Going Power Shopping - Part 5
As Rebecca was closing the VIP room door, Anna heard down the corridor Yang Lin angrily saying "What in the world is happening here.I called you and told you I wanted the largest VIP room today, and you are telling me someone is using it.This place is useless.Get me that room now"
"I am sorry, as you are aware, we try to facilitate client's request, but as you know Miss Yang rooms cannot be reserved, and are used on a first come, first served basis taking into account the people that are there.The client using that room has been here for over an hour, so they have and will retain priority.We can, however, make another room available to you Miss Yang."
"No, I told you, and you know that I must have the best.That room is the best room, and therefore I am entitled to it.See that I get the room now, or I will ensure that none of you have a job."
At that time someone came down the corridor and knocked on the not yet closed door."Madam's Hou, as you can here we have another client Miss Yang, here demanding that she be given this room.We were wondering if you would be willing to swap to another room, so she could have this room.The last time that she did not get what she wanted here her rage was such that it scared the staff.We do not want that again but are reluctant to ask this off you."
Du AnLing realised that she did not want to acknowledge that she had ever pushed Yang Lin towards her son as a potential spouse.This one incident showed that she was not like her daughter-in-law, she was a bully who liked nothing more that treating everyone with disdain.Anna however was pleasant and treated people nice.More importantly her son was in love with her, something he never was with Yang Lin.Overall she wished that she could forget she ever knew her.
Du AnLing responded, so that there was distance between them and the behaviour, "We were here first and therefore are not moving for anyone, even someone that we know only in passing.She heard your policy, so she just has to deal with it.You know who my son is, and you are asking us to move.Forget it."
With that the employee left, and Anna went to the door, signalling for both bodyguards to come in the room, which they did "I know you want to be out there, but I think you standing there will only aggravate the situation, come in here."
Both came inside the room, and before anything could be heard about Yang Lin being told no, the door was shut.Rebecca, turned to Anna, and indicated "Miss Anna, after our wandering around, I took note of the things that interested you.Can you tell me is there a designed that you particularly want, and what you need?"
Before Anna could respond Leng Xi spoke "She needs everything including a couple of business suits.Casual clothes, clothes to simply wear at home, swimwear, formal wear, semi-formal wear, cocktail dresses, everything that you can think of."
"Rebecca lets look at a selection of items over the various things I need, and if I find I trust your judgement I will let you select the balance of items, and have them delivered.By the way, I need to arrange for shoes, I forgot to tell you."
"That is not a problem Miss Anna, I will arrange for our shoe specialist to come and take your measurements, and once we have selected the clothes, she will ensure that you have matching shoes for them.Let me go and arrange for my sections to be delivered here in your size."With that she left the room ensuring that the door was secured.
Leng Xi, then spoke up."What did you order at that tailor's shop?I would have never thought going in there for clothes."
"I bit, as we went in, I observed the clothes on display, and looked at the photos, and realised that I had stumbled into a gem of a designer.A friend of my mother's at home is a tailor, so I know quality work and design, and saw that there.I ordered 15 suits each of a matching jacket, slacks, skirt, dress, 5 for here, 5 winter weight and 5 summer weight ones for Australia; matching shirts, 3-4 per suit, them to design and make some clothes for me in the various categories that you asked for Rebecca to bring in, plus I asked them could they design my wedding dress.I have told them I need two suites for here and 2 suits for Australia reasonably quickly and the rest can follow.All I had to do was pay a deposit of 700.000.Oh my god, what is Yi going to say.That is only the deposit, I am guessing that the total cost will be 3, 4 or more times that.He warned me about you two and shopping."
"Darling Daughter, you are learning from the best.He would have told you that."
Before Anna could respond, her mobile phone rang, and as she took it from her bag, she was the called ID as Darling Husband.She promptly answered it "Darling Yi, why did you call."
"No real reason, I received a notification that you spent 700,000, at one store.Do you need me to up the card limits?"
"I am not sure.Please do not kill me, that was from a female tailors store I found as we were wandering around M Mall.They are making me in three different weight materials suits for work, plus over time they will make some one-off pieces for me, and I have asked them to produce a design for my wedding dress.That money was only a deposit.I have to pay more at the next fitting, plus for the other items as well.Sorry."Anna, by the end of that was a little worried.
Hou Yi laughed "I guess the power shoppers strike again.Do not worry about it.When you have the first fitting, let me know and I will try and come, and arrange for the balance of those accounts to be sent directly here."
"Yi, you had me worried, I thought I would be in trouble for spending so much."
"Do not worry about it, just let me know how you go throughout the day.I will, however up the limits on the black cards for you, to be unlimited for today, so you can spend what you need.Take care."
"Will do."With that Anna hung up the phone, and turned to Du AnLing and Leng Xi, smiled and said "I am not in trouble.I cannot believe him, his comment was 'I guess the power shoppers strike again' after I told him what the money was for and was laughing."