Chapter 232   - 109

"Beware of false knowledge. It is more dangerous than ignorance."- George Bernand Shaw


Irene was shaken as she made her way to Zamiel's home. She had never seen Heaven look like that before. She looked like a ghost, or someone whose soul had left their body. There was terror in her eyes that terrified her by just gazing into them. Whatever happened must be serious, but she couldn't understand how.

Zamiel was an ancient demon. He had survived being poisoned, having a sword thrust in and out of his body and a stab in the spine. What could Heaven have done that could possibly kill him? Why did she look so terrified?

Was this Lothaire's doing? Did he put so much fear in her that she actually thought she could kill Zamiel? And where did the blood come from?

Heaven would never hurt Zamiel, which made her realize that she must have been compelled. Irene was shocked and deeply disturbed. She never thought Lothaire would go that far to hurt their grandchild. She knew manipulation was what he did, so she wasn't shocked when he manipulated, but this was different. Heaven had never done anything to him.


Irene hoped she was wrong and all this was just a bad dream. She held her breath as she made her way to Zamiel's room, hoping and wishing, but it was all in vain. She could already feel the smell of blood and hear someone grunting. When she walked into the room, she found Zamiel on the floor in a pool of blood.

He was groaning and writhing in pain and breathing heavily in between. Irene could immediately tell it was serious from all the blood on the floor, but also from his pale complexion. He had no color left on his skin and he could barely bring himself to say something or even help himself stop the bleeding.

Irene hurried to his side and went down on her knees. The blood overwhelmed her, but she became dizzy when she realized where the wound was located. He was stabbed in the heart and the wound seemed deep. If Heaven truly stabbed him, then Irene could be in danger. Would he trust her to take care of him, or would he unleash his fury on her?

It didn't matter. She had to save him or Heaven would never forgive herself if anything happened to her mate.


He shot his eyes open, but they seemed unfocused and pained. He didn't even care to look at her too long before he shut them tightly and clenched his jaw to endure the pain. Something was happening to him. This was more than just a pain from a stab.


"What is happening to you?"

magic He sucked in a deep breath, his hands clenched and unclenched. His legs trembled and his face twisted in pain. She could see all the veins on his neck and forehead.

"You have to tell me so that I can help you." She urged.

While she spoke to him, she put her hand on the wound to stop the bleeding. She knew nothing about taking care of wounds. She could take away the pain with magic, but would she be able to endure it? She would have to stay awake if she wanted to take care of him, and taking his pain would make her unable to help him.

Healing him using a spell was another option, but just like the pain, the damage would have to go somewhere. With magic, giving something needed a source of power, but taking something needed strength. Taking her son's emotional pain had made her sick for days. Healing a wound that could lead to death would probably kill her, and it would take her a very long time to recover from death.

But why wasn't he healing? She couldn't understand.

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"Poi... son." He said.

Poison? Did Heaven poison him?

Wait! This meant she wouldn't just have to heal the wound from the stab but also take the poison into her body. She would die immediately before she could even help him. It would be useless. She had to find another way, but hopefully he would heal by himself. There was no reason he wouldn't. He would have to endure the pain for a long time, but he would heal.

Irene felt a rush of cold air against her back and her heart skipped a beat. Before she could turn, she already knew a demon was in the room with her. Turning back, she found a silver-haired demon standing in the room and he stared at her with his pale blue eyes. She hoped he was someone loyal to Zamiel who could help.

The man didn't introduce himself. He just hurried to Zamiel's side and looked at his face, almost as if he was communicating with him. From the way Zamiel calmy looked back at the man, he probably trusted him.

"Will he heal?" Irene asked the silver-haired demon.

"I am not sure." He replied.

"But why? Why won't he heal?"

"Because it was Heaven who stabbed him. Pain inflicted by her heals slower, even more in her presence."

So Heaven was right. She wasn't just afraid. It was all true.

Irene felt her heart sink. Before she could digest the information, she received the silver-haired demon put his hand inside the wound on Zamiel's chest causing him to groan in pain.

Irene winced. "What are you doing?"

"I need to find the blood vessel to stop the bleeding." He said, then he frowned and pulled his hand out. "He stopped bleeding."

Irene knew it wasn't good news. It was bad. They were sitting in a pool of blood,? so he probably lost all blood in his body. Her heart skipped a beat. Was he going to die?

She looked at Zamiel. His eyes seemed to roll back in his head before his body went limp. His heart was quiet and his breathing nonexistent. But this was normal with ancients. It didn't have to mean that he was dead. He couldn't be dead.

"The poison is slowing down his healing." The man said.

"We need to find an antidote."

The man shook his head. "His body has already absorbed the poison and his organs are already damaged."

"We need to do something." Irene said desperately. "I will heal him."

She put her hand on the wound and the first surge of damage into her body made her heart almost seize to beat. Irene pulled her hand away. The pain was shocking and made her shiver.

"It is useless. You will just kill yourself and it won't help him. It is not just his heart that needs healing." The man spoke.

"It is better than nothing." She said stubbornly and put her hand on the wound again. She couldn't let him die.

The man grabbed her hand to stop her. "It is useless." He repeated more firmly this time. "I can sense your power. It won't even heal his heart before you die, let alone his whole body."

"I am stronger than you think." She said.

"Not stronger than him, but look at him. If you can heal him than he can heal himself."

It was true. There was nothing her healing could do that his already couldn't.

What was she supposed to do now? What would happen to him?


???? Hello dear readers????. As you probably can tell, I failed to update earlier than today. But I got two chapters for you this time. Hope you enjoy.

Lots of love ??
