Chapter 28   - Twenty - Eight : What Did You Do To My Brother?

Lia had never felt more alive than now, she just felt like she could do anything in the world.

She slowly awoke from her sleep with a confused expression, the last thing she remembered was making out with her tall, dark and handsome kidnapper. Which clearly wasn't the case cause she was lieing in her own bed, clearly not the kidnapper's den. What the hell was going on?

She picked her phone from the bedside table, checked the time, it was mid-afternoon. Ah ! She remembered, everything started in the morning with Trevor.

"Ouch!" Lia cried out from pain when she tried looking at the sky from her window. The sun hurt her eyes so badly she had to look away. What the hell!

She was disturbed, a lot. Something weird was going on with this town and no matter how hard she tried to deny it, she seem to be involved too. There was no way she could remember a dream this vividly, it felt real.

Her stomach did a bad flip while her heart hammered against her chest, she could still remember him, aye, his eye. Those eyes that looked as if they could see into the depth of her soul and his scent, it was like cinnamon with a hint of lavender, just smelt heavenly.


She suddenly frowned, She wasn't a nerd neither did she have an IQ of over 180 but she wasn't stupid enough not to notice that there was something going on.Somebody wanted her to think she was crazy, if not that , how can she explain her sudden disappearance and kidnapping. It was real, she could feel it in her bones.

There was no way she was feeling an attraction for someone from her dream. As much as a dream seems a plausible excuse to explain how she was there without her family noticing but she had seen things. That guy had done something with his hands, *telekinesis , she thought so.

If he was her kidnapper and really did those things with his hands as she had seen, he probably had someone who could take her in and out of her room without anyone aka her family noticing. She wasn't going crazy, it wasn't a dream, he wasn't a dream.

Just as she was battling her inner demons, a knock sounded on her door.

"Hey, open up. You can't stay up in your room all day just because I said those words to you"

Lia raised a brow " Trevor? " Why was he here? wasn't he the one ranting on and on about her staying five meters away from him just because she spent a night with him, no scratch that, that sounds ambiguous, just because she slept in his room. Well, what did he want now?


"Hey" Trevor said immediately she opened the door " Can I come in? "

"Just because you're asking nicely " Lia replied and let him in . She closed her door and walked inside, making sure to give him as much as five meters space.

"Why are you standing there? " Trevor asked confusedly.

Her brows shot up provocatively at his comment, what game was he playing this time? wasn't he the one who suggested the five meters away idea?

"I'm giving you the space you wanted " Came her reply.

Trevor wanted to say something but the words got stuck in his throat when he saw her defensive body language. She was ready for a fight if he was. He sighed and threw his hands up in the air.

"OK, I'm sorry "

"Excuse me? "

Lia blinked, not sure she was hearing right. Did her brother just apologize? not just that, did he just give up without a fight.

"You sure you're my brother? cause the brother I know would never say these words on his own accord " she asked in disbelief, poking Trevor in the chest .

"I am your brother " he said and caught her hand " And I've realized I have been a jerk to you since that incident "

Lia looked away, she didn't like anyone bringing up that day. The very first day her so called father laid a finger on her. She tried explaining to him, she didn't mean to push Trevor off that window but he didn't want to listen. She touched his favorite child.

She could still remember how much it hurt, the slaps , the kicks and the locking up. He locked her up in the storage room that night with no meal, no matter how much she cried for forgiveness and apologized. He didn't listen. well, he never listened to her anyway.

"So, what's the whole point of bringing this up? " she asked, blinking away the tears that threatened to fall off her eyes.

"Dad didn't do it right, he shouldn't have played favouritism and it was my fault for going head-on with you when you just wanted someone to vent your frustration on "

She laughed "What in the world are you talking about?"

Trevor took a deep breath and stared her straight in the eyes " Dad hurt you and it was my fault . I selfishly took our father's love all to myself and failed in the duty of protecting my sister." He breathed and continued

" So for that, I, Trevor, swear to protect my sister all the days of my life , to love and cherish her till death do us apart " Trevor said seriously giving her the three-finger salute, made with his right hand, palm face out, his thumb holding down the little finger, and with the fingertips on the brow of his head.

Lia sighed, scratching her scalp, he was indeed serious. Well, it wasn't too bad to amuse him. Who knows before the end of the night, they might go back to bickering with each other "Fine, treaty then " She agreed returning the salute sign.

He smiled, before Lia could comprehend what was going on, he embraced her. Tightly.

"okie, I can't breathe " She complained when she started feeling lightheaded. He let go with a sheepish smile on his face, she stared at him flabbergasted.

"Now, who are you and what did you do to my brother? "

Trevor laughed " I'm your brother, just a new version of him . I'm heading down to prepare for school tomorrow. "

"oh right " She remembered. They were finally starting school tomorrow since their transfer documents has been taken care of.

"So, I'll be downstairs " he said heading to the door " And by the way, nice contact but I'm sure mom won't be a fan of it " He added, pointed to her eyes and left.

Lia frowned, contacts? She doesn't wear contact lens, She wanted to refute but Trevor had already left. So, she walked to the mirror to check out what Trevor was talking about and got the shock of her life.

Her cerulean blue eyes was gone replaced by a striking magenta colour. She gulped nervously, this was no contact lens .


*Telekinesis : having an?ability to?move objects, or to make them?change shape , using only the?power of the mind.
