Chapter 42: To Please  


Learning about his new living conditions, Zhang Siyi was caught off guard. His emotions are one huge roller coaster ride and doesn’t know what to do. He has his own reservations about his current situation; two men and a dog. If not for Fu Xinhui’s conflict with his family, maybe Zhang Siyi would have said something, but now witnessing Fu Xinhui affectionate interactions with the puppy, he can’t say anything. Fu Xinhui looks like a father holding his newborn baby!

As one of the important members of this family of three, Zhang Siyi feels like now, there is no way he could completely integrate into this warm and intimate atmosphere; there is something not quite right. (=////=)

Despite wanting to laugh at Fu Xinhui for doing something so foolish, Zhang Siyi was happy for him. He asked: “The dog’s name is Cheer-Up?”

Zhang Siyi put down the roast goose and kept the proper distance from him. He doesn’t hate small animals, but he can’t say he likes them very much. On the contrary, he is a little afraid. A dog is like a loyal magical creature, but adorable isn’t a word he would use to describe them.

One winter when he was a child, Zhang Siyi went to his grandfather’s house over school vacation to play. There, his Grandpa had a German Shepperd that was a retired police dog. Once, Grandma shaved the meat from a pig’s leg bone and let the house staff take the bones to the dog. Seeing Zhang Siyi curious attitude, the staff took him with them to feed the dog. Zhang Siyi really liked the looks of the dog, especially when the dog would sit down in front of him in attention. Like a bronze dog statue, he felt the dog looked majestic. The staff member gave the bone to Zhang Siyi and motioned to him with his arm how to throw it to the dog. The dog suddenly sprang up, opened his jaws wide and snatched the bone as it was tossed. At that moment, all Zhang Siyi could think of was how easy it would be for the dog to swallow his own life! Since then, Zhang Siyi has respected and feared dogs. He can imagine even a small puppy will have a fierce appearance when grown.


Fu Xinhui smiled and hugged the little puppy: “I think the name is very meaningful. The dog will remind me to look at the brighter side of things every time I see him. I just came back from the pet shop and he peed, so I gave him a bath.”

After using the hair dryer, Fu Xinhui saw Zhang Siyi on the side, so he stuffed the dog into his arms and said: “You play with him for a while. I will pack up things.”

Holding the dog out, Zhang Siyi stared at it with his eyes while the dog stared at Zhang Siyi. Maybe because he was at the deli selecting a goose that the dog suddenly lowered its head and stuck out his long tongue to lick the back of Zhang Siyi hand.

“Fuck! It licked me!” In response Zhang Siyi retracted his hand quickly as if the dog was doing something hostile.

Fu Xinhui looked at him and laughed: “Hey, hey, the dog is showing you that he likes you.”

Zhang Siyi: “...”


Fu Xinhui took the hair dryer and turned to the kitchen. “You bought a roast goose? Perfect! I’ll cook some green vegetables and rice to go with it.”

Such a life really has a subtle sense of living in a fantasy. (=_=)

Well, the only thing that is not right is that he and Fu Xinhui will become more and more gay in the eyes of outsiders. Even Zhang Siyi can’t help but think that if they live together and have no girlfriends, will they really get together?

However, once this thought appeared in Zhang Siyi’s mind, he immediately dismissed it without question. Idiot! Don’t be influenced by the vision of outsiders. Although the world is similar, straight men are straight men, and brothers can never become lovers.

To cultivate a moment of affection, Zhang Siyi held the puppy gently for a few minutes, then carefully put it on the ground. He stared at it for a while to confirm that the dog is not threatening than slowly walked away to the bathroom to wash his hands.

Unsurprisingly, as he walked the dog also followed. Zhang Siyi turned around: “Don’t come to the bathroom to play!”

Cheer-Up crooked his head to the side then squat down.

Zhang Siyi thought it understood. Maybe this kind of dog isn’t so bad. After washing his hands, he felt something under his foot when he turned around to leave the room. Even though he just stepped on the dog paw, the dog was still at his feet. With a surprised “yelp” the dog looked up at Zhang Siyi with tearful eyes, seemingly accusing him of being careless.

Zhang Siyi: “......”

Zhang Siyi said without words: “You are not my dog! Why are you following me!” He then pointed to Fu Xinhui in the kitchen: ”The person you need to cheer up is that person! Stop following me, ok?”

Cheer-Up seems to understand him for two seconds then abruptly collapsed on the feet of Zhang Siyi. He looked up with his puppy dog eyes as if to say: “Hey, I fell. I want you to pet me before I get up. “

Zhang Siyi: “............”

After cooking the food Fu Xinhui came over to see Zhang Siyi sitting cross-legged on the carpet in the living room with the puppy between his legs. As he greeted Zhang Siyi for dinner, he said, “Well, this little thing is pretty cute, isn’t it?”

Zhang Siyi thought: “Cute my ass. It’s so clingy!”

When the two were eating, the puppy looked at them from the side of the table with a languid look of “please give me something to eat”. From time to time, the puppy vocalized a ‘whining’ hum.

Zhang Siyi said softly: “Has it eaten something?”

Fu Xinhui looked at the dog and ignored him: “I have already fed it when I came back. Don’t worry about it. The dog is like this. Even if he is full, it will look at you while you are eating. They are a creature dominated by food.”

Zhang Siyi: “...” is not used to it!

Fu Xinhui added: “A large dog grows very fast just like a newborn child. Today it’s very small, but in three months it will be very big. He will eat a large pot of dog food every day and this is a male dog. He may hold your leg in his male estrus time and rub....”

Zhang Siyi’s mouth twitched and felt that Fu Xinhui would continue in an increasingly eccentric direction of conversation, so Zhang Siyi interrupted: “What about your own affairs?”

Fu Xinhui replied unenthusiastically: “The situation in my family is a bit complicated. Since my sister is getting married next march, I can’t break with them now. They have no time to take care of me, so I am still free.”

Fu Xinhui paused and continued: “I thought about what you said. I have such a good resource, I need to make use of it. I need to be as strong as possible and look for opportunities to propel me forward towards self-reliance. Once that is achieved, they will be irrelevant.”

“Well, come on!” Seeing Fu Xinhui like this, Zhang Siyi is more assured.

That night, Zhang Siyi gave the next quarter’s rent to Fu Xinhui. Also, he paid more than 14,000 towards his credit cards. In a blink of an eye, the bonuses and wages were spent. Looking at the pathetic balance in his account, Zhang Siyi stared blankly. WTF! Why is he out of money so fast?! (#°д°)

After one day of having money, Zhang Siyi woke up and became poor. Feeling the pressures of life, he got up early to go to work.

After calculating his own expenses on the subway, Zhang Siyi felt that it wouldn’t be possible to continue in this way. It is absolutely impossible for his character to save money. If he expects the basic salary to live, he will one day be killed by himself.

For a fleeting moment, Zhang Siyi felt the power of the bonus. He tuned his eyes inward and thought. Yes, I must be more involved in big projects. Big projects will earn more bonuses. This is the only way to move forward!

However, it has been almost two months since the end of the Z-City project. Gu Yu has never let him participate in other things. He is still drawing parking lots and other miscellaneous things.

After the Z-City project bid, Bi Lele and Zhu Hongzhen went with Gu Yu to Qingdao for a hotel project. Zhang Siyi was so envious. He sighed. In order to eat well, is it necessary to please Gu Yu? Feeling like Gu Yu was still angry at him for the incident with his cactus, he felt that his future was grim.

When he arrived at the company, Zhang Siyi heard several female colleagues talking excitedly together about Gu’s birthday.

He remembered that Gu Yu’s birthday was in January, but he doesn’t recall the day. Looking around the room, he spotted Bi Lele and went over to ask. She told him it was in two days.

The female colleagues are all discussing what gift to give Gu Yu, but Zhang Siyi remembers Xu Jia saying that Gu Yu never accepts other people’s birthday gifts. The girls joked with one another:

“Oh, let’s get together and buy somethign, so he won’t refuse it?” Someone suggested.

“Like flowers.” Said another.

“Is it okay to buy a bunch of flowers?”

“If you want to buy a bunch of flowers, you can do it.”

“Hey, it doesn’t seem to be a good idea to buy flowers for a male boss? What type of flowers to send? Carnations? Roses? Oh, it’s better to send chocolates!”

Listening to his colleagues chatting around the room, Zhang Siyi didn’t realize how popular Gu Yu was even though he had such a bad character. He didn’t know why he started feeling irritated and his mood turned sour.

Just then, someone suddenly said: “Would you like to ask Four? Maybe he knows what Director Gu likes!”

Zhang Siyi: “...” Why ask me!? How would I know!?

The group of female colleagues surrounded him and whispered: “Eh, you and Boss are more familiar with each other. Does he have any hobbies?”

Zhang Siyi tried to think about it and wasn’t sure: “Uh, cactus?”

Female colleagues: “...”

Zhang Siyi put up his index finger and said: “The variety that he raised in the company is called Jin Sheng Wan.”

Xu Jia: “But he already has a potted cactus. There wouldn’t be anything special about it.”

“There are many varieties of cactus. Jin Sheng Wan is one of the cheapest kinds. You can give special ornamental varieties. I went to a special flower market a few days ago and there were so many kinds of shapes and colors.” Zhang Siyi thought about the scientific details Gu Yu discussed in his WeChat earlier about his own cactus. He became more certain. “He likes cactus plants. It will be alright.”

The female colleagues looked at each other and seemed to believe him a little. They soon went to discuss what time to go to the flower market.

Zhang Siyi touched his chin and thought that he gave him a tape measure on his birthday, and now Gu Yu’s birthday is here.
