Chapter 37: Small Ball  


The girls in the group are astonished by Gu Yu good looks. How can Zhang Siyi’s boss be so handsome!? Among them, Su Yuan and Ren Mengyu have listened to Zhang Siyi complaints in their chat group, but now that they have seen the real person, they are shocked.

Ren Mengyu: “Why didn’t you say that your boss is like this? If I knew that, his character is totally acceptable!”

Su Yuan: “If my boss is so handsome, I would be willing to work overtime every day!”

Zhang Siyi: “...” Is it so important to be handsome?

Jiang Hai also knows afterwards: “Oh, is that the person who gave you the tape measure?”


Tian Yujing’s eyes perked up; looked at Zhang Siyi, looked at Fu Xinhui, and turned towards the direction of Gu Yu’s departure.

Zhang Siyi: “...”

In the past, Zhang Siyi was eager to praise Gu Yu’s accomplishments such as him being the college entrance examination champion and the fact he is twenty-eight and has a national level registered architect license, but the image of the girl he saw before him is fresh in his mind. Now, he has no thoughts to joke with his classmates. Instead he wished he could hide Gu Yu and not let so many people know of his existence. His good mood from earlier was spoiled. He couldn’t stop thinking about it.

It’s been a month since Gu Yu gave him the tape measure for his birthday. During this time, the two haven’t interacted in private at all. Zhang Siyi wanted to work hard to earn Gu Yu’s recognition and attention, but Gu Yu acts like a public official and treats everyone with the same praises and same criticism. No one is more special than anyone else.

Even though it’s been a month, he still felt that he was wronged on his birthday. Whenever he sees the tape measure, he remembers his awkward birthday dinner with Gu Yu, the cheap cheesecake he ordered for him, and his message to him on WeChat. Over and over he is reminded of his childish and temperamental behavior making him feel ashamed and stupid.

Seeing the girl holding Gu Yu’s arm, Zhang Siyi was shocked. He was so greedy for his “special treatment”. Although he spent the day with Gu Yu at the parking lot and a meal, he wasn’t being treated in the same way as he saw him treat that girl.


That girl was probably Gu Yu’s girlfriend. Does he really like the kind of ornamental and petulant girl?

Ah, well so what? What can Zhang Siyi do about it? His cheeks were hot, and he felt irritated. He tried to ignore the speculations that made him upset and continued to play with his friends.

Play for a while...

Can the girl see the private content in Gu Yu’s circle of friends? What is written there? Ah! Don’t think about it! Don’t think about him! o////o

After a while...

How does Gu Yu talk with his girlfriend? Is he only cold to others, and all his tenderness given to his girlfriend?

Zhang Siyi picked the ball and roared: “Heartless Han! Play a game with me!”

Fu Xinhui rubbed the cue-stick with chuck powder and smiled with an evil grin: “Well, who will break?”

Zhang Siyi: “I’ll do it!”

Zhang Siyi set the white ball down and lined up for his shot. With a fierce motion he struck the cue ball at the bottom. Unexpectedly, it flew up directly from the table and arched over towards the table next to them and landed with a loud “boom”.

Opposite table crowd: “...”

Fu Xinhui: “...”

Fu Xinhui turned his head and spoke: “Eh, Xue Wenhan, do you want to play a game with Zhang Siyi?”

Xue Wenhan: “...” ( ̄_ ̄| | |)

After two days of madness, the weekend soon ended. On Monday morning, Zhang Siyi returned to the company and saw the landscape wall as soon as he got out of the elevator. Realizing he hadn’t paid attention to his plant for a long time, he went over to see how it was doing.

Zhang Siyi went to the shelf and looked at it and found that the ball was still growing well... Wait, no. The color is a little yellowish? Is it a lack of water? Cactus shouldn’t have to be watered, should it?

Zhang Siyi moved the pot and took a closer look. The color of the ball seemed to be a bit unhealthy. Not only was the ball yellow, but there was also a bit of black at the bottom. Also, the thorn on its body is soft. Zhang Siyi carefully touched it with his finger. Break. It looks like it was cut straight through from the base.

Shocked, Zhang Siyi was so horrified that he couldn’t move for a minute. The whole ball was soft and lifeless and seemed to have died. How could this happen!!!

He hasn’t watered or done anything to the cactus since he adopted it. Yes, who killed his cactus!!!

Since Zhang Siyi stood where many colleagues come and go, he quickly became alarmed. He was afraid of being seen by others, so he quickly corrected the head of the ball and pretended nothing happened then pushed the flower pot back.

When he got back to his seat, Zhang Siyi was panicking. With shaking hands, he searched the internet. “Why do cactus die?”, “Can you water a cactus?”, “Do cactus die without water”, “What do you do when a cactus is yellow?” .... How to die is dead!? It’s not scientific!

While Zhang Siyi checked, he also had to be on high alert to the situation around him. Gu Yu could appear at any moment. The discovery would be a great tragedy!

Now, any thoughts about Gu Yu’s girlfriend are left in the wind. His current number one problem is the mystery of the death of his cactus!

Soon, the “I Love My Job” awards will be posted to everyone. With his current financial state losing the 1000-yuan bonus would be devastating. Not only that, but his relationship with his Boss has been rather stiff. If he found out about the cactus, would that be the end of Zhang Siyi?

Being so preoccupied with his cactus issue, Zhang Siyi slowly worked on the parking lot assignment in the morning. His mood was bad enough and he didn’t want any more surprises, however at noon another thing happened. The front desk sent a message to him telling him that there is a girl outside looking for him.

Zhang Siyi was going to have lunch with Zhu Hongzhen, so he went downstairs to look. Unexpectedly, it was Yu Rui! With her hair styled in big beautiful curls, she was dressed up, carrying a small Fendi bag. She stood near the landscape frame waiting. The other party saw Zhang Siyi, smiled and said: “I have been waiting for you for a long time.”

Zhang Siyi, a blank question mark face: “What are you doing here?”

With gossiping eyes probing the situation, his colleagues saw such a beautiful girl standing there waiting for Zhang Siyi. Piggy also smirked and said: “Hey, take your time. I’ll go to lunch first.”

Zhang Siyi really wanted to explain, but he couldn’t open his mouth. Even though he felt uncomfortable in his heart, he still politely asked Yu Rui: “Why are you here? Is there something wrong?”

Yu Rui looked around, laughing: “I heard your company environment is particularly good, so I wanted to come visit. I sent you a message, but you didn’t reply so came early to wait for you.”

Zhang Siyi: “I can’t play with my phone at work so I didn’t see it. Also, I don’t know if our company can let outsiders inside to visit.” In fact, as long as there is supervision, the company allows visitors, however Zhang Siyi does not want to bring Yu Rui inside. The purpose of her visit is too obvious. She wants to work here too!

Taking a step closer to him and reaching out, she asked in a petulant, soft voice: “Can you please ask? I’ve been waiting for hours.”

By all accounts, this trick of having a beautiful girl would appeal to the ego of 99% of straight men, however Zhang Siyi is in the 1%. He recently heard so much about her that he has been on guard. He doesn’t want to lead a wolf into the room!

A voice sounded behind them: “What’s going on?” Gu Yu was just going downstairs to eat, and when he passed by, he couldn’t help but ask.

Zhang Siyi suddenly became nervous because they were in the vicinity of the cactus. Ah! Will Gu Yu discover the dead ball?

“Who is this, your new girlfriend?” Gu Yan asked raising his eyebrows.

Yu Rui: “...”

Zhang Siyi quickly waved his hand and explained: “No! She is my classmate!”

Gu Yu nodded and was about to leave, but she suddenly reached out to him and said: “Hello, I am Zhang Siyi’s undergraduate classmate, and currently, I am studying architecture master in B.”

Upon hearing thus, Zhang Siyi choked. She was not a Master of Architecture, but a master’s degree in architectural research!

Gu Yu shook her hand in a lukewarm manner: “Oh, are you here for Siyi?”

Zhang Si Yi was terrified. This is the first time Gu Yu has called him without his surname.

Yu Rui smoothed her hair and laughed, “Well, I will graduate with my master’s degree next year, and I’m very interested in Borderless. I heard that Siyi works here, so I wanted to visit it early during the holidays.”

Zhang Siyi: “...” I am going, this girl is just too much! Listening to Yu Rui gave him goosebumps. I am not so familiar with you. How can you call me Siyi? However, if she really wanted to apply to Borderless, Zhang Siyi can’t block her. After all, if her portfolio isn’t bad and with a master’s degree....

Gu Yu’s iron-clad face and unwavering voice interrupted his thoughts: “Sorry, Borderless doesn’t accept visitors unless it’s for official business.”

Yu Rui: “...”

Gu Yu added: “If you are interested in our firm, you are welcome to post your resume after graduation and remember to attach the Folio. The company personnel inspections will be transferred to my hands.”

Yu Rui did not expect Gu Yu to reject her so coldly. Her smile stiffened.

Zhang Siyi has already been crazy in his heart. It’s not a good experience when Gu Yu is cold and mean, but it is so cool to see him indifferent to others. Ha-ha-ha! But before he could bask in delight, he saw Gu Yu glance at the glass shelf where the cactus is and walk away.
