Calling Anna's parents
Hou Yi after picking up the necklace box, reached down to help Anna Jones stand up.Once she was up, he quietly said "Come with me, and I will show you the way to our room."
Hou Yi then escorted Anna, back out through the lounge, and up some stairs in the foyer to a second floor in the apartment."You will have a tour of the whole apartment later, but knowing the location of the lounge and our suite will orientate you in our home.Our suite is one of the four bedrooms on the second floor.It takes up about a half of the area up here.The rest of the rooms are children or guest rooms.However, we will look for a villa that is more suited to our needs but keep this for the times that we cannot be bothered leaving the CBD area."
Anna could feel eyes looking at her from staff, however by the time Hou Yi finished saying this, they had reached a set of double doors.He pressed a lock and then turned the handle.Like coming out of the elevator, he swung Anna up into his arms and carried her over a threshold, while she yelled "Yi, you did not need to do this again."He put her down and firmly shut the doors behind them.
"Anna calm down.The maids, Butler Ge, the Housekeeper and the kitchen staff had all come out and were peering around corners looking at us.They needed to see that I was being romantic.And before you start to say anything, yes in the past I have had women in this apartment, but never this suite, always in the guest rooms.This suite has always been designated for my wife and I, so you are the only woman to sleep in this room.You can talk to Butler Ge about re-decorating the three guest rooms, so any potential reminders of other women in our home can be eliminated.We both have pasts, but we left those behind when we got a marriage certificate."
"Well you knew that the first time it angered me and yet you did it again.You have no respect for me."With that Anna picked up the nearest thing to her, which happened to be a book, and threw it an Hou Yi.
"Anna calm down.As I said the only reason, I did that was to put forward an image to the staff."
Before Hou Yi say anything more there was a knock on the door "Young Master, Young Madam.Sorry to interrupt.I forgot to arrange for some champagne in the suite for you, and I have it now" came Butler Ge from outside the door.
"Wait a minute."With that, Hou Yi quickly took off his jacket, and dropped it on the floor near the door, and partially undid his tie.He reached over and slipped off Anna's jacket, and pulled her shirt out of her pants, and quickly used his hands to mess up Anna's hair.Anna realised what he was doing, and did the same with Hou Yi's hair, and undid two buttons on the shirt.Neither of them wanted the staff to realise that they were arguing, so presenting an image of an interrupted bout of wild s*x was a much better option for both of them.
Hou Yi opened the door, without looking who was outside, and went back to Anna, saying as he did so, "Come in".Butler Ge was followed in by two staff members and three others were standing outside the door observing.They appeared stunned at the sight, accepting the vision of what was before them, rather than reality.Anna figured she needed to play the blushing bride, so decided she needed to look as if she was burying her head in Hou Yi's chest, and he started to play with her hair.
Rather shortly, Hou Yi, said "Hurry up and get out of here, we were busy."
"Apologies Young Master, Young Madam, we will leave you alone", came 6 different voices, and quickly the room was vacated, and the door closed.
Immediately Anna pulled away from Hou Yi, and said "You are so lucky we had that interruption, otherwise …"
"Do not threaten me wife.When you threw that book they all heard it.All I could figure was to show anyone who was there when I opened the door that we could not keep our hands off each other.How would you have explained the situation otherwise?Come on tell me."
"Well I am not as quick on my feet with this sort of thing as you."
"Let us not argue.You have something more important to do at this time.You need to call your parents and explain to them what has happened.Let us do this, and then we can deal with other things.We will use my mobile, rather than a fixed line, so no one knows what is happening in here.If I open the champagne, ensure the bed is messed up, and scatter our dirty clothes around the room, the staff will conclude that we simply continued what we had been doing, rather than the actual reality."With that Hou Yi, opened the champagne, poured two glasses and handed one to Anna.
Hou Yi went to where he had dropped his jacket, and reached in and pulled out his mobile, opening it and handed it to Anna."Here, dial your parents, and put them on speaker, so we can tell them what happened."
Anna took the phone from Hou Yi and called her parents' home number, worried about what was to happen.