Going Power Shopping - Part 3
Du AnLing advised the personal shopper Rebecca, to call her AnLing, her sister-in-law (Leng) Xi and her daughter-in-law Anna (Jones), given that they were all Madam Hou's to prevent confusion.
Rebecca was stunned by the request, as usually all the VIP's wanted is to stay in their VIP Room, and wait for clothes to be brought to them, but she realised that the three Madam Hou's really wanted to make a day of it.This actually might be a fun day for her. "Please wait here for a few minutes, so I can organise a couple of things before we go into the Mall itself."
With that she left, Anna realised to organise the intimate items that she had asked for.Du AnLing and Leng Xi, were excited, as they knew going through the Mall would allow them to plan their next shopping trip.Before anyone could speak, Rebecca returned, and slid a discrete switch, which must indicate that the room is occupied.Rebecca led them further down the corridor, and through a door, which took them out into the mall.
Over the next hour, Rebecca, under the careful watch of the bodyguards, wandered with them through the Mall, making careful note of the stores that caught the attention of the youngest Madam Hou.She realised that these would need to be the starting point.and when they entered a store, she made sure that the staff knew who Anna was, so that they could put together items tht would work for her.
However as they were wandering around, the three Madam Hou's did somewhat get distracted as Du AnLing and Leng Xi, made sure that they found out whatever they could about what Anna wanted for her wedding; Location, colours, any ideas that they could use to work with Assistant Wang and Anna's family to plan her dream wedding.AnLing and Xi realised that this would be their only opportunity to be involved in the planning of a wedding and wanted to maximise it.Anna, simply expressed her dreams to them, wishing that the situation was different and Hou Yi was her love and she was having her dream wedding with him.But that was not where their relationship was at.She was, as she realised falling in love with Hou Yi, but give the circumstances of their marriage was unable to tell him, and she had to plan her wedding ceremony to him in the absence of any knowledge about how he really felt about her.
Towards the end of their wandering, Anna spotted a Female Tailors store.Anna stopped Rebecca, and asked "Could you please take me in there"
"Miss Anna, this place is more designed to create suits for young professional woman."
"Well, within the next few weeks I will need them."This surprised both Du AnLing and Leng Xi, as since the founding of Hou Enterprises is was unknown within the family for a wife to go and work.
"Sweetheart, why would you need such suits.Hou wives for generations have not worked, and I guess knowing my son it will not be long before you are pregnant."
"Mother, Aunt, please do not take this the wrong way.Yi and I met, when he came into the legal firm that I work for, and he has promised me that I can continue to work."
"But you are only a secretary," replied AnLing
"No Mother, Aunt.I am actually a qualified lawyer in Australia.Yi and I have spoken about how I will, deal with much of the legal matters relating to Hou Enterprises activities in Australia, from here with the assistance of my Australian employers, as well as becoming a qualified lawyer here.We have said that children will happen when they do, but he said to me that he did not want me to waste the talent and skills I have."
Rebecca heard this conversation."Miss Anna, there are shops that we have which can supply you with designed suits."
"No, I actually want them handmade for me, both for use here, and for the times we have to return to Australia."
"OK Miss Anna" and with that Rebecca escorted them into the tailors shop, asking for whoever was in charge.
A young woman came out from a small back room "In the absence of my parents I am in charge"
"Miss, I am Rebecca one of the VIP personal shoppers, and these are my clients.The youngest lady here is a lawyer, and she needs, in addition to the other items we are purchasing today, to arrange for some professional attire, to be made.She was wondering, if you would be able to do that."
"Of course, if the Young Madam would come with me.I will do our set of measurements and work out with her what is needed."With that she motioned for Anna to accompany her into a dressing room, promptly taking a tape measure out, to take a complete set of measurements."Madam, could you please let me know what you are after?"
"Thank you for your time.At the moment I am after say 5 suits with matching jackets, skirts and dresses of various colours you think will work for me, both suitable for here, plus 5 winter weight and 5 summer weight suits suitable to wear in Australia, more particularly Victoria.Those need to be in somewhat more darker tones.I also will need shirts to wear with the suits.Material, needs to be good quality, but I am willing to pay.I would only need 2 suits for here and one winter and summer weight suit for Australia, plus shirts for them within a week or so.The rest can come when they are done, no rush."Anna paused, and had a thought "Do you make things other than suits?"
"We do Madam, what were you looking for?"
"Well I am, of course going to buy ready-made, designer items, particular as I need then now, but would you be able to design and make a mixture of items suitable for the wife of a CEO, that are a one off?Additionally, and it is something my mother-in-law and aunt-in-law have not thought about, my husband and I are having our formal wedding ceremony in Australia, and I would like to arrange a unique wedding dress mixing traditional wedding styles from here with those common in Western Countries.We have not set the wedding ceremony date, but I am guessing that will be in two to three months.Before you ask, I have my own skills, and in the past have made my own items, admittedly from pre-purchased patterns, but in colours and materials I want.I love the handmade, uniqueness of personally made items and want to support a local business.Would you be willing to help me?"
"Madam, do you mind me asking who your husband is?"
"Hou Yi, the CEO of Hou Enterprises."