Chapter 234: 111  

"They never want to discuss what triggered you. Just how you reacted." -Unknown. ; ;

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This time Zamiel was unconscious for a long time, and it made Irene worry. Was his recovery not doing well? At one time she thought he might have died and called Ilyas, who assured her he wasn't dead. Yet. ; ;

Irene was getting more and more worried. She took turns with Ilyas to take care of Zamiel and while he was gone, she tried to heal him despite being fully aware that she couldn't save him from death. She would have to find ways to help him heal on his own because interfering with magic in matters of life and death had severe consequences. ; ;

Magic couldn't prevent death. Yes, it could help him heal, but if his injuries were lethal, then there was little magic could do to save him. And all of Zamiel's injuries were lethal. Poison, a stab in the heart and slow healing were grave, but combined they were deadly. The only reason demons survived every injury beside the stab in the spine was because of their healing abilities. If the fast healing was taken away, then they could die from many types of injuries, just like humans. ; ;

That Zamiel's healing was slow when he was poisoned and stabbed in the heart was life threatening. She didn't know how much the poison and Heaven slowed down his healing. ; ;


Even if she healed his heart, which would kill her temporarily before she succeeded, his body would still need to produce blood to function. And all his other organs would also need to heal from the damage the poison caused. ; ;

The payment of healing him would mean she would have to take the damage herself. One lethal injury would be enough to kill her. She would have to recover from death to take the other lethal injuries, and the recovery could take days. That wouldn't be an affective way to help him. ;

This was the only time Irene wished that magic had no consequences or limits, but she knew they were there for a reason. ; ;

Irene observed Zamiel. He lay unmoving, without breathing and with no heartbeat. His body was freezing cold and pale. His wound wasn't bleeding anymore. Irene took off the bandage to see if the wound healed and it didn't, which meant he just didn't have any blood left. It was amazing what an ancient's body was capable of surviving with slow or no healing. ; ;

Or maybe he did start healing, but in other parts of his body. The healing would probably take days, if not weeks. His whole body would need to recover. ; ;

When Ilyas came back, Irene took the opportunity to go visit Heaven. But what would she tell her when she asked about her mate? Irene thought being honest would be the best way. She didn't really know how things would turn out with Zamiel. ; ;


When she arrived at Heaven's room, both Hazel and Lucian were guarding their daughter. Heaven was lying curled in her bed. Her eyes looked absent, and she didn't even notice her arrival. Both Lucian and Hazel looked worried and Lucian quickly came to her, asking what happened. Irene could tell that both Lucian and Hazel were confused. ; ;

Heaven jumped out of bed when she finally noticed her arrival. ; ;

"Zamiel? Is he alright?" She asked, running to her. ; ;

Irene felt her heart race as she looked at her granddaughter. She didn't want to be in this position. ; ;

"He is recovering." She said despite not being sure. ; ;

What happened to being honest? ; ;

It would be bad if she gave her granddaughter high hopes, and it didn't turn out well, but Irene discarded the thought quickly. Zamiel would be alright. ;

From Heaven's expression, Irene could tell that her granddaughter already knew it was bad. She could probably sense Zamiel's pain and she didn't bother to say ask anything else. She just turned around and went back to bed, lying down curled. Her eyes turned empty, emotionless. It was a frightening and a disturbing sight. ; ;

Lucian was also disturbed as he took her aside to ask what happened. Irene told her son everything she knew, and Lucian became furious. She had to tell him to calm down. ; ;

"Don't do anything. Heaven needs you right now, so don't go anywhere and stay beside her." She told him. ; ;

Irene didn't know what Lothaire was planning next, but from his moves he was willing to go far. She didn't want another person to get hurt while she was gone. ; ;

The most important thing right now was for Zamiel to recover so her granddaughter could get a little life back into her eyes. If Lucian did something hasty and got hurt, then Heaven would never recover. ; ;

"Think of Heaven. Someone she loves is already in a critical condition." Irene added to make Lucian think straight. ; ;

After making her son promise to stay with his daughter, Irene went back to Zamiel. ; ;

Ilyas stood looming over his body with that deep frown he had since he came to help her. ; ;

"Is something happening?" She asked. ; ;

Please. She didn't want to hear the word. She refused. ; ;

Holding her breath, she waited for Ilyas to reply. "He is… suffering." He said. ; ;

Irene exhaled, feeling bad that she was relieved to hear that he was suffering. He probably preferred death right now. She had seen it in his eyes sometimes. ; ;

Ilyas looked into her eyes for more than a short moment for the first time. "Did you eat?" He asked. ; ;

Irene shook her head. ; ;

"I asked the maid to make some food. It is served on the table." He said. ; ;

Irene thanked him and went to eat. When she came back, he left to eat, and she looked after Zamiel. ; ;

Sitting beside his bed for a while, he finally moved his fingers, and then lifted his hand that went straight to the wound on his chest. ; ;

Finally! ; ;

His eyes were still closed, but his expression told her he was in pain. This time from the wound in his heart. ; ;

"Zamiel." She called his name carefully, and he opened his eyes with a groan. ; ;

She still couldn't hear his heartbeat, but he started breathing fast. His chest rising and falling while he stared at the ceiling for a while before he turned to her. ; ;

She went closer. "How are you feeling?" She asked. ; ;

He gasped before trying to speak, but she could barely understand him. Talking pained him and his voice sound as if he had swallowed sharp blades. It was raw and raspy. ; ;

Water. She had to give him some water to drink, but when she stood up to leave, he grasped her wrist. ; ;

"Heaven." ; ;

Irene pulled her arm away, a little frightened. He made her shiver as if she got cold. Maybe it was his cold hand. ; ;

He rolled over to get up, but he didn't have the strength and ended up falling out of bed. ; ;

"What are you doing?" Irene went to help him up, but he was already pushing himself up and she realized that the wound on his chest started to bleed through the cloth. It was a good sign, but he had to lay still to not bleed out again. ; Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #'s-son_14205835806705305/chapter-111_52794512807873367 for visiting. ;

"Heaven. I need…" He coughed and his breath came out in harsh pants. " see Heaven." ; ;

"Heaven is alright." She assured him. ; ;

"I need to see her." He tried to push himself up with his arms, but they gave away. ; ;

"You can't see her. You will have to heal first." ;

Her words seemed to annoy him and he found the strength to push himself up and grab her arm before looking at her with a deadly stare. "I need to see Heaven." ;

"You will kill yourself." She told him. ; ;

"I am...I...I need to see her… before I die." ; ;

"No!" Irene almost yelled. "You are not dying" ; ;

His head fell down as if he couldn't fight anymore, and then slowly he let himself fall back. He closed his eyes, grimacing in pain while breathing heavily. ; ;

"You will be alright and I can't let you see Heaven because I need you alive." She told him. "Heaven needs you alive." ;

"Please." He pleaded. "I just want to see her once." ; ;

Why was he talking like he would die? ;

"No! You have to fight if you want to see her." Irene didn't realize that she almost started crying. ; ;

She crawled to his side and loomed over him. "Listen to me. You can't give up. Heaven can't live without you. She will...she will...." Her voice broke thinking of what would happen to Heaven. ; ;

Ilyas came quickly into the room, and Zamiel opened his eyes to look at him. "Ilyas, bring me Heaven." He ordered. ; ;

Ilyas' eyes widened. "My Lord, it is not good for …" ;

"Bring her to me!" ; ;

Ilyas frowned, but then his gaze hardened, and he clenched his jaw. "I am sorry but I refuse." He said. ; ;

Zamiel opened his mouth and looked like he was going to say something harsh or make a threat, but he ended up gasping in pain and then cursing. ; ;

It was strange to hear him curse. ; ;

"Then I will go see her myself." He said. ; ;
