Chapter 243: 120   magic

"The more I stay at home, the more homeless I look."- Unknown.


Lothaire was surprised when he saw Heaven and Irene standing in the garden with their clothes packed. He expected more resistance and didn't think that Heaven would come to him yet. Or to be more correct, he knew she would come, but he didn't expect her family or Zamiel to let her go so easily.

As expected, Lucian came to him to take his daughter's place, but Lothaire insisted to have Heaven. It was great to be immortal. None of them could do anything.

And could it get better? It certainly could, even if Irene already came with her granddaughter. He had waited for this moment. Maybe he should have done things this way long before instead of trying to be careful. He couldn't die. So what could consequences do to him? Nothing much that he couldn't recover from or fix.

No one and nothing could do him anything.


Once they arrived at his kingdom, to his very own castle, he went to see them. Heaven looked like she came back from the death, and she probably did. She had lost color and weight and as soon as she saw him her eyes gaze darkened and he could see the hostility in them. Not that he expected any less.

Then he looked at Irene. She was as beautiful as ever, but she looked exhausted. Unlike Heaven, she didn't look at him. It was like she couldn't bear to look at him. As if the sight of him alone repulsed her.

"Welcome." He said.

None of them replied. "You both look tired, let me show you to your rooms." He continued.

Both of them were extremely angry right now, so he didn't bother to converse. He led them to Heaven's room first. They followed him in silence while looking around. He knew his castle had a unique interior. It was dark, mysterious, and sinister. Once they arrived in Heaven's room, he motioned for her to go inside. Irene followed her in.

"I have a different room for you." He told her.


"I would like to stay here." She said.

He nodded. "Alright then. If you need anything…"

"We don't." She cut him off.

He nodded again. "I'll leave you alone then." He said, and closed the door behind him.

Lothaire knew that Irene wouldn't forgive him easily after what he did. That was the only reason he had been avoiding to go about it this way in the beginning. But he got impatient.

Did he regret it? No.

Unlike Lucian, Irene was easy to manipulate. His son had somehow always managed to see through him, but not Irene. He only needed to play the victim to make her feel guilty, like the last time they met. He only needed to put her in a vulnerable situation where she felt alone, and then he would make her feel cared for. That is all she needed, and that is how he got her first.

She had been young when she was sent as a bride to the king's castle. She had been at the age where the heart and the self-esteem were vulnerable. Her husband hadn't given her love and attention, and that is when he struck. He gave her all that and more, and she easily fell into his trap. But he couldn't deny that he also fell into his own trap as well. He didn't know when it happened, but he became sure when she died and he grieved for the first time. When had he ever cared if someone died?

That day he knew she was special to him and he was glad when he discovered that she was alive. It was true that he left his mission at that time, but it was never for her. It was for himself. He was curious and wanted to try to live a normal life.

Irene had wanted to leave him several times, thinking that her son was separated from her because she was being punished for her wrong deeds, and didn't want to keep going on the same path. And staying with the devil was certainly not the right path to redemption.

The struggles she went through somehow opened her eyes to what she was doing wrong. It made her mature and learn. Sad thing for him, but he convinced her to stay, saying he left his mission. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth, either.

He had finally found his mate. He had no intention of letting her go.

He went to his throne and sat down. The first few weeks or even months wouldn't be easy, but his daughters were good at doing their jobs. He would even include his sons and grandchildren.

It was all about changing Heaven's perception of him, his people, and his kingdoms. His children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren were good at deceiving just like him. He would make them get closer to her and eventually she would get attached and enjoy being with them. They were good at making themselves relatable. He wouldn't have to do much.

Once Heaven got along with everyone else, Irene would feel left out. She would join them slowly. She loved to have a family, and one way he had convinced her before was to introduce her to Roshan and Enoch. It made her feel like she was part of a family.

Meanwhile, Hazel wouldn't be able to live without her daughter. She would come to him, and Lucian would follow his mate. They would all join him.

But Zamiel was a concern. It looked like the demon had a plan, or he wouldn't let his mate leave so easily. Lothaire wondered what he was planning. He would have to keep an eye on him.

"Did they arrive?" Hezz came into the throne hall, with Tezz trailing behind.

"Yes. You can start from tomorrow. Did you inform the others?" He asked.

"I did. They will be here when needed." Hezz said.

Tezz smirked, excited. She enjoyed seeing people change for the worse.

"It won't be easy to change Heaven." He warned them.

"Of course." Hezz agreed. "She has a mate she needs to go back to."

"That will make it more fun." Tezz spoke.

Hezz looked at her sister with a serious expression. "As long as the mark is there, it won't be fun. She will be very protective."

"Maybe not, but it will fade one day." Tezz said, then turned to her father. "Father, can mates betray their mate?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Well then, we need to find an irresistible demon for Heaven. Someone with exceptional skills at seducing. Someone to make her feel less lonely." Tezz suggested.

Hezz chuckled. "I don't think that will work."

"Not now, but eventually. Don't underestimate lust, my sister. That is the sin all of them fall into at least once."


?????UPDATE tomorrow (Sunday) as well ?????.
