Chapter 226   - 103

"Any fool can know. The point is to understand." -Albert Einstein.


This was bad. What was this feeling? Why was she feeling like this?

Heaven tried to fight it and calm down. She paced back and forth in her room, telling herself that everything would be alright and that she was afraid for no reason. But the heavy feeling in her chest and the pain in her stomach was so strong that she became nauseous again.

Walking outside to her garden, Heaven breathed in the fresh air in order to feel better. Something was wrong. This had to be more than normal fear. No matter how those nightmares affected her, they shouldn't make her feel this way, especially when her brain couldn't see the danger. It was only her body alarming her.

Suddenly she felt a rush of cold air, and in front of her stood her grandfather. Heaven frowned upon his arrival. She didn't need him here right now.


"I see you are not feeling well." He said.

Heaven narrowed her eyes at him. "What do you want?" She asked.

"That illness of yours, you should take seriously."

"What do you mean?"

He crossed his arms behind his back and tilted his head to one side. "I mean, you can hurt your mate. You could possibly end his life."

Heaven stiffened. Why hadn't she thought of his before? Of course he knew she could hurt Zamiel, but he wouldn't use that against her. Would he? She had always thought that he wanted her to follow him willingly, but it was never something he had said. It was just what she and her family thought. Would he force her now? By using Zamiel against her.


No, please! Oh lord, no! She gave him a hard glare, and he chuckled. "I won't do anything if you come to me on your own."

"And if I don't?"

"Then unfortunately what you are really afraid of will happen." He said.

Heaven's stomach turned, but she swallowed her fear. This is probably what he wanted. To make her so afraid that she would go to him.

"I would never hurt Zamiel." She said.

The smile left his eyes, and now he gave her a deadly stare. "I'll give you time. You have until tonight to decide. If you don't come to me by then, know that there will be consequences."

Heaven felt her legs wobble and her breath came out in shallow pants. Her heart was beating in her ears. "What... will you do?" She asked, afraid.

A corner of his mouth lifted. "That will be a surprise." He said and then vanished before she could say anything else.

Heaven fell to her knees when he left. The world around her started to spin and this time the fear kicked her in the stomach with such force, she thought she would vomit blood.

Now she understood why she had been so sick. This was not only fear, it was a real danger. She was a danger to Zamiel, and the bond and her demon had been telling her to stay away in order to protect her mate.

How stupid she was. What was she supposed to do now? She started to panic and shake. This wasn't the way she thought her grandfather would make her join him.

She was so confused and terrified.


Yes! She needed her grandma before Zamiel came back to see her, but she couldn't even get up. She tried to use her magic, but it wasn't working since she wasn't focused. She couldn't focus.

Taking a deep breath, Heaven told herself that she had to calm down and think of what was important at the moment and it was protecting Zamiel. Using all her strength she stood up, and she rushed back to her room, but before she could go looking for her grandmother, Irene came in through the door.

"Grandma!" Heaven almost yelled.

Her grandmother looked at her, confused and worried. "What happened, dear?" She rushed to her side.

"Grandma! I need your help. I need to you to help me. I need you to…" She was a mess, and she didn't know what do to. She was panicking again.

Her grandmother put her hands on her shoulders. "Calm down. Breathe." She told her noticing that Heaven was hyperventilating. Her head spun again.

Irene took her to sit down on the bed so that she wouldn't fall. Heaven looked around. The world around her was out of focus. No! No! No! She wouldn't faint now.

"Grandma Zamiel is in danger. You need to take away my magic so that can I never go to see him, and then you have to tell him to stay away. Take me somewhere far. Very far away. Please, grandma do something." She almost began crying, knowing deep down that none of that would help because her grandfather could find her anywhere.

"Why? Why is he in danger?"

"I can... I can kill him and grandfather knows that. He wants to use that against me."

Irene frowned. "What do you mean you can kill him?" magic

"I just can. I am the thing that can kill him. " More tears fell down her cheeks. "Oh, God! What am I supposed to do? I have to go to grandfather or he will hurt Zamiel."

"No! Calm down. You don't have to do anything. He is just scaring you." Irene said wrapping her arms around her granddaughter, but Heaven shook her head.

"He is not. Something bad is going to happen. I had been feeling it and if I don't do what he says, then he is going to hurt Zamiel."

"Stay here. I will go talk to your grandfather." She said sounding furious, but Heaven grabbed her hand to stop her.

"Don't go. I don't have time. I only have until tonight."

"You are not going anywhere, Heaven. I will take care of this." She said.

"How?" Heaven asked.

"I don't know. I will find a way."

Heaven shook her head. She didn't want her grandmother to be in danger as well. It was enough that Zamiel was in danger. He had already suffered enough. Why did this have to happen to him?
