Chapter 260: 137  

Zarin stood in front of Zamiel's home and stared at the door for a long while. Then he looked at the letter in his hand. He didn't want to do this, but he knew he had to. It was the least he could do for her.

He went to the door and was about to knock when it opened by itself. Zarin entered cautiously while looking around. He doubted that Zamiel would just attack him, but he wanted to be careful just in case. There was no way he could know the ancient demon's mood after everything that happened. He could be raging right now.

As he walked further in, he became more hesitant. He shouldn't be here. He was worse than an enemy to Zamiel. The demon hated him. Not that he liked the ancient being. He hated him as well.

The clicking sound of footsteps caught his attention and when he turned around, he found Zamiel walking down the stairs. He was dressed nicely. Zarin knew a lot about luxurious clothing and jewellery, and he could tell that Zamiel was wearing some expensive things. And he smelled good.

Zarin grimaced at his own thoughts. Why would he think that? He wasn't used to seeing Zamiel this well dressed. He usually dressed simply, but this time even his hair was in perfectly combed and his face was…

He stopped himself from thinking further. This was not the first time he saw this ancient demon. He shouldn't be this awestruck. Maybe because this was the first time he came to see him with no ill intentions. Ancients were truly mesmerizing. No wonder Hezz and Tezz watched him everyday through The Eye.


Zarin thought they were odd since they had mates, but their mates were even more odd. They didn't mind if their women flirted with other men or took them to bed. Sometimes they would even join them.

Hezz was more interested in Zamiel. She liked the older, much more powerful demons. Her mate seemed to like Zamiel as well. What an odd couple, Zarin thought.

Once Zamiel descended the stairs, he stood still. His silver eyes narrowed, and he stared at Zarin with a cold gaze. "What a surprise." He drawled.

"I am not here to fight or cause trouble." Zarin began. He really didn't want to cause any problems.

Zamiel remained silent as he made his way to the couch in the room and sat down. "Please sit." He said, motioning for Zarin to take a seat.

Zarin went to sit down opposite him, and a small table stood between them. He placed the letter on the table. "It is from Heaven." He said.


Zamiel kept his gaze fixated on him as he picked up the letter. He opened it immediately and started to read. The coldness in his gaze faded as he kept reading, and he seemed to forget that he wasn't alone in the room. His lips slowly curved into a smile and Zarin felt strange to see how a letter could change his mood so fast.

When he was done reading, he wrapped the letter and became serious again.

"Would you like some tea?" He asked but then paused as if remembering something. "Oh, right. You don't drink tea. Coffee?"

He wasn't mocking him. "I'll have some tea." Zarin said thinking of staying for a while. He wanted to talk to Zamiel.

Zamiel didn't move a finger. He could communicate with his maid without calling her.

"Why did you let Heaven go? She is your mate." Zarin began. "You should have fought for her."

Zamiel just stared at him as if he had said something that didn't make any sense.

"You have a plan, don't you?" He continued.

Zarin felt suddenly nervous when Zamiel tilted his head to one side and watched him closely. He didn't know what was going through the demon's mind.

"What happened to your eyes?" He asked.

Zarin froze. He was about to recall what happened, but stopped himself from doing so. He didn't want Zamiel to know. But from the look in his eyes, Zamiel figured it out. He knew what happened.

"They killed you." He frowned.

"I wanted to." Zarin said.

He didn't want to talk about it, so he went back to the previous subject. "What will you do about Heaven? She shouldn't stay there too long."

"Nothing." Zamiel said simply.

"What do you mean, nothing? Will you just leave her like that?"

Zamiel leaned back and relaxed on the couch. "Yes."

Zarin didn't believe him. Zamiel probably had a plan. He wouldn't just let his mate leave him.

Zamiel's expression remained the same, revealing nothing. Zarin just stared at him, waiting for him to say something, when he felt a presence in his home. It wasn't the maid. Someone else was here.

A demon.

Zarin looked around and then at Zamiel. From his calm expression, he guessed that he must already know that someone was in his home. He felt a brush of cold air and then suddenly a naked male stood in the room.

Zarin dropped his jaw, and then there was a sound of plates and cups falling. The maid who just came in with the tea stood there horrified after she dropped everything in her hands.

"My apologies. It is just too hot on land and these clothes are uncomfortable." The exposed male spoke, holding up a pair of pants.

Zarin was as astounded as the maid. He couldn't tear his gaze from this strange-looking man. His skin was pearl-white and seemed to have a subtle glow. His hair was long and blue with a silver reflection and his eyes were a mix of colors. He was a water demon, Zarin realized. A powerful one. Probably ancient.

Zamiel compelled the maid to leave before turning to the naked demon. "Are you planning to go around naked, then?" He asked calmly.

"If you don't mind." The demon said.

Zarin realized that he was being serious. He couldn't be walking around like this. Didn't they wear something under the waters?

"I do mind."

The demon looked displeased at the pants. "If you insist." He said, and then started to get dressed in front of them.

Zarin averted his gaze, feeling uncomfortable.

"Who is this young demon?" Asked the water demon after he wore the pants. He came to sit with them.

"This is my mate's friend, Zarin." Zamiel introduced. "And this is my friend, Euphorion."

Euphorion's eyes widened in curiosity. "Your mate has a male friend? And… he is alive?" He asked, amused, studying Zarin closely.

What did he mean? Zarin suddenly felt small under his scrutiny. He had never seen a water demon before, let alone an ancient one. He was told they hated land demons, so what was this water demon doing here?

Was he part of Zamiel's plan?

Just wanting to leave, Zarin looked at Zamiel. "Do you want to write a letter to Heaven? I can deliver it." He asked.

Euphorion frowned. "You can deliver letters to heaven?"

Zamiel, who had been serious the whole time, laughed. "That is my mate's name." He explained.

Euphorion raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then nodded. "I see. The devil's granddaughter is named Heaven. It makes sense."

Zarin couldn't tell whether Euphorion was being serious or sarcastic.

"No need for a letter." Zamiel told Zarin.

Zarin felt like Zamiel was being very secretive, but then why would he tell him his plan.

"Alright." Zarin said, standing up. "I should leave."

"You don't have too." Zamiel said, surprising him.

The last thing he needed was for this demon to be kind to him. He wouldn't tolerate it.

"Oh. He is broody." Euphorion pointed, reading his mind.

"Tell Heaven that I will bring her home soon." Zamiel said.

"And tell her grandfather… nevermind." Euphorion waved with his hand.

Zarin looked at Zamiel. The look in his eyes unsettled him before he left. He really hated that demon, and he couldn't understand why.
