Chapter 264: 141  

Heaven froze in shock. Killed his human side? Why?

She knew about her father's death and how that changed him, but why would someone want to go through that? For what reason?

"Why?" Was all she managed to ask.

Zarin sighed and then held his hands out in a stop motion. Almost as if defending himself. "It is not that bad. It was painful, but now my demon is always there. I don't have to deal with it coming and going." He explained.

Heaven didn't know how to respond to that, but suspected that her grandfather had something to do with it and he was benefiting from this change.

She wanted to tell Zarin that he was being her grandfather's puppet, but refrained from it. She was frustrated that he was letting himself be used. She always knew that he hated responsibility and loved to live freely. But she never thought he was a stupid. He had been the smarter one when they were younger. Even when he indulged himself, he wasn't irrational.


But this time he was acting like a complete fool. Despite being fully aware that he was being used, he was letting it happen because it getting what he desired. What he didn't know was that he was losing more than what he was getting.

"Do you feel better now with your demon always present?" She asked, genuinely curious.

His eyes shifted between different emotions. They weren't like yesterday, where she could see guilt in them. Today he was different. She would sometimes see hints of guilt and other times pride or excitement. He was proud of what he had achieved and excited to show her.

"Yes." He replied.

"Are they treating you well here?" She asked.

He nodded. "Yes."


"Better than how your parents were treating you?"

He was about to put a piece of bread into his mouth when he paused and looked up at her. Her question took him by surprise, and he didn't seem to know how to reply.

"Well, I… I can't always live with my parents. I have to someday be on my own." He said.

"Then I guess you chose the right place. You will be on your own here." She told him, feeling sad for her friend.

Some kind of emotions flickered through his eyes, and his lips pressed into a thin line. At least he understood the weight of her words.

"You are here." He said, his voice low. He didn't sound confident.

"No. Only my body is here. My heart and mind will always be with my family."

He nodded with a sad smile. The conversation was only getting more awkward so Heaven decided to excuse herself and leave. "I am tired. I should go back and rest." She said, standing up.

He stood up quickly. "Do you hate me?" He blurted.

His hands were curled into fists at the side of his body as if he was angry. Heaven was taken aback by his question. "No. I don't hate you." She felt sorry for him.

Now he looked disgusted. "You are looking at me the way he did." He said.


"Zamiel. You pity me." He was angry now.

Heaven remained calm despite his unsettling anger.

"You hate him. He pities you. I think that says something."

She had sent him to Zamiel to annoy him a bit, but besides that she also wanted to see if he would put his hate aside and help her. Knowing the kind of person Zamiel was, she hoped that his good nature would affect him positively. But it didn't.

Before this escalated into a fight, she had to leave. The anger in his gaze frightened her and before he could say something that could possibly make her hate him, she left. Things were already bad as they were.


Lothaire was pacing in his private room, where nobody could find him. Several things were disturbing him. One was Irene who was going around with yet another male when he didn't even get rid of Nyle yet. Since she was with someone new today he knew she was only trying to make him jealous but knowing that didn't lessen the feeling. He couldn't help but feel irked since she was letting these men get close to her and touch her.

She wouldn't want anyone to die because of her but then if he made her stop by telling her he would kill anyone who touched her then he would expose himself. He was already worried about Zamiel and what he had told Irene.

magic Zamiel had managed to make Euphorion join him on land. Euphorion hated both land and land demons, so that he was here and staying with Zamiel was worrisome.

Lothaire hated the water demons. He couldn't see what happened beneath the waters, and most of their kingdoms were hidden from the land demons. Except for the ones they trusted, and those were very few. Zamiel was clever to maintain a friendship with the water demons. Now what were they planning? He knew he shouldn't underestimate them.

Lothaire tried to control himself and stay patient, but Irene kept infuriating him. Normally he might not have gotten this angry or jealous. He would have let her enjoy herself. That would help to mislead her and make her stay. Telling himself that didn't work and stopping himself from looking into The Eye to see what she was doing wasn't working either.

This was unlike him and now he had to admit that he had underestimated the affects of the possession. He had to find a solution. But first he would find Irene. He would compel her to tell him what she was up to. If she didn't care why would she try to make him jealous?

He left his room and met her in the hall, on her way back to her room. She halted when she saw him standing there and gave him a look to move away. Lothaire held his ground. He looked at her closely.

She looked lovely. She reminded him of everything bright. The clear blue sky on a summer day, the warm sun, the green grass and the colorful flowers.

He inhaled her scent. She smelled like flowers and herbs. He moved closer and gazed into her eyes. There was no need to say anything nice before compelling her. She would be furious afterwards, no matter what. He would just do it and leave.

"Will you compel me?" She asked.

Lothaire froze. How did she know?

"Why would I?" He asked with a smile.

Why did he say that? He was about to compel her, and he should just get it over with.

"Why not? You have done worse?"

"You are right. Maybe I should just compel you then." He said.

"Go ahead. The almighty devil has to compel to get what he wants."

That sounded like something Heaven would say. He was amused. And thinking of it now, the fact that she anticipated that he would compel her meant that she was hiding something. He had to know to be prepared.

"It doesn't matter how the devil gets what he wants as long as he gets it." He said and then gazed into her eyes to compel her. "Now tell me. Did Zamiel come to see you?"

Her eyes widened. Her pupils dilated, and she fell into his spell.

"Yes." She replied.

He knew it.

"What did he tell you?"

"That I have another mate and he is in your hidden kingdom."
