The Ultimate Power Shoppers
Hou Yi, and Anna Jones on their arrival back in their apartment, were almost asleep on their feet.Hou Yi, was awake enough to help Anna into her nightwear, and into bed and get into his, before almost instantaneously falling asleep in bed.
The next morning, they awoke to knock on the bedroom door and it then opening with Butler Gee calling out "Apologies Young Master, Young Madam.Young Master it is 8am.Assistant Wang has called me ten times to remind you that you have a 9 am meeting as he was unable to reach you.I have left it to the latest possible time, before disturbing you, but it could not wait longer.Young Master, your normal breakfast will be delivered, however for Young Madam, as I was not certain what you would want I arranged for some toast, with jam, eggs and bacon and tea, coffee and orange juice as your choice of drink.These will arrive in a few minutes for you."
Butler Ge's knocking on the door, awoke Hou Yi and Anna, who found themselves wrapped in each others arms.They unwrapped themselves and carefully got out of bed, and walked over to the seating area.As they arrived there Butler Ge and one of the maids entered with their breakfast, sitting it down for them.Hou Yi looked at Anna's nightdress, and realised that it was much more revealing than what he thought it was when he put it on the previous night.He quickly went into the bathroom, and collected each of them a robe, so she did not feel too conscious when she realised what she was wearing.Before she sat down, Hou Yi returned, wearing one robe, and handing to Anna another.
The staff, quickly left, leaving both there to have their breakfast, but before Anna even had anything she commented "That was embarrassing, we were dead to the world and they walked in.The only thing I can say is at least it was not as bad as it could have been.If this was a relationship where we had a sexual relationship, they could have walked in on us."
"Maybe, we need to arrange a door bell.I do not want you to feel embarrassed again," joked Hou Yi.
"Let me think about it," responded Anna, as a deadpan response, which Hou Yi realised was a joke, and he gave a little laugh.
Before both got carried away, they decided to eat their breakfast before it got cold.At the end of breakfast, Anna remarked "We will have to arrange for some Vegemite as I do not think I could only have jam with toast."
Hou Yi made a mental note to ask Butler Ge to arrange for this for Anna.Hou Yi, got up and collected the package that he was handed last night, and walked back to Anna, and opened it.
"Anna, I have a few things I need to give you.Firstly, here is your key for the elevator lock, along with the other keys for the apartment, the Hou Ancestral House, and a Master Key for Hou Enterprises.Butler Ge will give you a tour either today or tomorrow, so you get your bearings around the apartment.Secondly, when you go down stairs today, please go and see the security staff.They will encode your thumb print for the doors here, that are secured with thumb prints."
"Thirdly, I have arranged for a new mobile phone for you, that will be paid with mine, unlimited calls anywhere, unlimited data.The only thing you need to do is transfer your contacts.Charger cords are in the study and on the desk over there.My number, Assistant Wang's number, my direct office line, your bodyguards, the number for here, my parents, grandparents and aunt's numbers have already been programmed in for you."
"Finally, here are your new cards, there is firstly my courtesy card, any trouble hand that over, and secondly here are your credit cards.The bank has only issued them as a companion card to mine at the moment, they will in due course issue you personally with them as well.The two black cards have a daily limit of 20 million, the platinum card has a daily limit of 10 million and the other two a daily limit of 8 million each.If you find you need more, let me know and I will arrange it with the bank."
"What! I do not need cards with that high of a limit."
"You are going shopping with my mother and aunt, two highly expensive power shoppers.They treat shopping as a sport, and while we can afford to spend an occasional spending spree, the way that they would spend previously meant that I had to limit their spending to 3 million per month, simply to stop them spending without thinking.Not only will they try and talk you into spending millions upon millions today on yourself, they will try and talk you into spending the same on them."
Hou Yi paused, and realised that he had to direct Anna, simple to limit his mother and Aunt's spending.He continued, "Only buy what you want, and importantly tell them that I told you other than buying food and drink, I have banned you from spending money on them without my permission.That will stop their pestering, especially as they have already spent their limit this month, and we are not 10 days into the month.However, despite their spending ways, they will be able to guide you to the clothes that you need as my wife, to attend the functions that you will be attending."
"You are kidding?" questioned Anna
"Absolutely not.The last unrestricted shopping spree that they went on, and they had both my grandmothers with them, cost, if I remember about 80 million for the four of them.Their purchases were top designers, and I still do not think that they have worn everything the purchased then.My father, grandfather and I had to put a stop to their unrestricted spending.Despite them being power shoppers, but expensive ones.I have told the bodyguards who will accompany you, that if you want to, they should take you to one of the tourist markets.I am guessing you may feel more comfortable spending there.The Bodyguards will have cash for the market for you, and to cover small incidentals."
Hou Yi paused and looked at the clock at the desk.He noticed that it was 8:20 am, and that if he did not hurry, he would run late for work."Apologies I cannot stay, I need to be at work for this 9 am meeting otherwise I would remain until my mother and aunt arrive.Take your time and get ready.Relax as you will need it to go shopping with them."With that Hou Yi, quickly went into the walk in robe, and selected a suit for work, and then into the bathroom.
minutes later, he exited the bathroom, dressed and ready for work.As he heard the suite door opening, he walked over to Anna, leaned over and kissed her briefly.He said quietly, but so whoever opened the door could here "Sorry I have to go into work.I would rather simply remain here with you, but this will let me get away next week with you."
Anna, turned so his second brief kiss would be on her lips, gently pushed him and said "Go.Your mother and aunt will take good care of me, and I will simply wait for you tonight."
Hou Yi stood up, and walked towards the door, where a maid was standing "See what assistance my wife needs, the leave her in peace and clean up once she has left with my mother and aunt."