Chapter 195   - 72

Ilyas took a chair and sat next to the bed when Heaven told him to stay. If Zarin came back, she didn't have the energy to deal with him, so having Ilyas there made her feel relaxed.

For a moment she had thought it was Zamiel who came to her. She had panicked. She didn't want him to see the situation she was in with the person she called a friend. For the first time she was ashamed to call Zarin her friend, so she was glad that it was Ilyas who came to her.

They communicated through the necklace and the bracelet which let him know where she was when they needed to meet, so he must have used it.

"Thank you for staying." She told him.

He gave her a meek smile and a slight nod. Just like her father, after all the fights, not one hair on his head was out of place. His light golden hair that almost looked white fell to his shoulders smoothly. It complimented his pale skin and his pale blue eyes. He had hollow cheeks just like Zamiel and it gave them both a wolfish predatory look. She wondered if it was a smoke demon thing.

"Do you also consider yourself a djinn?" She asked.


"Yes." He said simply.

"But you don't hate me? I am part witch and the devil's granddaughter."

"You clearly chose a different path than your grandfather, and you didn't choose to be born as a witch." He explained.

Heaven nodded. She was glad that there were demons who thought differently.

"I know I said I would introduce you to father. I haven't forgotten. I am trying to find a more appropriate time." She told him.

"I am in no rush." He spoke calmly.


After a while, Ilyas left so Heaven could take a bath. She couldn't fall asleep being dirty. It bothered her.

While bathing, she thought about Zarin and Zamiel. She wondered if Zamiel knew that it was Zarin who send Rose. He probably did, and yet again she felt ashamed. Then she remembered when Zamiel told her to trust him. Was he speaking of Rose? And what was it that he wanted to tell her?

Unable to contain her curiosity, she teleported to his home after bathing and getting dressed.?Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click /book/married-to-the-devil’s-son_14205835806705305/chapter-72_51054486248023194 for visiting.

When she came to his room, she was surprised to find him sleeping. Why was he sleeping during this time of the day? She walked closer and looked down on him. He seemed to be sick again. His face was pale. She wondered what was happening to him. Last time he had broken all the furniture in his room.

She touched his forehead. He wasn't burning like before, but he was still warm and again he slept wearing nothing on his upper body. It must be the heat.


Zamiel woke up from a familiar scent invading his senses. It smelled like spring, like a warm breeze carrying the scent of blooming flowers. It was a smell that reminded him of greenery and sunrays.

He opened his eyes, squinting his gaze followed where the scent came from. Next to him, in his bed, he found Heaven sleeping.?His eyes widened in surprise. He had to touch her just to make sure he wasn't dreaming and Heaven would wake up just to kill his family again. But he was very much awake as he felt the warmth of her skin and the softness of her hair against his fingers.

Heaven stirred in her sleep, then slowly opened her eyes. For a moment she just stared into his and even smiled.

He smiled back at her, but that caused her eyes to widen. With a gasp, she sat up and looked around before looking at him.

Zamiel sat up as well.

"I…" She blushed. "I didn't mean sleep in your bed." She stuttered.

Of course not. It was unlike her. She was someone who would blush by a simple touch. Or not so simple. Her touch left him inflamed, so he hoped he had the same affect on her.

"I don't mind." He told her.

Her cheeks flushed even more. She did something to him whenever her face became red. He liked to reach for her cheeks and let his cold fingers cool her skin. Before he knew he was already touching her face and just like every time, she closed her eyes as his fingers slid over her cheek. He could tell she liked it when he did that.

She took his other hand and put it on her other cheek, holding both his hands pressed to each side of her face. "I missed you." She said, her eyes still closed.

Without thinking, Zamiel pulled her face close to his and kissed her. He had missed her too much to wait or to be gentle. He kissed her without hesitance, with such intensity that made her cling to him and that made the world around him fade away. The only thing he could feel, taste and smell was her.... until she bit him.

He almost smiled against her lips as he felt the taste of his own blood, but Heaven was still oblivious to it all. He felt her claws dig into his shoulders and then the burning of when the tips scratched his skin. But none of that bothered him and he wouldn't want her to stop if it didn't end with him only tasting his own blood.

Heaven stopped and pulled back. She looked at him, shocked again. Zamiel licked his own lips. If he could only heal in this moment, they could continue.

"Don't apologize." He told her before she could speak.

"I'll leave for a moment." She told him and before he could say something she was gone.

After a short while, when the bleeding stopped, she came back. She hurried and came to sit next to him. "Are you alright now?" Looking at his lips.

"Yes. Now and before." He told her.

Her lips curved slightly, but she forced the smile back. "I really need to learn to control it." She said sadly.

She wouldn't have to if his healing abilities had worked as usual.

"I will teach you." He told her.

He didn't know exactly how, but he would try different ways.

She looked at his bare chest and shoulders where her claws left marks. She frowned but then looked at him "Are you sick again?" She asked.

"No. I just can't sleep at night." He said.

"Is it the nightmares again?"

He nodded. He wanted to talk to her about it and about Rose, but she looked so tired and he could still see the dark circles under her eyes. He would let her rest before making her worried again.

"Is that why you broke your furniture last time?" She asked.

"Yes." He replied.

The furniture, he didn't even remember much of it. After he woke up, he just found that he had destroyed his room. Therefore, he was afraid to be with Heaven. Him waking up next to her could be dangerous.

His vision was red with anger whenever he woke up from the nightmare. He couldn't see what was in front of him. But Heaven had managed to get through his rage last time. Could he trust that she would be able to do it every time? Could he trust himself with her?

She put her hand on his bare shoulder and looked at him. "What can I do to help?"

"Sleep with me." He said.

Heaven blinked a few times. He had expected that reaction from her, but he only meant to hold her in his arms and let her sleep. She could get the sleep she needed and he could hold her.

Her heart raced, and he could guess what she was thinking. He fought back the smile that made its way to his lips. He shouldn't make her fl.u.s.tered, but he loved it.

And then she surprised him when she crawled up in bed, adjusted the pillow and lay down facing him.

"You have to marry me after this." She told him.

He chuckled, lying down as well. "You should at least sleep closer if that is the price."

He opened his arms and waited to see if she would hesitate. But she boldly moved closer and rested her head on his arm. Zamiel drew her closer, holding her against his body.

If this is what if felt like to hold her in his arms, he would be willing to pay any price.
