Chapter 270: 147  

Zamiel took Euphorion and Zarin with him to work. They were sitting with him and a few old men and watched him in silence while doing his business. Zarin realized that these old men, despite pretending to be nice, envied him. They coveted his wealth and skills, but despite knowing that, Zamiel showed no hints of being aware of their thoughts.

When they were done negotiating, the men invited them to stay and offered to treat them with food, drinks and women. Zamiel politely declined, and they left the place.

The way Zamiel went on to live his daily life as if nothing was wrong, confused Zarin. Did he not worry about Heaven? He said he would bring her back, but he wasn't planning anything.

When Zarin had visited Heaven's parents, it seemed like Zamiel had told them he was bringing their daughter back. Hazel had told him that Heaven would be back soon. What exactly was his plan? If he had any?

Zamiel took them to meet his workers. He spoke to them in a different manner than he spoke to the men he was negotiating with. With the people working for him, he seemed more approachable, and Zarin could see that his workers genuinely respected him.

He was reminded of the days his father used to take him to his workplace. Just like Zamiel, his father was good with people. He was liked and respected by his workers. He would make them smile and laugh with his sarcastic humor. His heart felt heavy again, thinking of his father.


He looked back at Zamiel. Watched the way he communicated with people. He was very clear with what he wanted and how he wanted it to be done, but he didn't have an aura of superiority. He spoke to his workers in a way that made them feel comfortable and trusted.

But why were he and Euphorion following and watching him?

"Because I enjoy watching him and so do you." Euphorion said.

Zarin clenched his jaw, almost causing damage to his teeth. He hated having this demon in his head.

"Do you always invade others' privacy?" He asked.

Euphorion shook his head, his eyes still watching Zamiel from afar. "No. But your thoughts are entertaining."


Entertainment clearly had a different meaning to him.

Euphorion chuckled. "What is entertainment to you?" He asked. "Women?"

Zarin rolled his eyes.

"I am guessing nothing is entertaining you anymore. Nothing makes you happy or passionate or curious. Anymore."

Zarin turned to Euphorion, feeling struck by his words. It was true. Nothing made him happy anymore. He could now do as he pleased, yet it didn't bring him joy.

"The only thing you are passionate about is him." He said, nodding toward Zamiel. "That is why you are here."

Zarin frowned, turning his gaze to look at Zamiel.

"You hate him with such passion." Euphorion smiled.

Was it like or hate? This demon was confusing him.

Euphorion chuckled, but said no more.

When Zamiel finished talking to his workers, he came to them.

"You haven't nagged today." Zamiel told Euphorion.

"I am getting used to being on land. Except for the heat." He said, tugging at his shirt.

It was midday, and the sun was at its peak. The heat was also making him uncomfortable. His burned skin was still healing.

"Let's get away from the sun." Zamiel said and began to lead the way.

Euphorion followed him, looking relaxed while Zarin hesitated. "Are you coming, boy?" Euphorion called.

Sighing, he followed them.

As they walked through the market and downtown, everyone would would stop what they were doing and stare at them. Zarin was used to attention, but this was different. It reminded him of the time he went outside with his grandfather. It was the pull ancients had on others.

The ancient demons were magnetic. People would follow them without even knowing. And unlike him, who attracted only female attentions, these demons had the attention of everyone. All ages and all genders.

"Where are you taking us?" Euphorion asked Zamiel.

"To another meeting."

Euphorion nodded and said nothing. Zarin knew what Zamiel was doing. He had made himself well known in the trading world and was trying to grow his name even bigger. He wanted everyone to know him, so he was busy.

Zamiel could easily manipulate people and to grow his name and wealth, but Zarin was surprised to see him not even once use his demon powers. Maybe he would use this during this meeting because it wasn't going so well.

This specific old man wasn't easy to please. Zarin wasn't following at first, but then he listened to the man's thoughts.

"Let's talk about what you are willing to offer, Zamiel." He said, smiling with his rotten teeth.

"What would please you?" Zamiel asked, remaining polite.

"I have enough wealth. Do you have anything else to offer?"

The old man was thinking in vivid images and Zarin felt disturbed and left his head. Wrinkling his nose in dislike, he waited for Zamiel to reply. Or maybe kill him, but knowing his personality, he probably wouldn't.

"Are you sure you have enough wealth?" Zamiel asked. "To afford what you truly want?"

The old man gulped and then opened his mouth to draw in a sharp breath. Again Zarin saw a flash of images. The old man had a rich imagination and his own thoughts were adding foul to the fire that was making him burn with lust. Zarin didn't know how Zamiel could keep a straight face.

"How much?" He asked.

Zarin was baffled. The man was asking directly?!

Euphorion crossed his arms over his chest and tilted his head. Was he displeased or amused? Maybe he was baffled as well.

Zamiel smiled, but it wasn't genuine. "How about all of it? All that you own." He let his gaze move over his body. "Your clothes seem expensive, too. I'll take everything."

The old man frowned. "You are crossing the line young man." He said sounding angry.

Zarin wanted to scoff.

Young man?

If he only knew.

And who crossed the line first?

"I apologize, my Lord. I meant no offense. But I will take no less. That is how much an experience with me is worth."

Was he serious? He must know that the man would say no. Right?

Desperate to know the answer, he listened to the old man's thoughts again. The man was greedy and wouldn't give up his wealth. And he didn't want to lose the chance to gain more wealth as well, so he changed the topic and went back to negotiate about the trading.

He agreed to use his ships to bring goods from other kingdoms and Zamiel would use his resources to sell them. They came to an agreement of how they would share the profit and then ended the meeting on a friendly note.

Zarin was impressed. Euphorion was confused.

"You left him alive." Euphorion said once they left. "It seems to be a habit of yours." He shifted his gaze to Zarin.

"I have no use of him when he is dead." Zamiel replied.

Was he speaking of him or the old man?

Euphorion put his hand on Zarin's shoulder. "The old man." He assured him. "You are useless, dead or alive."

Shaking his head at him, he followed Zamiel, who already started to walk away. Zarin just stood there and watched them leave. He was indeed useless and even though Zamiel asked him to come with them; he didn't pay him much attention.

He should just go back to the hidden kingdom while he could.

Suddenly he was in Zamiel's home. Euphorion had teleported him so fast he didn't notice when he grabbed his arm.

"I had breakfast. Can't I leave now?" He asked, annoyed.

"You can. Just give the clothes back." He said.

"I can't go back naked."

"Then don't go back." He said.

"What do you want from me?" Zarin asked.

"I told you. I want the clothes."

Zarin was sure this man just wanted to torture him. Could he not find a better way? He looked for Zamiel to help him, but Zamiel ignored them both and went upstairs. Zarin walked passed Euphorion and went after Zamiel.

He walked straight into his room. Zamiel was already seated near the fireplace but there was no fire burning.

Zarin clenched and unclenched his fists before he went to sit in front of him. "You can't keep me here forever." He said.

Zamiel raised a brow. "Did you not follow me willingly?" He asked.

Zarin opened his mouth, but then realized that he had agreed to go with him. Why? He hated this man.

'Do you perhaps like him?' The words echoed in his mind.

No. He couldn't.

He met Zamiel's eyes, knowing very well he heard him.

"I don't like you." He said with disgust.

"You don't have to convince me."

Did he also think that he liked him?

"If I have a choice, then I want to leave now." Zarin said.

"Where are you leaving?" Zamiel asked.

"To the hidden kingdom."

"I am asking about your final destination. Where are you going?"

Zarin didn't expect that question. When he looked ahead, he saw nothing but darkness. He didn't want to go back.

"You may stay here until you make up your mind." Zamiel said.

"Why?!" Zarin suddenly asked. "Why are you kind to me?"

"You are lucky to have a friend like Heaven."
