Chapter 268: 145  

Zarin woke up feeling as if his body was broken to pieces. Every little movement pained him. He turned on his back and realized that he was lying in bed and it wasn't his own. Where was he?

Sitting up, he looked around. For a moment he thought that he was in his parents' home and panicked. The last thing he needed was to see the faces of his parents as he leaves them again. Making them go through that pain once was already enough. Now he had to let them live their lives and he would go back to his.

From the scent, Zarin could tell that he was in Zamiel's home. From afar he could smell brewed coffee and burning wood, and close he could smell burnt skin. He remembered getting hit by lightening and then everything afterwards was all black. Why did Zamiel bring him into his home? And even put him in a bed?

Removing the blanket, he swung his legs down and groaned in pain. Every small movement pained him. He looked down at himself. He was damp, covered in dirt, and his shirt was torn. Beneath his shirt he saw burnt skin on his chest and down to his arm. Was something wrong with his healing? He was a full demon now so he should have already healed.

"Burns caused by lightning takes longer to heal." Suddenly the strange-looking water demon who was Zamiel's friend stood in the room. "You shouldn't anger a smoke demon."

Zarin remembered saying things he shouldn't have said. He had been emotional and intoxicated. He was surprised that Zamiel actually brought him inside his home and let him sleep in a bed after the things he said.


"I know. Love makes the man stupid." The water demon, Euphorion shook his head. "You are lucky the man loves your friend or you would be struck by lightning every time you stepped outside."

Zarin didn't feel lucky at all.

He stood up from the bed and decided to leave, but Euphorion blocked his way. "Don't you think you have something to do before leaving?"

Zarin was confused. What did he have to do?

Euphorion shook his head at him and then glared with anger evident in his eyes. "Do you know of something called an apology? Or how and when to say thank you?"

Zarin blinked a few times. He was not going to say either of those things to Zamiel.


Before he could finish his thought, Euphorion grabbed him by the collar. "Then you can forget leaving." He threatened.

"I'll do it." Zarin said and then thought to himself that he wouldn't mean it, so it didn't matter. He knew Euphorion would hear his thoughts.

Euphorion scoffed and released him. "I don't need you to mean it. Saying it will still hurt your pride."

Now he didn't know whether he hated this demon more or Zamiel.

"By the way, why do you hate him so much?" Euphorion asked, suddenly curious.

Zarin felt uncomfortable with this question, especially since Euphorion could read his mind.

"I understand the envy, insecurity and feeling inferior, but there is something more." He said narrowing his eyes.

Zarin took a step back. He didn't like having this ancient demon's attention.

"Do you perhaps… like him?"


"No!" Zarin yelled.

Euphorion tilted his head, and a corner of his mouth lifted. He nodded as if he finally got the answer.

Zarin shook his head. That was ridiculous. Why would he like Zamiel? He hated that man.

"Hatred that comes from an unknown place is usually love in disguise." Euphorion smirked.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and Zamiel's maid stood at the entrance. "I have the clothes you asked for, My Lord." She said and then walked in briefly and placed them on the chair in the room.

"Thank you, Helen." Euphorion smiled at her, almost causing her to lose balance on her way out. "Could you prepare a bath for the boy as well?" He said talking about him.

"Of course, my lord." She gave him a nod and left.

Boy? He was no boy. And why would he have a bath? He was leaving.

"You are not going anywhere." Euphorion said, turning to him. He became serious. "You will take a bath, change, and then come downstairs to have breakfast. And don't provoke me. I am not Zamiel. I will find you or your family." He threatened.

Zarin blinked a few times, completely shocked by the sudden change of Euphorion's demeanor. Suddenly he saw the power of an ancient behind the playful nature.

"I'll be waiting downstairs." He then continued, giving him a subtle smile before leaving him alone.

Zarin contemplated to leave. He would be in the hidden kingdom where Euphorion wouldn't be able to find him and his family, well they weren't his family anymore and they could take care of themselves. Besides, his grandfather would be there in case they were in danger.

But then he stopped himself. He didn't want to cause more problems to his family, and Euphorion wouldn't take his actions lightly. Despite smiling at him, he could see that the water demon disliked him. Very much.

Zarin did as Euphorion ordered. Helen prepared a bath for him in the room. The hot water burned his already burnt skin, and then he wore the new clothes that were given to him.

Hesitantly, he stepped outside the room. What was Euphorion and Zamiel planning for him? Maybe they had planned something together to have their revenge on him. But that didn't seem like something Zamiel would do.

Standing upstairs, Zarin looked down. He saw Zamiel sitting at the dining table and drinking from a cup while reading a paper in his hand. He was focused. His hair was damp and a few dark strands fell down at the sides of his face. Zarin could tell that Zamiel had just bathed. He could smell the scent of soap mixed with his natural scent.

Wait. Why was he noticing these things?

"Because you like him." Euphorion appeared from nowhere.

Zarin clenched his jaw in dislike, which caused Euphorion to chuckle.

"There is nothing wrong with that. Look at him." He nodded toward Zamiel. "The man is exquisite. You can't deny that."

Zarin walked passed him and went downstairs. He would apologize to Zamiel and leave. This water demon was making him uncomfortable. Besides, he wanted no more acts of kindness from Zamiel.

Once he neared the table, Zamiel looked away from the paper in his hand and turned to him.

Zarin clenched his hands into fists and felt his face heat up out of anger. He did not want to apologize or thank this man. "I apologize for what happened last night and thank you." He said in a flat tone.

Zamiel stared at him without a change of expression. "Why don't you sit down and have breakfast?" He asked him.

"No, thank…" Suddenly he was pulled by the arm and then pushed down to sit on a chair.

"Breakfast was part of the deal." Euphorion smirked and then sat down at the table as well.

It suddenly became quiet with Euphorion smiling, Zamiel remaining serious and Zarin shrinking in his seat.

At first Zarin thought that they had definitely planned something now that Euphorion forced him to eat breakfast with them, but as they ate in silence Zarin realized that Zamiel had just simple offered him breakfast.

Why? He didn't understand this act of kindness.

Euphorion finished a whole jar of honey. It was like he had never tasted honey before. "I need more of this. I will take it with me to the ocean." He said.

"It is expensive." Zamiel told him.

"How would you like me to pay you? Gold? Silver? Pearls? Fish?"

Zamiel shook his head at him and then turned to Zarin. "We are going out. Would you like to come with us?" He asked.

Zarin was taken by surprise. The way Zamiel asked him so casually made him feel as if they had been friends forever.

"Yes." He found himself reply.
