Chapter 284   - Two Hundred And Eighty-four: Goodbye Alexa

There was joy in Little Town.

Alexa's killer had been found at last - thanks to Ben.

"I don't know, but it must have been the fact that I've always been snooping around since Alexa's death, somehow triggered the killer into kidnapping me," answered Ben.

If there was anything Ben learned today, it was the fact that the council had much more power than he thought. They had covered every source of supernatural tampering, repairing the thatched roof that was destroyed by Lia - though they were still giving them questioning looks about that- reattached Eric's severed head to his body before the local police could arrive.

According to the new speech they gave him," Eric was killed in the hands of his own trap he had unintentionally set off while giving chase to him after he-Ben- escaped,"

Clearly, the boy - Eric- had no shortage of traps either which covered up the loops in the story.


"So you're trying to say Eric thought you were catching on to him and decided on eliminating you before he gets busted?" The police interrogated him.


"Why were you snooping around in the first place? Why did you choose to investigate this case when the police were doing their job?" Questioned another police officer, sitting beside his partner.

Yeah, obviously doing your job, Ben sassed in his head. If it wasn't for the timely intervention of his supernatural allies, his body would be dumped in some location where it would be termed a crime scene, by now.

"Because I wanted to clear my goddess name?" was his answer.




Both men were confused.

"She's Lia, a special someone to me. Caroline had always accused her of murdering Alexa since both had never been friends plus the fact her disappearance that day Alexa was kidnapped, was doubtable. So I vied to clear her name because I knew who she was, what she could do and couldn't" narrated Ben.

"Did Eric ever tell you the reason he killed Alexa? We investigated both and can't establish any relationship connecting both, to have brought on such a deadly outcome? It's a dead end.

"They never dated nor did both attend the same school and until this very semester did Eric enroll in the school. His reasons? unknown. Though we found out from Eric's phone that he searched up Alexa on her various social media platform and came to a conclusion that he might have stalked her on several occasions without her noticing hence his expertise in taking her away without leaving a trace that day, "

"I don't know," Ben scratched the side of his face. He wasn't going to tell them that Eric was keen on hunting down supernatural, hence using his unlucky victim as a private Wikipedia - but he could come up with a convincing lie.

"But there was something," Ben added, attracting their eager attention.

"What is it?" they inched forward, anxious to know what Ben had to confess.

"During my miserable stay with Eric, he mentioned his strong disgust for cliques, stating how they claim to be more superior than every other nobody. I suspected that Caroline was his next target considering how he hung around her - everyone could attest to that. He probably was conjuring a smart plan where he could murder Caroline without getting implicated, " Ben lied through his teeth.

If anyone had a problem with that, suck it up.

Both policemen stared at each other before whispering something Ben could not catch, nodding and said,

"Alright, that's enough. You're free to go now," they all stood to their feet.

One of the policeman came over to him, placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezing slightly, and said, "Son, you did us proud today"

Ben gave out a wry smile, he was not used to this kind of friendly attention. The looks people normally gave him were odd, sometimes disgusted ones - he was the eerie kid.

But right now, they were looking at him as if he were their hero. Well, he'd better get used to this- as long as it lasts. Who knows when they would start giving him the odd looks, again.

As soon as Ben made it out of the interrogation room, someone threw herself on him - turns out to be Alexa's mother. Well, this was an overload of praises, he hadn't even done much - aside from getting himself kidnapped.

"Thank you… thank you so much," the woman showered his face with kisses when she withdrew from the hug, overwhelming the poor Ben.

"Thank you for giving my daughter the justice she deserves," the woman broke down in tears on his body.

"It's nothing," Ben placed his hand on the woman's back, rubbing it soothingly. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Alexa materialize in the station, weeping also.

"Thank you so much," She finally withdrew, wiping away the tears with the back of her hand.

"Thank you, son," Her father also shook his arm firmly with a smile of gratitude, followed by the younger sister who hugged him as their mother did.

Well, Ben turned into a local hero and celebrity - why couldn't that damn Council take all the glory than leaving all for him - unless they weren't bothered with that. Hmm, it wouldn't hurt to be a council member.

Ben gulped when Caroline stepped forward, with her head lowered while biting on her lips.

"I'm sorry," she finally apologized, "For the false accusations I laid on you and Lia plus every bad thing I ever did to the both of you,"

Ben was so stunned by the sudden turn of events that his mouth hung open out of shock. The evil witch was apologizing? Has the world come to an end?

"And thank you for finding justice for Alexa. I still can't believe it's Eric all this time and I've been rolling in bed with…." Tears couldn't let her continue, Caroline shielded her face with her palms, her shoulder shaking with the sobs.

She hugged Ben who reciprocated the gesture - the possessed Ben. Alexa had taken charge of his body that moment. But this time, Ben felt something was different. Though Alexa was controlling his body, he was clearly aware of what was going on. How was that possible? Has this new change got to do with the kind of ghost possessing him or their intent while doing so? He couldn't tell.

Well, this scene was going to be a memorable one.

So after the hugging episode that lasted for nearly two hours - Alexa's family weren't the only people in need of his body. His body was now selling like hotcakes. Being a celebrity was exhilarating at first, but not when some perverted minds took the opportunity to touch some other discreet places.

First, ghosts assault his body, now humans too. Come and take back your glory, you damn councils - Ben flips the table mentally. He would rather remain the weird, wacky Ben who gets to spend time with his goddess than running from his new touch freely fans.

"Thank you," Alexa said to him after she emerged from his body and he found a hidden place away from those crazy fans.

"So you're leaving now, huh?" Ben couldn't help but feel teary-eyed. Alexa had been the only ghost keeping him company all this while and might have gotten used to her presence a little - well, a lot?

"Yes, I need to leave. The only motive binding me to this earth has been fulfilled," She answered.

"Okay," Ben looked down, unnecessarily keeping himself busy by kicking the little stones in his path away.

"Why do you ask? Are you going to miss me?" she pouted.

Ben snorted, "Miss my butt!" yet he went red in the face, "I wouldn't miss a thing... " He trailed off when the girl took an abrupt step towards him.

"What are you doing?" Ben gulped, taking a step back.

"What do you think I'm doing?" She continuously forced him into moving backward as she neared him.

"In case you've forgotten young lady, you're a ghost. So whatever dirty plan you have in mind would never work," Ben reminded her boldly, halting his movement.

He said it, ever since she regained her memories, the bad thoughts came along too. Now, he had to protect himself from whatever evil agenda she had in mind. What the hell was he talking about? This was a ghost who couldn't even touch him, what could she possibly do?

"Really?"?her eyes twinkled.

" Yes, and as a matter of fact, you -"

Holy mother fucker.

Ben stood still as a statue when cold lips pressed against his, what the hell. He could feel the texture of her rigor lips - she was dead.

It was a brief, almost chaste kiss, but it greatly impacted Ben. How was this possible?

"I'll forget about everything once I move over to the other side, so keep on to this memory," she told him after breaking the kiss.

"Wait, how did you manage to -"

However, Alexa had already disintegrated into nothing before he could get his question answered.

And he had a feeling, she did it on purpose.
