Telling the Hou Family - Part 2

With a nod of heads between the elder members of the Hou Family, it appeared that Hou Jang was elected their spokesperson to question Hou Yi and Anna Jones, about their marriage.

"What in the world are you talking about?" yelled Hou Jang.

"As I said father," started Hou Yi in a calm voice."Anna and I were married today.Grandfather and your demand did not indicate anything about who I was to marry and how, it was that I simply had to be married.As you know, I was waiting to find the love of my life, like you did, like uncle did with aunt before his untimely death, and what you grandfather and grandmother did.It just happened that the woman I fell in love with, was in a relationship with someone else."

Hou Yi paused, and looked at Anna, who leaned over and gave him a light kiss on the cheek and squeezed his hand as gestures of support."I was determined that all I wanted for her was to be happy in a relationship, if that relationship was not with me.All we did was communicate, and it became clear that she was unhappy."Hou Yi paused again, and Anna realised that she needed to continue, as she could sense anger growing in him.

"Father, I was previously engaged in my prior relationship.Yi, and I had a chance meeting at my place of employment in Australia.He was simply a friend to start with and did not push me about anything, recognising the commitment that I had made in my previous relationship.However, as we communicated, I realised that I could not marry my former fiancé.I think it was about 3 months ago my feelings changed regarding Yi, and that I realised that it was love, an emotion more than I ever felt with my former fiancé."

"However, as I had given my commitment i was willing to stand by it, and found it hard to break things off.It was only a few days ago, with a chance meeting at the Australian Embassy, that I realised that staying with that commitment would be a disaster.We spoke in passing, but recognised that we wanted, no needed to marry and make the ultimate commitment to each other."


"While I would have married Yi immediately without a care for the ending of my previous relationship, he made it clear that I needed to end it with respect, so we could go ahead with our lives without feeling as if there was a cloud over our relationship.Before I could tell my former fiancé that I was going to end the relationship and that I could not marry him as I loved Yi, he ended the relationship.As soon as I was free, Yi and I married."

"I cannot believe you Hou Yi, you helped break up an engagement.I thought you had more respect for people's relationships."Hou Jang responded angrily.

"Father, I never pushed.If Anna had stayed with her former fiancé, all I would have done was remain a friend.Her happiness is all that counts.She was unhappy and realised that she could not continue in it.I did nothing.Before she ended the relationship, her ex did."

"And before you look at thinking he was a victim, one thing Anna did not tell you, her ex fiancé used her not only to obtain Australian Citizenship, but took almost everything that she owned, leaving her with a huge debt.While I was not present for the break-up, he took pleasure in telling Anna, that their whole relationship was a lie.He was simply using her to get what he wanted before dumping her.He was a user, not a victim.Anna is the victim in that relationship, but I am going to make sure that she is safe and protected."As Hou Yi continued to speak to his father, his tone became more angrier and angrier.He paused and took a breath, turned and looked at Anna, who he realised was tensing up.

"What!"A shocked Hou Jang said.

"Grandfather, Grandmother, Father, Mother, Aunt.I think all we are going to do is go in circles.While I may have not married who you expected, I have married the woman I intend to spend my life with.As to dealing with her ex fiancé, we will do that in the future.We had intended to stay and have a meal with you, but tonight is our wedding night, and we are tired.I think it is best that we return home.We will come another day when you have calmed down to talk further"


Du AnLing interrupted "Yi do not.I would love to properly meet your bride, it is simple a shock to all of us, given what we had seen before today.Do not go yet.At least have something to eat, as I am guessing when you get back to your apartment that food will be the last thing on your mind."

With that she stood up, and went over grabbing Anna's free hand, and gently pulled her up "Sweetheart, feel free to call me mum or mother, and come with me as I am guessing my son does not want to feed you."She pulled Anna out of the room, and along the corridor into a dining room with a round table.Everyone else left in the room, was left with no option but to follow, as Du AnLing had made the decision to accept her new daughter-in-law.
