magicChapter 253: 130  

Heaven found herself standing in the heavenly garden in her grandfather's kingdom. It was late at night, the stars and the moon were shining brightly against the dark sky. She could only hear the soft breeze and the water rushing down the fountains. The aroma of flowers, grass, earth, and rain filled her senses.

This scent was very familiar. The set of wet earth and rain. Heaven's eyes searched the garden until they met a pair of silver eyes. They were gleaming in the dark, just like the moon against the sky. His dark hair cast shadows on his sculpted face, giving him a menacing look.


He stepped out from the shadows, and Heaven's eyes widened when she saw him clearly. He was dressed like the people of this kingdom. The only thing he wore was a black fabric around his waist and silver bracelets around his arms and wrists. He looked breathtaking, and she found herself staring at his body.

Zamiel stalked toward her slowly until he was standing close enough to touch her.

"Zamiel, how did you get here?" She asked.


"This is how we first met." He said.

How... was this a dream?

"This is a dream." She whispered for some unknown reason.

He nodded.

It felt so real, but it always felt real when he came to her in her dreams.

"Why are you dressed like this?" She said.


He looked down at his bare chest before looking at her again. His lips curved into a smile. "I think you wanted to see me this way." He said. "I appear in your dreams the way you like to see me."

Heaven opened her mouth to say something, but she was speechless. How could that be possible? She had wondered what he would look like dressed like this when she had seen the demon who looked like him, but how could he know?

Her gaze went to his bare chest, and her cheeks burned.

"You can touch." He said in a low tone.

Heaven gently placed her hand on his chest. She could feel his heartbeat under her palm and as she ran her fingers down, she felt the scar from the wound she inflicted.

It wasn't completely healed yet. What kind of poison had her grandfather used?

"How is your stay here?" Zamiel asked.

She looked up at him. "It is alright."

He seemed to know something that he wasn't telling her. "Did you find a solution?" She asked.

"Yes." Was all he said, and she understood that he couldn't tell her the whole plan. Her thoughts were not safe from the devil, but she was so glad to hear that he found a way. "It will take some time."

"I'll be alright." She assured him.

He cupped her cheek and leaned down, bringing his lips close to hers. Heaven closed her eyes as she felt his hot breath against her lips. She waited, but nothing happened. When she opened her eyes again, she found herself in bed.

"No!" She sat up, frustrated.

This was unfair!

"What is wrong?" Her grandmother spoke, sitting up on the bed as well.

Oh, she woke her up.

"Nothing." She blurted.

Her grandmother shook her head and climbed out of bed.

After getting dressed for the day, they were served a royal breakfast, as usual. Heaven ate in silence while thinking of Zamiel. Did he do that on purpose, or did her dream just end? He wouldn't be so cruel to tease her like that, would he?

Oh no! She should have asked him about the paintings. The images kept coming back to her, and she knew she had to find out more. She had to find someone who would tell her more. Maybe she could lure Lilian to tell her. It wasn't a secret after all if it was painted on a wall.

"Do you want to visit Zarin with me?" Her grandmother asked.

Heaven didn't feel emotionally stable to talk to him yet. She was afraid of lashing out. Until she had something good to say, she decided to keep a distance.

"I need more time." She admitted.

Irene nodded.

Once her grandmother left to find Zarin, Heaven got a visit from Tezznin.

"Father told me you are starting your training today." She smiled.

"Yes." Heaven replied. She had almost forgotten.

"I will be teaching you today." She said, reaching her hand out. Heaven looked at her questioningly. "We are going a bit far away so walking would take too long." She explained.

Heaven took her hand and Tezznin teleported them to what looked like a throne hall. The hall was dark like the rest of the castle, with the same shades of red, black and grey. The walls were covered with strange symbols and frightening illustrations. There were painting of hell, people getting punished in gruesome ways, blood, naked bodies and monsters.

"I know. I still can't get used to these paintings, but that is what makes them special." Tezznin spoke.

Special? Yes, she could agree that there was something special about the way they were painted. It was almost as if the people in the painting could come alive any time.

"Come." She said, leading her to the throne. "This is yours." She said, motioning for her to sit down.

Heaven sat down hesitantly. "I thought I would get some training first?"

Tezznin smiled. "You will get it now. We will start with the easy step. Today, you will reward demons who have done a good job."


Tezznin opened the large doors to the hall with a wave of her hand. "Come in." She then called.

A male demon appeared in sight. He didn't bother to walk over. He teleported, so he stood beneath the throne where she was sitting.

"Tell me, demon. What did you accomplish today?" Tezznin asked.

Heaven guessed that he was young, since she couldn't feel any power emanating from him.

"I sang a beautiful song." He replied.

Heaven was surprised when she heard his voice. There was no doubt he sang beautifully.

"Did it work?" She asked.

"Yes. She liked it very much." He replied.

Heaven couldn't understand what they were talking about.

Tezznin chuckled. "Of course she did. I love it when we help women." She said turning to Heaven. "This young demon helped a woman achieve her dreams."

"What dreams?" Heaven asked.

"Tell us the details, young demon." Tezznin smirked.
