Trevor had returned plus receiving a warm reception from Ben.

"What are you still doing here? Don't you have a home to return, it'd be evening soon," Jenny checked her wristwatch as she spoke

"I'm spending the night here," Ben announced joyfully.

Jenny's brow shot up at that announcement, she looked between her daughter and Ben.

"Make yourself comfortable at Trevor's room, don't make me drag your ass out of Lia's," was her threat.

"What?" Ben's face fell, why the sudden change? He had a lot to discuss with his goddess at night regarding that journal.

"Why Mrs. Jenny?" he complained, "You've always been cool about me staying in her room, why are you suddenly breaking my heart?" Ben clasped his chest dramatically, pouting his lips and fluttering his eyebrows.

"She," Jenny pointed at her daughter, "Currently has two loves of her life, I'm not comfortable with another," she grumbled.

Lia facepalmed, "It doesn't work that way, mom"

"I don't care, Lia. I'm just taking precautions and being proactive here. Also, Ben, that puppy face doesn't work on me" she crushed his hope and went ahead to her room to change out of the clothes.

And yes, the moment her mother left, Ben bugged her for gossip until she spat out everything - including the markings. Yeah, she blatantly disobeyed Asher's warning but Ben has a master's degree in drawing the truth out of someone's lips. Moreover, she trusted he would keep her secret.

Jenny returned and to celebrate her daughter's return and the family's reconciliation - she apologized to them all for her irresponsible behavior the past days - cooked quite a feast.

It was at that table that Lia feared everyone by eating ten times more than them all. But what could she do? She was crazily hungry - yet threw up almost half of it later in the toilet.

Soon it was late and everyone went to bed, with Ben sleeping in her brother's room - as strictly instructed by her mother. However, Lia found out she couldn't sleep, one moment she was hot to the point she pulled off her clothes and took a freezing shower.

However, the next minute, Lia was so cold that she ransacked her wardrobe for thick sheets, burying herself in piles of it on the bed. Added to the fact she kept craving for God knows what and she went downstairs to grab two pints of Icecream Jenny had kept in the fridge, finishing them and searching for more. It was quite a crazy and stressful night that she was surprised to find out she slept off eventually.

In the morning, Lia woke up shockingly heavy and tired. She yawned and tried to stretch but found out she couldn't - Gosh, her back ached badly.

Out of curiosity, Lia took off the numerous sheets covering her and looked down. To her shocking discovery, her stomach was the size of a volleyball.

