Going Power Shopping - Part 8

After getting out of the car, Anna Jones, Du AnLing and Leng Xi were introduced to the additional bodyguards who will accompany them.

The three Hou ladies were escorted into a restaurant, Du AnLing and Leng Xi, following Anna in.On entering the whole party, including the bodyguards were shown to a table.Anna, quickly dove in, and again Du AnLing and Leng Xi followed her lead.As Anna noticed it was coming up to 2pm, she understood while she felt hungry.Anna, paused, and turned to the bodyguards "Please join us in having something to eat and drink.I know you have all gone to trouble for us, but do not ignore your own needs while doing this."

Du AnLing and Leng Xi, looked at her strangely.Anna realised that they were wondering what she was doing "Remember that one guard has been with us all day, but I do not want to single her out, so I have offered to all of them.It is nothing, just some common curtesy."

They both thought that being kind to the staff, who would have time for breaks was strange, but they decided it was not worth saying anything, and they would simply have to educate her in the future about keeping separation from the staff.

However, the guards realised what Anna was doing, and they decided to indulge her today, so the meal was quickly consumed by everyone.Du AnLing and Leng Xi, realised that the simple meal that they had was amazing to eat.

As the restaurant has facilities to pay by card, Anna pulled out the first card she used, and paid the bill.On seeing a bill for 10,000 for all drinks and food consumed, Du AnLing and Leng Xi could not believe it.The both grabbed a couple of the restaurant's business cards, as they realised that they could come here, eat a wonderful meal and not impact their ability to shop.The thing would be convincing their friends to come and experience it was well.


When the female bodyguard who had been with them all day, handed Anna most of the cash Hou Yi had given them for Anna.She figured she would deal with Hou Yi, for indulging his mother and aunt, and handed them 30,000 each, saying "Do not tell Hou Yi, I will.We are going to a market, so you might see something you like, although anything designed is going to be a knock off."She paused, and thought "Just remember, not to take the first price from the stall holder, you need to bargain with them, they expect it."

The group wandered out of the restaurant, and around the corner, and down half a block, and found themselves at the tourist market.Anna felt in heaven.She loved Asian markets and had always found great things to use in gifts for people, who loved them.Du AnLing and Leng Xi, however were worried.How did you go about bargaining?What is trash and what is treasure?They realised that Anna, felt comfortable here, and figured they would watch her firstly before they did this for themselves.

The group entered the market, 2 bodyguards in front, the remaining 4 behind.4 stalls in, and noticed a stall, selling suitcases, bags, and backpacks.She knew from experience that they would be needed, and entered pointing to three she liked and asked, "How much for those three backpacks?"

The stall holder looked at her and realised the clothes she had on were likely designed and said "4,500 for the three."

Anna paused. "That is way too much.It is 1,500 per bag.How about 1,500 for all three"

"Madam that is way too low."


Anna and the Stall holder went back and forth for a period of time and they settled on 3,000 for the three bags.Du AnLing and Leng Xi, were surprised, that she got all three for such a price.They would have paid what was asked.Once Anna paid for the bags, she went to them, and said "Take your pick.One thing I have learnt from trips to these places in the past is having a backpack makes it easier to carry purchases."Both selected one, and Anna kept the remaining one.She slung it on one shoulder, and Du AnLing and Leng Xi followed her lead.

"How did you do that?" asked Leng Xi.Unlike Du AnLing, she came from a wealthy family, and had never had to worry about money even in the past.

"I would have preferred to pay about 2,500 for all three, but it was close to what I was happy with, so I figured I was not going to haggle further.Usually, I ask how much for how many that I want, and then offer about a third of the price, and we haggle to somewhere between half and two thirds of the original price quoted.More importantly, if you do not feel comfortable with the price, walk away.I've done that to, and usually the stall holder comes with a price I am happy to pay."Anna paused, and thought "I am going to make a suggestion, if you are thinking about coming back to the markets in the future, buy a couple of knock off handbags and purses, to use here, can older clothes to fit in more and you are likely to get a lower starting price as well."

Anna then turned to one of the guards behind her and said quietly "We forgot to get some bottles of water.Could you please go into a shop and get one for everyone, including each of you.It will get hot was we are wandering."She handed the guard some money, and he went off to do that.

They continued wandering slowly along the market.In the very next stall, Anna spotted, a painting hanging up.Even though it was mass produced, she knew her assistant in Australia would love it.Like before, she started haggling with the stall holder to get it, which she did, for just on two thirds the original price.

As she was finishing Du AnLing spotted a painting she liked, and thought, why not give it a go.Following what she had observed with Anna, she gave bargaining a go.By the time she got the price down, she realised how much fun this was.She turned to Leng Xi, and whispered "This is so much fun.And do you realise in doing this here we can indulge in shopping but spend so much less money than if we go to any of the Mall's."

For the next hour or so, Anna, Du AnLing and Leng Xi, wandered through the market, buying various items they wanted, not only filling their backpacks, but handing bags to the guards to carry.Anna handed both another 20,000 to spend each, as they had spent their initial amount, Plus they found an ATM and withdrew some cash from their accounts to spend as well.

When they arrived at the other end of the market, they were all exhausted and ready to go home.The car was called for, and all the items they purchased just fitted in the boot.As they were getting in the car, Anna remembered her promise to Hou Yi, and dialled him.He answered within 3 rings "Darling, we have finished shopping at the market and are heading home."


"I have to confess something.I gave your mother and aunt 50,000 each to spend at the market, sorry."

"Do not worry, I figured that you would end up doing that.See you at home."

With that Hou Yi ended the call and walked into Assistant Wang's office."Come on, I need you to accompany me home."
