Chapter 193   - 70

Heaven left her father a bit confused. Was he impressed or not? He gave her mixed feelings, but she sensed he wasn't too happy. Was it because of the way she spoke? Was she disrespectful? Was it because she said he and The Royal army were wrong?

She sighed. She was too tired to think of it now, and too hungry. Her stomach growled on her way back to the guest room. Her father had told her to rest. He would take over from here. She trusted that he would find the right way to punish the King and the Prince so she wasn't worried.

"Your Highness."

Heaven turned back to find General Kian walking up to her. He bowed before looking at her worriedly.

"Your Highness. I have been worried about your wellbeing." He said.

"Thank you. I am alright." She assured him, "Are you alright?"


He nodded.

There was something very likeable about General Kian and Heaven couldn't put her finger on what it was.

"You have impressed many of us. We were reminded of your father, when he used to easily take over other kingdoms."

Heaven smiled shyly, feeling like she didn't deserve all the praise. She was nowhere near her father. He had taken over kingdoms with his army alone. She had only taken over a castle with the help of her men and two demons. There was really nothing impressive about it. If her father wanted, he could have taken over the castle all alone.

"You, the army and father did most of the work. I didn't do much." She said.

He smiled at her. "You did well. Please rest, Your Highness. We will take over from here. And I would love to work on war strategies with you in the future."


Heaven couldn't believe her ears. Did General Kian just tell her he wanted to work with her? She felt like jumping around with joy but contained herself.

"I would love to help." She told him.

"Have a good rest." He said and excused himself.

Heaven went back to the guest room with a smile. She might not have failed completely if General Kian considered working with her. Suddenly she felt energetic again.

Before going to bed, she needed to bathe, but she had sent Kate away for her safety. And she didn't feel comfortable to ask one of the maids in the castle to help her, so she decided to do it alone.

As she unbuckled her belt, she felt someone materialize in her room. Before she could turn she already knew who it was and it made the blood in her veins boil. She had forgotten about him and almost wished it remained that way.

She didn't want to believe that her friend would stoop so low to do something like that. How could he do that to her?


He looked wary as he should. He carefully stepped forward. "I can explain." He began.

"What could possibly explain your actions?" She asked. "Go home! I don't want to see you again." She turned away from him.

She didn't know whether she was more hurt or angry, but she knew this feeling, the feeling of her demon being provoked. She was more angry than ever now because this time she felt betrayed.

"Heaven. Please listen to me once." He said, and then she felt his hand on her shoulder.

Turning around, she punched him in the face. He was taken by surprise and stumbled backward as blood seeped from his nose.

"Don't ever touch me again." She said.

He looked at her shocked as he wiped the blood away.?Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click /book/married-to-the-devil’s-son_14205835806705305/chapter-70_50961641956762764 for visiting.

"Did it hurt?" She asked him. "That is how I felt, but much worse. Just because the pain you inflict can't be seen doesn't make it hurt any less."

"Heaven, I never meant to hurt you." He said.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I just want you to leave."

"I know I did wrong. I shouldn't have kissed you, I admit that, but I am just trying to protect you from that man. He doesn't love you. He isn't who he says he is."

"Stop!" Heaven yelled. "I want to hear no more. Leave!"

"He has truly blinded you." He said with a frown.

She looked at him. Why was he so against Zamiel? This was more than him being angry because Zamiel harmed him and his sister. This was something else. Was it hatred?

It didn't matter anymore. This was her life and she could be with whom she wanted. As a friend he could advise her, but he had no right to act this way.

"I am not blinded. I can see you, Zarin." She said. "But now, I don't want to see you anymore."

"Zamiel doesn't love you. He is using you." He continued as if he couldn't hear what she was saying.

She wanted to punch him again. "I told you to leave. Don't force me to create a scene because you are here. It won't look good on you."

"Do as you please. I am not going before I convince you. I am going to show you the kind of man you are with. You think he loves you, but it is all a lie."

He suddenly crossed the distance between them and grabbed her wrist.

"What are you doing?" She said trying to yank her hand away, but he gripped her tightly and before she could punch him again, he teleported them.

Heaven kneed him in the stomach and stepped away as soon as they arrived. Now she was boiling over.

"Are you in your right mind? What are you doing?!" She yelled furiously.

Zarin groaned in pain, holding his stomach. "Just… listen to me this time. I will leave you alone after this."

Heaven looked around. Where did he bring them? She felt the smell of liquor and heard music and laughter come from the house in front of her. A man came out stumbling on his way, and the stench of alcohol made her wrinkle her nose. What was this place?

"There is someone I need you to meet." He said holding his hands out as if telling her to calm down and wait.

Heaven was so close to pull her daggers but took a deep breath. She would just go back, but then he would follow her. She needed to make it clear to him, but how? He was too stubborn.

"Just meet this person. After that, I'll leave you alone. I promise." He said.

"Lord Zarin." Suddenly a woman stood outside the house.

The woman looked between her and Zarin before she smiled at him.

"Lady Hilda. Could you call Rose?" He asked.

Who was Rose?

The woman winked at him before throwing her hair back and turning around, walking inside while swaying her h.i.p.s.

"Who is Rose?" Heaven asked impatiently.

He had been talking about Zamiel, and now suddenly he wanted her to meet Rose.

"You will know soon. Please, just wait a moment."

Before he could finish his sentence, a woman walked out of the house. She had a shawl wrapped around her upper body even though it wasn't cold outside. She seemed to want to cover herself, but she was a real beauty. Even her walk seduced as she approached them.

What was happening, and why did she need to meet this woman?

"Lord Zarin." She curtsied.

Zarin turned to Heaven. "Heaven, you believe Zamiel loves you. You even believe he is your mate. But to him, you are just another woman. Just like Rose. You think I am lying? Then listen to her." He said.

His words felt like a stab in the heart. Heaven couldn't believe what she heard. He couldn't mean what she thought he meant.

He turned to Rose. "Rose, tell her what happened when you went to his home."

His home? Heaven's eyes widened. This woman went to Zamiel's home?

Rose turned to Heaven. "My Lady." She began, but Heaven cut her off by holding her hand up.

She needed a moment to think. Were both of them trying to tell her that Zamiel had been with this woman? That he had touched and loved another woman?

No! Zamiel would never do that. He would never do anything to hurt her.

Heaven straightened herself and walked closer to Rose, standing face to face with her. She looked her in the eyes, "if you dare lie to me, you won't see a tomorrow." She threatened.

She had been so confident that Rose was going to lie to her, but the woman didn't flinch and her heart beat stayed steady.

Heaven took a step back and studied her carefully. What was she going to hear today?

"I have no intentions of lying, My Lady. I did go to Lord Zamiel's house. I offered myself."

Heaven's heart was beating the whole time. Her stomach turned when Rose spoke. She wasn't sure if she wanted to hear the rest.

"But Lord Zamiel refused my services. He didn't lay a finger on me."
