
Assistant Wang, answered his mobile telephone that was ringing, and after speaking to the person on the other end of the file, said to Hou Yi "Sir we have a problem and we need your wife here."

Hou Yi, asked "What is it?"

"Sir there has been a twofold issue, one here and one in Australia with our subsidiary's development project.Here Lu Corporation, have complained to the authorities that we have entered into an illegal international developmental project.Not a big issue, more an annoyance to resolve, that can be simply handled by our legal department.All the paperwork is in order, it will just be dealing with the authorities, something simply for the legal department."

Assistant Wang paused, to deliver the worst part of the news "The issue is in Australia.ANX Lawyers, are highly concerned.The message was that they were trying to contact your wife.The message said that she was on holiday here, and they would see if she could come in to help deal with it rather than requiring you to travel to Australia.They said they had been trying to reach her without success.As to the issue, the message did not indicate what it was."

Hou Yi quickly stood up, called to Butler Ge "Where is my wife?Get all the electronic devices and cables that were in her cabin bag and take them to my study, now."

"Young Master, Young Madam, is with First Madam and Second Madam in the formal dining room."


Hou Yi, went quickly to the formal dining room, and saw that Anna, his mother and aunt, had just finished sorting out their purchases."Anna, sweetheart, I need your help with something now.Sorry Mother, Aunt, you need to leave."

"Son, we were just about to do so, we will talk in the next couple of days.Tell Assistant Wang, that we will be in contact to start wedding arrangements."

With that Du AnLing and Leng Xi, collected their bags, and went down in the elevator to return to the Hou Ancestral Home.Anna, followed Hou Yi towards his study, and they spotted Butler Ge."Young Master, the items as requested are in the study."

"Thank you.Please arrange for coffee to be brought in to us, and can you place the items left in the formal dining room, carefully in one of the spare rooms.I understand these may be gifts for people in Australia from my wife, so be careful."

"Yes Sir."

With that Hou Yi, opened the study door, and let Anna proceed him in.Assistant Wang was waiting for them.


"Sorry, Madam.I received a message that your employers have been attempting to contact you to have you make contact with us to try and resolve a problem for our Australian Subsidiary."

"OK I will check my emails."With that she plugged her laptop into a adaptor and into a power point, turned it on.Once she logged into the computer, she turned to Hou Yi "I need the wi-fi password, please."

Hou Yi walked over to the desk, sat down on his chair opposite Anna, reached into a draw and pulled out a card, and handed it to Anna "Here they are"

Anna entered the details and connected to her email served.She noticed immediately an email from the senior partner, asking her as soon as she received the message to call him, any time of the day or night for something they needed her urgent assistant with.She realised that, she did not have her handbag, where her new mobile phone was with her Australia mobile.She went to the door and called out "Butler Ge, can you please get my handbag, and bring it here immediately."

Within 3 minutes there was a knock on the door, and it was one of the maids with her handbag."Thank you for that," said Anna, taking the bag and closing the door behind her.She picked up her new mobile phone, and dialed the mobile number in the email, placing the phone on speaker.

When it was answered, Anna immediately said "Good Evening Mr Williams.Anna Jones here sorry to be so late in responding to your email.My phone I brought from Australia has had serious difficulties here, so I have purchased a local mobile, and the number that has come up is it."

"No, problem Ms Jones.I am just grateful you have gotten back to me as quickly as you have.One of our client's parent company is based in City T, where you are.We have had serious complications arise here with a development deal, due to what we know are false allegations there.Permits being pulled, allegations of breaches of the Corporations Act, all sorts of things.Are you able to help us out by getting in contact with the parent company and working there to help resolve the matters?I do not want to inconvenience you and Lu Jinhu, but it is important.If you could, we would be grateful as it will mean that we do not have to get the CEO here to Australia to deal with the issues, as it will take more time."

"Absolutely sir."

"Great.We have started preparing the documents, we will need you to review them and then go through with the client before having them signed, scan and return to us via email before you send us the originals.About half the documents are done, along with the relevant explanation material so you do not have to learn areas you are not completely up to date on.The balance is being done now or will be done in the morning and put into the system, which as I know you have taken your laptop you can access.I will also ensure that there are information notes for you as I know that these technical areas in commercial law are not your forte."

"Do you mind telling me the client?"

"The Australia client is HOUENT (Australia) Limited, and the parent company is Hou Enterprises.I will email you their contact details for the morning, but I will let them know now that I have contacted you and you will be in contact with them tomorrow."

"Not a problem"

With that Anna ended the call, and within two minutes, Hou Yi received a call on his mobile, he answered and placed it on speaker.

"Mr Hou, it is Stan Williams here from ANX Lawyers in Melbourne, Australia."

"Yes Mr Williams."

"I hope you have been made generally aware of there being an issue with the current development project for your Australian Subsidiary?"

"I have been made aware that there is a problem."

"Sir, normally given the issues we would need you to come to Australia as soon as possible to deal with, but we are quite lucky that we have been able to contact an employee who is presently in City T, on holidays, a Ms Anna Jones, one of our Lawyers.She has agreed to interrupt her holiday to come to your offices, to assist in dealing with the matter.She is likely to need some space, and it may take her a couple of days to get through everything, but it should resolve matters and eliminate your need to travel here."

"Fine.Just email all her details to Assistant Wang."

"Will do," and with that Hou Yi ended the call.

Anna, while Hou Yi was speaking to her boss, logged into the office software using her laptop, and had a quick look at the documents already uploaded.She realised that it was going to be a few days to deal with the issue, as the document were complex.
