Chapter 289   - Two Hundred And Eighty-nine: Who Are You ?

When Ben awoke, Devon's side of the bed was empty. Where had she gone? Well, what was he expecting? That should wake him up with a kiss? They just had casual sex and God! It felt so good - though, he just lost his vanity.

Ben chuckled to himself, still caught up in the euphoria. So this is what it feels like? Oh God, he would like to feel that - for scientific purposes Of course.

He needs to know why his heart didn't beat so fast the first time he met Devon yet reverberated so loudly when they kissed and got into the act?- forget the science bullshit. But why must he feel that way? Well, he wasn't so sure that Devon would be up for that experiment once again.

Suddenly, his doorknob twitched interrupting his wayward thoughts - someone was at the door, probably the housekeeper.

"Good morning," He said upon opening the door, " I bet you had a pleasant night,"

"Of course," She replied joyfully - someone seems extra happy today.


"The look on your face tells me you enjoyed it too,"

Oh, he did.


"Alright Ben, you might have to come down for something," she boomed a smile at him.

Something was fishy, he sensed.

"Why? What is it? " He asked.


"Come down and find out yourself," She flashed that suspicious smile once more, departing.

Well, guess a surprise was waiting for him and he loves surprises - Good surprises.

With great anticipation, Ben went into the bathroom and showered quicker than he had ever done in his lifetime.

"What's the surprise?" he sang as he dressed up, finally running down the length of the stairs and got to the living room.

The first thing he noticed was a woman's back; a woman with dark bone-straight hair, unlike the curly ones he inherited from his father.

He went further into the living room, his eyes widening upon recognizing the figure on the couch, cross-legged and going through a magazine.


His jaw dropped.

Ben couldn't tell if this was good news or a bad one

"Benny," The woman took her eyes away from the magazine and got to her feet, walking towards him with excitement.

"Oh my beautiful wonderful son," She began to shower kisses on his face; eyes, top it his nose, cheeks, and forehead. Gosh, this was embarrassing - Thankfully, no one was here to watch.

"Mom, what are you doing here," Ben finally breathed when she pulled away.

"Is that the way you welcome your mother?" she asked with hands on her hips.

With a sigh, Ben wrapped his arms around her, giving her a bear hug.

"Mmm, that's more like that," She?felt him, " You've grown so tall in just a short time!" She exclaimed.

Ben grimaced, " Three years isn't exactly a short time,"

"Oh dear, sorry about that," she said examining his face, "?It's just that-"

"Yeah, the company. I understand," He nodded. The company was more important than him.

"But on the bright side, we chatted regularly, right?"

"Yes, the uncountable missed video calls," He reminded her sarcastically.

"Ben," She gave him her signature pity look.

"I understand mom, you don't need to feel bad. On the bright side, you leaving me turned me into a man. Over the years, I have made decisions for myself and taken responsibilities for them...." except having unprotected sex with a witch hybrid. Oh boy.

"Ben, is anything the matter?" She sensed the sudden change in her son's countenance.

"Of course not," Ben gave out a fake smile. What was the possibility that her mother would accept a witchy, vampiric, medium grandchild? She hardly remembered he existed, not to talk of throwing in extra burden.

"Where's the housekeeper?" She looked around, searching for her, " I need to have breakfast with my son, it's such a rare occasion," continued her mumble, going down the direction of the kitchen.

The moment she was out of sight, Ben whipped out his phone, planning to call Devon when he realized he didn't have her cellphone.

Good going Ben, you had sex with a girl you don't even have get number. Damn it, why was the universe against him today?

Ben called Lia but her phone rang on without an answer. Seriously, When he needed her the most!

He contemplated calling Dan but that vampire would interrogate him for sure - he didn't want a soul to know about this, yet.

He should have thought of protection before he started that but when Devon kissed him, his brain went down the drain. No wonder women were the downfall of men. Just touch and he succumbed to desire.


"Huh! Mom?" he immediately stuffed the phone into the pocket of his pants.

"Come to the dining," She issued a command.

"Sure," He followed after her to the dining where mouth-watering dishes were awaiting them already. She must have informed the housekeeper of her return on time.

"Sit, dig in,"?She gestured to him.

Ben stared at her suspiciously, why was his mother extra caring today and why did she even come here in the first place? He was already used to her, no, their absence.

"Where's dad? I don't see him around or is he occupied with his business as usual?" he said pointedly.

If his mother was preoccupied with the business, then his father's preoccupation would be named an obsession.

"Your father is on your way here...." she dropped her spoon, checking her ridiculously expensive wristwatch - there were only three of those in the entire world. " Soon. He should be here, soon," she complimented.

"Alright,"?Ben pursed his lips, continuing his meal and occasionally stealing glances at his mother.

She hardly aged, no wrinkle on her face- had regular spa treatments, probably. His beautiful determined mother was still the same; her elegancy, while she is, couldn't be matched.

"Why don't you stop staring and ask what's on your mind?" she caught him.

" Why are you, mom?"

" To see my wonderful son and did I forget to add that I heard?the goodwill you did to the society,"

Ben glanced up.

"Heard you were some sort of hero, " she chuckled.

He scratched the back of his head, she heard that too?

"Yep, sort of happened?"

" Yeah, quite a heroic deed standing up to that psychopathic killer, which means this town isn't safe anymore," she pointed out.

Ben's expression changed, the hand holding the knife he used in cutting the chicken paused as once. The temperature in the room dropped, he already had an idea where this discussion was heading to.

"So?" his brow arched questioningly.

His mother took a sip from her champagne flute, settling it down on the table soundlessly

"You need to move out, Ben,"

For ten minutes, there was absolute silence until Ben burst into laughter.

"Was that a joke? You're so good at it"

"That wasn't a joke Benny. I was damn serious. This town clearly isn't safe anymore and as the future heir, we need to keep you safe," she said.

Oh, right, the future heir

At once, Ben pushed back his seat with a screech, shooting up to his feet.

"When you're done joking, you can leave," He spat.

"Ben Alcantara, is this how you speak to your mom, now?" She stood up too with a shocked expression.

" Oh, sorry," He said mockingly, " You didn't notice the change in my character because you were what? Busy with the company?"

She pointed to her chest, " Your father and I work off our asses?every day to give you a better life!"

"Well, sorry, but I need my parents, not the money. Moreover, the resources you've garnered already, even my third-generation wouldn't be able to exhaust it!"?He cried out.

" You're leaving Ben and that's final!" She ordered.

"No way, you can't just burst into my life out of nowhere and make drastic changes for me. I have friends - he was tempted to add lover -?and people that I have connected with the years and been there for me than you ever were. You can't just expect me to unroot them - they're family, "He argued with a valid point.

" Ben, I heard about the bullying, " she brought up.

" That was months ago not now. You've seen it yourself, right now, everyone adores me, " He defended.

" Ben, those are not your family neither is their life worth yours - you're everything we have and your father and I can't afford to lose you,"

" I can protect myself, "Ben declared.

" Yeah, show me, " She mocked.

Ben curled his fist, his mother would think he was crazy if he told her he could see and interact with ghosts. Moreover, there wasn't any ghost here to possess him neither was he keen on summoning one-?the last one didn't leave kindly

"I'm not leaving!" He simply insisted.

"Ben, you have until the end of this semester to wrap everything up. Say goodbye to those little friends," she said, refusing to put his opinion into consideration. If only she knew those little friends could snuff out her life effortlessly.

"Suit yourself! "?He hissed and began to make his way to the entrance door.

"What are you doing?! "

"Getting out of your hair!" He screamed back.

But just as he opened the door, lo and there was his Fath….

Ben took a step back.

"Ben, boy, how are you doing?" There was a glint in the so-called father's orbs.

"Who are you?" Ben asked that odd question. Why was the same aura surrounding ghosts also encompassing his father?

