Chapter 201   - 78

"Shine is my favorite color."


Heaven's breath caught in her throat as Zamiel pulled her against his body. His strong arms imprisoned her, his warmth welcomed her, his scent intoxicated her.

He leaned in, then ever so gently his lips brushed against her skin like soft feathers, causing her to shiver. She wrapped her arms around him and clung on to him as his lips teasingly moved along her jawline, his hot breath making her skin tingle.

She felt his hand slide up her back and into her soft hair. He held her gently, made her wonder what his next move would be, and she waited in anticipation.

"Do you want me to bite you?" He asked. His tone was low, an inviting whisper tempting her to say yes.


Heaven closed her eyes and opened her mouth. She could barely hear the yes that left her lips and her head fell back.

Zamiel tightened his hold around and as soon as his lips touched the sensitive skin on her neck, all air left her lungs. She was completely breathless as his mouth skillfully moved over her skin, leaving soft kisses along the way. Heaven grasped the back of his shirt in sheer desperation. Her stomach turned into a battlefield for butterflies.

Lord. What was he doing to her? He made her skin ripe for his mouth to have a taste. A bite.

Then he flicked his tongue over the mark. Heaven felt a strange sensation go through her. It was something deep, something raw, something very intimate that she couldn't understand. The mark tingled and itched again, adding to the need to be bitten.

And then she felt the tip of his fangs graze her skin, sending shivers down her spine. It was a like warning for the bite that was to come.

Heaven's heart raced. The battle of butterflies in her stomach picked up, and she held him tighter. He flicked his tongue one last time over the mark and then his fangs pierces her skin.


Pain shot down her neck and she whimpered, but it was soon followed by a warm sensation that made her dizzy and weak in the knees. Heaven was lost, flying in what seemed like endless clouds, and she didn't want to descend.

Zamiel held her firmly in place. A soft growl left his lips as he pulled away, then his tongue swept over the wound. Heaven's eyes were still shut as if she refused to wake up from this dream.

"Heaven." His voice was low, hypnotic, forcing her to open her eyes and look into his silver ones. They were gleaming like liquid metal. "Are you alright?"

She saw his long, sharp fangs as he spoke. Did he bite her with those? How come it hurt so little?

She opened her mouth, but only a breath came out. Lord, she didn't have the energy to talk. She just leaned into him and rested her head on his chest.

Zamiel leaned down and scooped her up in his arms. He took her to bed and lay her down carefully. Heaven looked up at him where his tall figure loomed over her, his eyes showing concern.

"I am alright." She said, her voice barely a whisper.

Zamiel sat next to her, reaching for her face he caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. Slowly her heart calmed down and her breathing become normal again.

She gazed at him. His eyes still gleamed with that light and his fangs were still out. Did he want more?

Zamiel watched Heaven rest in her bed. Her silken black hair spread across the pillow, her cheeks flushed a light pink like the color of her lips and her emerald eyes still swirling with so many emotions. Now that his demon had a taste of her, it didn't want to rest.

He needed to get away from her, away from her intoxicating scent, away from her mesmerizing eyes.

His demon had been starving for a thousand years. Letting him out now would cause storms that would shake even trees with the deepest roots.

He pulled away from her and stood up.


Cursing quietly, he clenched his jaw. Hearing his name coming from her lips like a plea was not what he needed to hear right now. He knew she was going to ask him to stay.

He took a deep breath and turned to her. "Heaven. You need to rest. I will come back some other time."

He tried to sound normal, but he could hear the irritation in his voice. She looked him at with those vibrant eyes, not reacting to his tone, just his words. "Can't you stay?" She asked.

Oh, no. Resisting her was the hardest thing he had to do.

Heaven moved away, making a place for him in her bed, almost as if she knew he wouldn't deny her.

Calling himself all kinds of awful things, he got into her bed and she immediately snuggled against him.

Zamiel stiffened. His demon raging, creeping under his skin, scratching his way out. He closed his eyes, trying to shut it out but to no avail.

It was too late and now he was greedy, selfish and l.u.s.tful.

Heaven stirred and rested her hand on his torso. This woman was pure torture, and he wanted to scold her for moving. Suddenly he heard her heart race and heat stemmed from her body.

One corner of his mouth lifted, relishing in the fact that he wasn't the only one restless.

He frowned. Now he was being selfish, awakening her desire before he could fulfill it. Unaware, he let out a sigh of frustration.

Heaven shifted and looked up at him. "What is wrong?" She asked.

Now he felt bad, but decided to be honest. He pushed himself up in a sitting position and then looked her straight in the eyes.

"Heaven. I am a man." He told her. She probably knew nothing about the struggles of a man. "Not even a normal man. I am demon."

She looked at him, confused. "I know."?Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #’s-son_14205835806705305/chapter-78_51494096014989103 for visiting.

He chuckled darkly. No. She didn't know, and he didn't blame her.

"And you are a woman." He continued. "A beautiful woman. The most enticing I have ever seen."

The confusion in her eyes changed to something else. She was starting to understand, and a blush crept to her face.

"I'll return to you once I calm down." He told her, standing up. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Rest well." He said, then he teleported back to his room.

Once he was alone, he thought he would calm down, but he should have known better than to give in to his desire. His demon kept troubling him, and he was losings his mind. If he didn't know better, he would think his mood was the cause for the sky to growl and cry. The rain fell down heavily, knocking on his windows for entrance.

His maid Helen served him tea, but he needed something cold to calm his nerves.

Something to numb his demon. Falling back onto the couch with a sigh, he suddenly heard a sound outside his mansion. A giggle, and then a familiar scent mixed with the scent of rain reached his nostrils.

Zamiel stood up and went to the window. Looking outside, he found Heaven getting soaked under the rain.

What was she doing?
