Chapter 287: 164  

Heaven went to see general Kian as soon as she left her father. General Kian was busy planning the war and was having a discussion with other men when she found him. In the middle of his speech, he took notice of her and excused himself to come and see her. He approached her with a big smile.

"Your Highness, I am glad to see you." He really seemed happy to see her.

"Thank you. How have you been?" she asked.

"I am better now that you are here, Your Highness," he said.

Heaven got the impression that he liked her. She hoped not, because she liked him very much. Despite his young age, he acted maturely and was forward-thinking. He was also supportive of her and she didn't want to lose him as a good man by her side because of unreturned feelings.

"You are very kind." She smiled.


"I hope you are not forcing yourself to be here. You still look unwell," he told her with concern.

"I am fine," she said, but just then she felt a little dizziness and nausea.

General Kian was quick to notice. He grabbed a chair and told her to sit down.

Heaven sat down carefully. What was happening to her? She had just been fine.

"Your Highness. I know you want to help and I know you want to become a general. I am sure you will succeed one day but you need to take care of your health first."

Heaven gave him a reassuring smile. "Being in my room all the time just makes me feel sicker. I want to do something to feel better," she told him.


He looked at her for a long while, then nodded.

"Alright. I am curious to see what you come up with," he said.

He showed her a map of the battlefield with his plans sketched on it. "What do you think?" he asked.

Oh, Heaven loved him. None of the other generals och commanders would ever ask for her opinion about war or anything.

Heaven took a closer look at the map and he explained to her what he meant with the different sketches and gave her more details about his plan. She wasn't an expert, but from what she saw and understood, it was a good plan. Except there were a few things that she found concerning.

She didn't know how to point it out without offending him, so she decided to make it a question instead.

"The archers that are hiding here, how will they shoot their arrows?"

He nodded knowingly. "I know. This part needs more work. To shoot arrows from this long distance won't be effective, but this is the only place they can hide. Maybe they can hide here until the army arrives and then run out and attack."

He looked at her, curious about her opinion.

Heaven was thoughtful, but she couldn't come up with a good answer yet. "I am not sure. I need to think about it."

General Kian stood up and went to his desk. He opened a drawer and took out another map. He handed it to her.

"Here. You can sketch here if you come up with something," he said.

She took the map from him, "thank you. I don't know if His Majesty told you yet but I'll be participating in the war."

General Kian frowned, "His Majesty told me but if I may step out of line, you don't look alright Your Highness."

Heaven wanted to curse. Her appearance was making things difficult for her. "I am recovering fast. I will be fine when it is time to leave."

He nodded, "I hope so."

When she left the room, she heard a few soldiers speaking behind her back. "General Kian. We can't have a woman follow us to war. It is a bad omen," she heard someone say.

She stopped to listen.

"Here," General Kian spoke. He probably handed the soldier something. "She will come back with a plan. If you come up with a better plan than hers, then she won't come with us."

"But general..."

"End of discussion!" General Kian said in an authoritative voice. She had never heard him speak like that before. He sounded intimidating, and she could imagine the soldier bowing and retreating.

"Now Heaven would have to come up with a good plan to participate in the war and she didn't want to disappoint General Kian, who believed in her."

Determined, she went back to her room, ready to go through her books and notes of everything she had learned and create a plan. She would also have to eat and make sure she looked better before leaving for war.

When she came back to her room, she found Gina sitting on her bed and waiting for her.

"Oh Gina. I am glad you are here. I might need your help," Heaven said.

"What does the future Queen need?" said her friend, standing up.

Heaven went to the table and opened the map. "I need to plan a war."

"I know nothing about planning a war," Gina said.

"I know. I'll do the planning. I just need fresh eyes to go through it once I am done and a different perspective. You might see things I don't."


"And you can help me find information."

Heaven brought all of her books and placed them on the table. Gina's eyes widened.

"Did you read all of these?" she asked.

"Almost," Heaven replied.

Gina and Heaven sat down and began to read about different war strategies.

"I want to tell you something," Gina suddenly spoke still looking down at the book in her hands. "I went to Zamiel's home today."

Heaven looked up from her papers.

"Zarin was on his way to apologize to Zamiel so I went with him."

Heaven blinked in disbelief.

"Zarin went to apologize to Zamiel?!"

Gina nodded. "He said he would come here to apologize to you after that. He is still not here."

Oh, no! Did they get into a fight? Zamiel wasn't the type to get easily angry, but anything could have happened.

She sighed. She had a war to plan. She couldn't worry about grown-up men. If Zarin got some beating, he deserved it.

"Are you worried that something happened to him?" Heaven asked.

Gina opened her mouth to say something when her head turned to the door. "Did you hear that?"

Heaven strained her ears. Someone was in her garden. Both went to look, and what she saw was something she never expected to see. Zamiel, Zarin and Ilyas together. This was the second time she was surprised within a day and then Zarin surprised her a third time with his apology.

Heaven had expected to beat him up the day he apologized for all the hurt he caused her, but his apology was so sincere she forgot about the beating. And she liked the idea of their children being best friends. It brought a smile to her face. She was also happy that the three men seemed to get along now.

Heaven invited them into her room and wrinkled her nose when they walked by. They smelled of beer, sweat, and blood.

Zamiel walked steadily, but Ilyas and Zarin had a hard time keeping their balance. Gina crossed her arms over her chest and glared at her brother. She shook her head at him as he sat down on the sofa. Ilyas stood at the door to her garden and breathed in the fresh air. He was trying to sober up. Heaven had never seen him like that before.

"What happened?" she asked Zamiel.

"We decided to have some fun, and it got a little out of hand," he explained. "They will be fine soon," he said turning back to look at Zarin, who had already passed out on the sofa.

"Or not."

Gina was about to wake him up with a kick, but Heaven told her to stop. "Let him rest."

She then turned back to Zamiel. "I need to go back to work. I have to plan a war and participate."

He nodded. "Can I be of any help?"

Heaven looked at him. He was only a distraction. "I am sure you can."

They went and sat at the table again. Ilyas joined them soon. "Are you feeling better?" Heaven asked him.

"Yes, My Lady."

Gina looked up from her book and studied him in silence before speaking, "You are…?"

Ilyas stood up and Heaven felt him wobble a little. He was still not sober yet. "I apologize for not introducing myself. My name is Ilyas. I serve Lady Heaven. You must be her friend, Gina," he said.

Gina nodded, but looked suspiciously at him. She leaned over the table, closer to Heaven. "When did you find yourself a demon servant?"

"It is a long story," was all Heaven said.

Gina turned back to Ilyas again as he sat down. "How old are you?"

"A little over a hundred years, My Lady."

Suddenly she grabbed his wrist and turned his hand so she could see his palm. Heaven was surprised by the sudden action.

"You are a demon slayer," she said accusingly. "And don't deny it. I know because my father is one."

Ilyas looked at her, confused. "Yes. I. Am."

"Who do you work for?"

"Gina, please stop." Heaven gave her a look that Zamiel was also there.

"Yes, right," she said, releasing his hand.

Heaven could understand that after everything that happened, her friend was being a little more protective.

Ilyas looked at his hand, probably wondering how Gina was able to tell. Heaven could see nothing different about his hands.

"Alright. Let's go back to work now." Heaven said.
