Chapter 217   - 94

" Fear does not stop death. It stops life." - Unknown.


Heaven woke up as soon as the sunlight peeked through the window. Yawning, she stretched in bed. Her muscles felt better today, which she was thankful for because she had a lot to do. She couldn't let fear make her weak and stop her from living her everyday life and being productive.

She glanced at Zamiel, who he was sleeping next to her. He made minimalistic movements when asleep; she realized. Even his breathing was nearly nonexistent. Almost as if he was dead. It must be an ancient thing, she thought.

Pushing herself up on an elbow, she reached for his face. Removing the hair, she let her fingers slide over his sculpted cheek and jaw. "Zamiel." She called gently.

When he didn't wake up, so she shook him slightly. She didn't want to leave without letting him know, and she had to go back home fast before her mother visited her. Heaven knew she would since she had been worried.?Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #’s-son_14205835806705305/chapter-94_52099048332648031 for visiting.


Zamiel stirred in his sleep. "Hmm."

"I need to go." She whispered then turned to climb down the bed when he wrapped his strong arm around her waist preventing her from leaving.

"Zamiel. I need to go." She repeated, but he didn't let go.

"I would like to stay, but I don't want to worry anyone and I have a lot of things to take care of." She explained calmly.

His tight grip around her waist loosened, and Heaven pulled herself away from his grip and climbed down. She looked back at him and he gazed at her through squinted eyes.

"Don't exhaust yourself and make sure to eat." He told her.


His morning voice sent butterflies straight to her stomach. "I will." She said sliding her arms into her robe and then tying it around her waist. She kissed him goodbye, then went back to her room.

Since it was very early, she felt at ease knowing Kate couldn't have visited her yet. Heaven was used to taking care of herself, so she changed and then combed and her hair. She braided the sides of her head, then pinned the braids in the middle with silver pins.

Just when she was done, her stomach growled loudly, reminding her of her empty stomach. The little she had managed to eat yesterday, she ended throwing up. But it was too early for breakfast, so she decided to pay her grandmother a visit.

Her grandmother liked to wake up early for some reason. She would make her favorite tea, water her plants, and take care of her garden. But most importantly, she would feed the animals in her house. She had plenty of birds, two cats and other creatures. Some of them scary, like the snake. Her home was like a colorful forest and you wouldn't know what beast you would come across next.

Not that there was anything worse than demons. Even the animals would flinch and run away from them.

When Heaven arrived, she smelled the aroma of herbal tea and flowers. Her grandmother sat on the porch and was knitting something when she sensed her presence and looked up.

"Heaven." A smile lit up her face. "What brings you here so early? You should rest."

Of course. Everyone was worried for her and talking about resting all the time. Heaven didn't want all of them to be worried, then they would all be weak and tired instead of strong.

"I rested well, grandma." Heaven assured and went to sit with her at the table.

Her grandmother lived all alone in her house now. Even though she spends most of the time at the castle, she didn't want to move in with them. She liked living in her home, but Heaven thought it was lonely to live alone. Especially in a house where she built memories with her grandfather, and now he left them all.

"I called grandpa yesterday and spoke to him." Heaven began feeling a little nervous to see her grandmother's reaction.

But her grandmother only nodded. She wasn't even surprised. "What did you talk about?" She asked.

Heaven tried to read her grandmother's expression, but she was completely calm and gave nothing away. "Are you not disappointed I called him?" She asked.

Irene frowned. "Why would I be?"

Heaven shrugged. "Because you warned me about him, yet I called him."

She had wanted to call him several times before but refrained from it. Even though she trusted her grandmother's words completely, Heaven only had good memories of her grandfather. With only those good memories of him, it was difficult to see him as her enemy. Now, she didn't regret calling him. It helped her see with her own eyes who her grandfather truly was and she was more convinced than before.

"When I warned you about him, I didn't expect you not to seek him out. He is your grandfather, after all. He was there most of your childhood. I didn't expect your feelings about him to change because of a few words that I said."

Heaven was surprised when she shouldn't be. Her grandmother had always been the understanding one.

"I am sorry. I must have made you feel like you had to choose sides when I asked you to tell me if your grandfather visits you. It felt like I was asking you to hate him when I told you about his plans, but I don't expect you to do that. It took me a lot of time to accept who your grandfather was and let him go. I know it will take time for you as well."

Sadness settled in Heaven's heart as she listened to her grandmother. Letting go of her mate must have been very painful. Heaven couldn't imagine leaving Zamiel or him leaving her. How would she live without him? What kind of life would that be?

"You didn't make me feel that way. I know you were only trying to protect me."

Truth was if her grandfather wanted to meet her and talk to her, no one could stop him. Now she wondered why he didn't come to visit her more often if he wanted her to follow him.

"Have you spoken to grandpa?" Heaven asked when she already knew the answer.

Her grandmother must have already tried to convince him.

"Your grandfather made it clear that there is nothing he care for more than his mission." She replied.

Why was his mission so important? Even more important than his mate.

"What did you talk to him about?" She then asked Heaven.

Heaven shrugged. "I didn't say much. I only told him that I had no intention of joining his cause. I called him mostly because I wanted to talk to Zarin. Do you know what happened?"

Irene nodded looking sad. "Yes. I never imagined that to happen."

Neither did Heaven. This was a shock to all of them. Klara and Roshan had been very sad but Heaven almost forgot how sad her grandmother would be. They were all her children. Both the children and grandchildren and now all of them were hurt in some way.

"Don't worry grandma. I am sure he will come back." She said with more enthusiasm than she intended.

Heaven was only hoping but when her grandmother looked up and stared into her eyes she saw determination. "He will come back." She said confidently.

Oh God! What was her grandmother going to do?
