Chapter 294   - Two Hundred And Ninety-four: Beginning Of A War

"What do you mean by the messiah?" Eleanor asked, confused by the whole happenings.

"Islinda mentioned it; that should be the object for her revenge,"

"You have the idea what is coming," The Dark witch suddenly said, drawing their attention, "A war is coming and she would lead us to victory,"

"I'm guessing she's talking about the messiah... " Dixie said, breath sharp.

"Who is a she," Kun completed, "She's given us slightly helpful information, we have a specific gender to track down,"

"Your efforts are useless," the witch cackled, " It's too late, you're too late!" her evil laugh reverberated across the room.


Selene complained, "Can someone shut her up she's beginning to irritate me,"

"Gladly," Vashti muttered with a dark smirk, gesturing some odd signs that made the dark witch instantly explode; spurting blood and flesh everywhere.

"Seriously," Selene was vexed, "I said shut her up, not tear her apart," She grumbled, wiping off the disgusting mess from her body with a spell.

"I wanted no blood on me," Dixie complained, wiping herself.

"I did your job, you're welcome by the way," Vashti retorted emotionlessly.

"You just killed the source of finding more about this messiah," Ian pointed out.


"I respect your seriousness in the wellbeing of this council lately but you heard the witch, dumbhead, it is too late. The only thing we can do now is being reactive," She defended her action.

"I have a feeling this has some connection with what that young seer saw," Kun brought up the case.

"Oh, now, she's telling the truth?" Selene ridiculed them. None has believed her when one of her seers brought that up and now, they do.

"I need that seer, there must be a reason why she was the only one who received that prophesy,"

"None of my business, do whatever you want, you can't say I didn't warn you," Selene was unconcerned.

"This is all of our business, Selene. Islinda is coming for all of us and who knows what she has prepared - the extinction of us all, might I say?" Eleanor reminded her.

"Maybe we shouldn't have killed her in the first place," Ian told them.

A guilty look appeared on all of their faces, recalling what they did to one of their own.

Islinda has been the previous Head of North America, the position Selene now occupied.Before the purge, altercations between the dark witches and the normal witches were so severe that it was obvious that both ends would go to war.

All witches get their powers from the same source of magic but different techniques and patterns. The Dark witches made use of forbidden spells, sometimes demonic hence their affiliation with demonic creatures which was against the rules of the witches' community.

Islinda offered herself up as a mediator for both sides. But then, in the process of relating and learning about them to come up with a solution before it escalates into a full wages war, she began to sympathize with them and in time, began their practices and tried convincing the others to see reasons with those abominators.

Islinda lured half of the organization, tainting those innocent souls which left the rest of the Heads with no choice but for them to end her with the rest of those dark witches. The Purge had been a huge war but not as fierce as the Great War, though calamities befall those who aided the dark side.

But then, it seems they were wrong in her death: the few surviving devoted members must have somehow gathered her bones, used one of those ancient practices, and raised her back to life.

"There's no benefit in crying over spilled milk. Let's get our asses moving," Vashti pep said to them in her own way.

"Send instructions to your overlords; let them make use of the hunters, it's time to use an aggressive approach against the dark witches and Burning Eaglet." Kun ordered.

"I would have the girl summoned over," Selene said to him, "It's a date,"

"Alright," Kun appreciated.

"The rest of us would make ourselves useful by finding more clues on this messiah instead of going about exploding bodies," Dixie said pointedly, eyes glued on Vashti. Everyone knew she was a clean freak yet she went ahead to cause blood to spray on her.

Vashti rolled her eyes, taking her leave. One by one, they all left till it was just Selene and Ian.

They both sat across from each other, a creepy smile stretching both of their lips.

"Think they bought our acts," Selene leaned forward on the long table separating both of them.

"Why wouldn't they?" Ian replied, "They're so conceited that it wouldn't even cross their mind that two of their Heads had been eliminated already," He laughed.

True to their words, this present Selene and Ian were not the original possessors of the body; the real Selene and Ian had already been killed.

"But don't you think Her Ladyship made a hasty move this time? We may have bound the girl to our cause but we don't know whether it worked"

Months ago, they had acquired the girl's hair - a mission acolyte Emily died for - and bounded it with Her Ladyship's. Their cause would be her cause.

"Our Ladyship doesn't have much time, besides the girl has started having the dreams,"


Lia walked into the room with a fluorescent source of light and mist covering the ground like some stage effect. She had a sexy confident gait as everyone bowed their face to the earth.

The sight was mesmerizing, people in red robes with hoods that had an eagle in a ring of fire sewed on their back, lined from the entrance to the point where the platform ended on both sides of the place.

The only person who wasn't bowing was Islinda aka Her Ladyship who stood beside the intricate vintage throne, watching the girl strutt over with approval and a?joyful glint in her eyes.

"Come, my child," She stretched her hand for Lia to take, helping her climb the last of the stairs," This is the time for you to take your throne, we have been waiting long for you, my queen" she bowed this time.

Lia didn't say a word, took the hand Islinda gave, and was led to the throne where she took a seat, crossing her leg over the other with a devil may care attitude.

A look at her and one could notice how black her eyes were that one couldn't differentiate the iris from the sclera. One might say, she looked like a demon.

Islinda smiled at the scene playing out, that was just the girl's spirit summoned to take her rightful spot as the Queen.?It was not a necessity for her to be physically present - the spiritual world has always been stronger than the physical world. But when the time comes, the cause for which she had been called, would be fulfilled.

"It is done," her Ladyship mumbled to herself. The liberation of her people has been set in motion and now she can die peacefully.


Daniel woke up with a smile on his face, remembering the events of yesterday - Lia was finally his. He could smell his scent on her, he had marked her already so she was off the market for all males - he couldn't say the same for Asher.

It was obvious that they needed to talk about this. He has marked Lia but she has not rejected Asher yet which still made him her mate - he couldn't tell how he felt about that. However, Daniel was most happy that the link between him and Asher had severed.

Lia was naked under the sheet and asleep, a lewd smile curved his lips as his hands went to her breast, cupping it.

He heard her breath change yet didn't give up, his hand boldly traveled below and began to touch her there. Her body reacted, sleep leaving her eye.

"Daniel," She moaned his name, receiving the pleasure he was giving her.

Unlike last night, Daniel loved her slowly and passionately this time. There was no interference from Asher, which made him take his time in pleasuring her till she was screaming cries of agony.

"I love you, Lia," Daniel confessed to her after their moment of passion.

"I love you too, Daniel," She accepted his feelings.

Their lips met, clinging to each other and it was in this moment of Daniel kissing down her throat that his eyes fell on something.

"Oh my God," He pulled back at once, shocked.

"What is it?" Lia was surprised by the sudden change in his attitude.

"You have something on your back," He muttered as Lia stretched her neck to get a glimpse of what he's talking about.

"I don't see-"

"Here," Daniel quickly took his phone from the nightstand, put on the camera, and flash, taking a picture of her back.

Lia's brow furrowed together in confusion, taking in the picture. There were some strange markings on her back that reached from her waist to a part of her neck. It would have been a really cool tattoo if she knew how that came about and what it signified.

"What do you think this is?" she asked Daniel, worried.

"I don't know but Asher might,"
