Travelling to the Hou Ancestral Home Hou Yi showed Anna Jones the location of their walk in Robe, Storage safe and ensuite bathroom, and indicated to her that she should get into the bathroom first to get ready.

With that he pushed Anna into the bathroom, and walked over to the robe, to find his clothes to wear, which was done quickly.Hou Yi sat those clothes on a bench on the foyer area of the suite.After messing up the bedding, and tossing a pillow on the floor, he sat down to wait for Anna, who came out of the bathroom some 15 minutes later.

As Anna walked across into the robe, Hou Yi picked up his clothes, and went into the bathroom and had a shower and dressed.When he left the bathroom, Anna was almost dressed, save and except for finishing doing up the dress zip, and putting on the necklace he brought at Fengs.Hou Yi did up the zip and retrieved the necklace and put it on.The last thing he did was from the bathroom, take their clothes, and toss them on the floor around the bed, so that the staff would believe that they had been engaged in wild sex, rather than what they actually did.

With that, Hou Yi took Anna's hand, and they walked out the suite door, and down the stairs.At the bottom of the stairs, they were met by Butler Ge, who handed Hou Yi a coat, and Anna, a simple black wrap, and a pair of simply pair of white heeled shoes from her suitcase that she slipped on.

Hou Yi, asked "Butler Ge, I need you to do three things.Call my driver and let him know we are on our way down.Call my family and let them know I will be there within 30 minutes, subject to traffic.Most importantly, could you please arrange for our suite to be tidied up and readied for our return."

With that the call button was pressed, and Hou Yi and Anna entered the elevator, going down to the waiting car.The driver was waiting the door opened on the car, and Hou Yi helped Anna into the car, before entering himself.He turned to the driver, and indicated "Drive us to the ancestral home, and close the privacy screen," and ensured that the door was closed behind him.

Hou Yi reached over and helped Anna put on her seatbelt, before putting on his own.He quietly said to Anna "Rest.We have about 30 minutes, subject to traffic before we reach my family's ancestral home."With that, he then helped Anna rest her head on his shoulder, and before the car had even left the car, she had drifted off to sleep.


Hou Yi, sat quietly, not wanting to disturb his wife, who had been through so much today.He knew that she had one more ordeal to face, being his family.However, he believed that this would be the easiest of the lot to get through.The only thing his family wanted was to see him married, with the potential for heirs to come.While he hoped Anna would be to one to provide those heirs, he was also realistic in that she may refuse, however modern technology would allow an heir to be born, he would just have to deal with his family.Out of everyone he knew his mother Du AnLing would absolutely take to Anna, and that in the next few days she would have great fun spending millions on her daughter-in-law, particularly as her normal spending restrictions would be removed.Well, he thought if that is what it takes to help Anna settle, and get ready to get her revenge, then that is what is needed.

Before he could think of anything else, he started to drift off to sleep.The next thing that Hou Yi knew was that the car had stopped, and he was being advised that they had arrived at the ancestral home.He looked at Anna, who was still asleep, and gently shook her."Anna, we have arrived.We will only stay as long as we need to, and then return back to the apartment."

Anna awoke from her sleep and started to get out of the car still dozy.Hou Yi, lent over and said, "Please do not get angry about this again."With that he swept Anna into his arms and carried her through the front door of the Hou Ancestral Home, with not only various staff members watching on, but his mother and father standing inside the door to greet him.
