Chapter 236: 113  :

"Don't let someone who has done nothing, tell you how to do anything." - Unknown.


Zamiel let go of Heaven's hand when he saw her eyes tearing up. He realized he was being too selfish and asking too much. He had just wanted to see her face before he died and have her hold him as he took his last breath.

His heart was telling him it reached its limit. Everything he did was causing him pain. Even holding his eyes open or breathing felt like torture. His body had enough after going through so much. It felt as if his soul was slowly leaving his body and he didn't have the strength to hold it back.

Maybe he should have died that day. When Heaven was willing to kill him. If he had died then, he would spare her and himself all this pain.



Actually, he should have been locked forever in that coffin. He shouldn't have been released. What good did he bring?

"I'll be alright." He told her.

He wanted to say he would be alright with whatever decision she made. He didn't want to see her hurt anymore.

As he spoke, he felt his vision becoming blurry again. The darkness came back to take him away. He tried to look at Heaven one last time, but he couldn't see her face clearly.

No, he wasn't ready to leave yet. He still had a lot to say.

He reached out with his hand blindly and was relieved when Heaven took it and held it between both of her hands.


"Don't go to your grandfather. This is not your fault." He wished he could see her face, to know if she was listening to him. "I want to see you when I wake up." If he woke up. He hoped he would to see her again.

Before he could hear her reply, darkness swept him away.

For a while there was no pain or agony until his consciousness slowly crawled back, but not completely. He was stuck somewhere in the darkness, awake yet not. It was as if his body was tied and he couldn't move, but he could feel pain. He could feel it coming from every place in his body. His mind screamed, but his body remained chained by the darkness.

After what felt like years of torture, he finally saw a glimpse of light, and the chains around him loosened. He was being carried toward that light, leaving the darkness behind until he found himself in a place that seemed like heaven. Did he die?

Under his feet, he felt something soft and warm. He looked down. He was barefoot and stood on the greenest grass he had ever seen.

He found himself in a garden unlike any he had seen before. The colors were harmonies; the breeze was as soft as the warm sunrays against his skin. The sky was the clearest blue and far on the horizon he could see mountains with the colors of the rainbow.

Where was he?

A soft laughter caught his attention. He turned back and saw the back of a woman sitting on a white bench. Zamiel slowly walked toward her, but stopped abruptly when the woman stood up. She stood still for a moment before she slowly turned around to face him.

Zamiel froze when he locked eyes with her. Those amber eyes…

"Zamiel." She smiled.

Zamiel couldn't believe his eyes. This had to be a dream, but the way she called his name was so familiar and her voice was so clear.


She looked so happy to see him. "I shouldn't be happy that you are here, but I am. I have been waiting for you." She said, walking over to him. She slowly reached out and touched his upper arms, as if she couldn't believe she was seeing him.

"You are finally here." She breathed, her eyes tearing up. "I hope you came here without much pain."

Zamiel just stared at her, astounded. What was happening? She felt so real. He could feel her touch on his arms.

He reached for her face slowly. The feel of her skin on the tip of his fingers felt exactly like he remembered. She was real.

Gamila took his hand and placed her face in his palm. "I have missed you so much."

"Gamila? It is you?"

"Yes. It is me." She gazed into his eyes.


He couldn't count how many times he had wished to see her, and now she was here. Standing right in front of him and he was touching her and smelling her.

Without thinking, he drew her into his arms and hugged her tightly. He was happy to see her alive and replace the images of her lifeless body that had been haunting him for so long.

He pulled back to look at her again. He was still in disbelief. "Are you alright?" He asked. She smiled widely. "Yes."

They just stared at each other for a while before her gaze shifted to something behind him and she smiled again. Zamiel turned to see what she was looking at.

A young woman in a light blue dress stood a few feet away from them. She looked at him closely, as if trying to recognize him, but it took him no time to recognize her. She looked just like him, with her pale skin, dark hair, and silver eyes.

"Micah?" His daughter. She was alive and... she had grown.

She was so little when he buried her.


His heart shuddered when she called him.

"Micah. This is your father. I told you he would be here one day." Gamila smiled at her daughter.

Micah stared at him in silence, and he stared back. He was an awe. No words came out of his mouth.

Zamiel remembered all the times he had played with her, carried her, showered her with kisses and hugs and let her sleep in his arms. But she had been a child and could probably not remember him. But oddly, she recognized him.

"Father, I have been waiting to meet you." She finally spoke and came near him.

Tears burned his eyes and his heart felt heavy and warm at the same time. This was his daughter. His own flesh and blood and last time he held her she was dead in his arms. He wanted to hold her again. Feel her alive in his arms.

He took a step forward and wrapped his arms around her while tears streamed down his face. "Micah, I have longed to see you."

She carefully put her arms around him and Zamiel felt his heart burst with the joy of holding her in his arms. He never wanted to let go. He kissed her hair and smelled her scent.

He held her tightly, then grabbed her face between his hands. He wanted to look at her. She looked just like him, but with feminine features.

"She didn't inherit any of my looks. She looks just like you." Gamila said causing Micah to smile.

Zamiel didn't tear his gaze away from his daughter. It felt like she would disappear if he looked away, even for a short moment.

"You look beautiful and… you have grown." Without a father, he added in his mind. "I am sorry I wasn't there when you grew up."

Micah placed her hands on top of his and smiled. "You are here now. It is all that matters." She said.

Gamila nodded beside him. "Yes. We are here and we are safe. No one can harm us here."

Here? Where were they?

Zamiel turned to Gamila. "What is this place?" He asked.

