Chapter 229   - 106

"Love is when you give someone else the power to destroy you, and you trust them not to do it." - E. Lockhart.


Heaven looked outside the window, getting more and more scared for each time. Hopefully, her grandmother would come soon and if she didn't come after a while, then she had to tell her parents.

As she waited, she panicked even more.

Oh, lord!

She shouldn't have let her go. It was really bad. What if her grandmother made a bad decision because of her? Now her stomach hurt because of her grandmother, and she ran to find her father.


"Father!" She barged into his study and he looked up, shocked by the way she threw the door open.


"Grandma went to see grandpa because he was here and threatened me. I told her, I shouldn't have and now she left to see him and she hasn't come back yet. It is all my fault. Please… go find." She rambled until she was out of breath and she didn't even know if what she was saying was making any sense.

She leaned against the door, feeling dizzy again.

Her father quickly came to her side and caught her before she could fall. "Grandma! Hurry!" She said before everything turned dark.

When Heaven opened her eyes again, she found herself in her bed. Confused, she sat up and realized that the morning sun was shining through the window. Next to her, her grandmother was sleeping.? Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #’s-son_14205835806705305/chapter-106_52586089319300887 for visiting.


What happened?

Slowly, she remembered everything. Her meeting with her grandfather, his threat, and then her grandmother's disappearance. And now she was here. She also found her mother sleeping on the couch. She had made them all worry, but now her grandmother was back. Was she able to make her grandfather change his mind?

Irene stirred in her sleep, and then slowly opened her eyes. "Heaven."

Heaven looked over. "Grandma, are you alright?"

Irene nodded. "Yes." She looked tired, as if she had been awake the whole night.

Did she cry? Her eyes looked swollen.

"What happened with grandpa?" She asked.

"He is a bastard." She said and Heaven's eyes widened in shock.

She had never heard her grandmother or anyone in her family speak like that.

"Were you able to convince him?"

Her sleepy eyes opened wide and looked sad. "I am sorry, Heaven. I couldn't do anything."

Heaven panicked. She was still here, and her grandfather waited for her the whole night. What would he do now? She had to warn Zamiel, even though he wouldn't listen. She had to warn him and do something else. But what?

"Grandma, I am going to see Zamiel."

What? No!

She had wanted to tell her grandmother to go see Zamiel and warn him. She couldn't go there herself, but she was already getting out of bed.

"You are not afraid anymore?" Her grandmother asked.

"Should I be? I would never hurt my mate."

Her grandmother pushed herself up on an elbow. "I am glad you are better." She smiled.


She wished her grandmother understood that it wasn't only fear caused by manipulation. She could really kill Zamiel. It was real. No illusion, no bad dream, no manipulation. It was a reality. Her grandmother was taking this lightly, probably thinking her grandfather got inside her head.

"It seems like you didn't have enough sleep. You can sleep some more." Heaven smiled.

"Alright then. I will sleep a little more." She said tucking herself under the covers.

Heaven was strangely calm. Even though she was telling herself she shouldn't be, she kept staying calm. Something was wrong with her, but she kept going. She got clean, got dressed and then brushed her hair. Katy was there to assist her.

magic "My Lady, do you want me to serve you breakfast now?" Katy asked.

"No. I will eat once I come back." She said.

When Katy left, Heaven looked at her mother and then grandmother. Both were sleeping soundly.

She turned back and opened her drawer where she kept some of her personal things, including her daggers. She had been carrying them around lately for protection. She only grabbed one of them now before staring at it. Roshan had given her the easiest daggers to carry yet sharpest. A light brush against the skin and it would still cut.

Heaven held it firmly in one hand before standing up. She imagined where she wanted to be while mumbling the spell she had learned and shortly after she was inside Zamiel's home.

She should have put the dagger in its sheet and tied it to her thigh or her arm under the sleeves, but she was holding it in her hand. Just hiding it behind her back in case she came across Zamiel's old maid. Heaven went slowly but steadily to his room. Just like she expected, she found him sleeping.

As usual, he was sleeping on his back and was completely still, as if he was dead.

Now her heart raced. Somewhere in the very back of her mind a voice was telling her to turn around and leave, but she took a step closer instead.


And she took another one.

No! No! Go back!

And another one.


But she kept going and now she stood right next to his bed, towering over him.

Zamiel! Wake up!

The words didn't come out, but her hands came out from behind her back. One of them held the sharp dagger in a steel grip.

Heaven looked at the sharp tip of the dagger, and then her eyes went to his neck. She could see the visible veins, the pulsation. She could hear the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

Her gaze slowly went lower to his chest, where his heart was beating behind his ribs.

There, between two ribs, she could stab him right in the heart. She grabbed the dagger with both her hands, positioning it above where she wanted to stab him.

Her hands began to shake. Something was wrong. She wanted to stab him, yet not. She was stuck between holding back and wanting to stab. And then she lost control and drove the dagger right into his chest.

She felt it cut through flesh, and she even cut herself in the process from the force she used.

Shocked, she stepped back and Zamiel shot his eyes open with a gasp.
