Chapter 200: Mobile Phone  


Staring at the words on the screen, Zhang Siyi’s initial dead zombie face turned radiant instantly. Giggling to himself, he looked at the words again. He knew it! How could Gu Yu forget about his birthday!? Suddenly, from across the room, Zhang Siyi found Liao Jun staring at him. Zhang Siyi coughed lightly, then put his phone away.

Knowing Gu Yu played him, Zhang Siyi held off replying right away. If you are going to pretend to forget, then I’ll let you feel anxious too!

While working during the morning, Zhang Siyi wondered what excuse he could use to slip away. In November, the sun has already started to set noticeably early and by 5 in the evening, it was already dark. Normally, the Professor called off the work day by quarter of and had the group return to the hotel to eat dinner at a small restaurant nearby.

The time that Gu Yu asked him to meet was particularly convenient. It wouldn’t conflict with his work and allowed him time to wash up. He only needed a reason to not eat with everyone.

By noon, finally Zhang Siyi couldn’t hold back his excitement any longer and wanted to return Gu Yu’s text. However, when he reached to his pocket, it was empty.... Huh? Where is my phone? Is it lost?


Panicking, Zhang Siyi patted all the pockets around his body. Thinking about it, he vaguely recalled a moment this morning when he squatted down to take measurements and heard a noise like something had fallen to the ground. At that time, he was daydreaming about his birthday so he thought it was simply a stone on the road.

“Professor Cui! I lost my cell phone!” Zhang Siyi shouted.

Startled, everyone stopped what they were doing momentarily to look up at Zhang Siyi. Professor Cui replied: “Just now? Hurry back and see if you can find it.”

Zhang Siyi immediately ran back through the areas they already measured and searched for his phone, but to no avail....... Was it picked up?

Zhang Siyi ran back to the group and checked with everyone to see if someone had seen it. Unfortunately, everyone shook their heads no. Thinking maybe he could hear it ring, he borrowed a phone to call his own, but the phone wouldn’t connect. It seems like someone had powered it down.

Nervous now, Zhang Siyi dialed it again, but since it didn’t connect for the second time, he gave up. He really lost it!


Bi Lele nervously asked: “Is it the 5S with the One-Piece character Luffy on the case? Hurry call the support line and make sure you report it quickly so you can lock the phone number!”

Since the phone was an Apple phone with ID protection, Zhang Siyi wasn’t so concerned about it. He had set a pin number and fingerprint to unlock his phone so even if someone picked it up, the stranger wouldn’t be able to access his information. He was only worried about contacting Gu Yu.

No one knew that Gu Yu hadn’t actually left the city yet. Even though Zhang Siyi was told to meet at 6pm, he never texted Gu Yu back to confirm the time. Since Gu Yu’s phone number was stored on Zhang Siyi’s phone, Zhang Siyi never had a reason to memorize it. How could he get in contact with Gu Yu!?

........ Aaaah! What do I do?! Wait, doesn’t Bi Lele have his phone number?

Zhang Siyi politely asked Bi Lele to borrow her phone. He moved a little bit away to make the call. Fortunately, Gu Yu quickly answered the phone: “Hmm, Bi Lele?”

Sorrowfully, Zhang Siyi replied: “This, this is Zhang Siyi. I lost my mobile phone.”

Gu Yu: “...What happened?”

Zhang Siyi quickly explained the situation to him. Gu Yu asked: “Did you see the text I sent you last night?”

In a quiet voice, Zhang Siyi replied: “Yes.”

With relief, Gu Yu let go of his held breath: “Good. Remember to come in the evening. Don’t worry about the phone.”

Listening to Gu Yu’s calm voice alleviated Zhang Siyi’s anxiety and comforted his heart. He hung up and walked back to Bi Lele to return her phone.

Bi Lele quietly looked at the call record. – What the fuck! The first thing he did was call the Boss? How dependent on Gu Yu can he be?

Noticing Zhang Siyi despondent attitude, Professor Cui frowned: “One’s mobile is very important. Shall we all go back and help look for it?”

Zhang Siyi shook his head no: “My cell phone wasn’t turned off and the battery was fully charged. I just called it and it seems like someone picked it up and shut it down....”

In addition, Zhang Siyi didn’t want his own problems to affect the group. He smiled and replied: “Thank you, but don’t worry about it. It was my own carelessness. I’ve had the phone for three years old already, so it’s about time for a new one anyway.”

Professor Cui smiled and quipped in a jovial manner “I guess Gu Yu will have to give you a bonus to make up for the lost property while you were fulfilling the company’s duties. Let’s work hard and make sure to win this project!”

With laughter and smiles, the positive atmosphere returned. Even though Zhang Siyi appreciated the concerns and jokes, in reality, he was very distressed. After three years with his phone, he was very attached to it. All of the correspondance with Gu Yu was gone!

Well, this years’ birthday certainly had a twist!

At least now, in the name of going to the city center to look at a new phone, Zhang Siyi had an excuse to leave the group.

At six in evening, Zhang Siyi took a taxi to the hotel that Gu Yu mentioned in his text. Although it couldn’t be compared to the luxury hotels in Haicheng, the place was relatively luxurious compared to the other hotels in the area.

Since Gu Yu knew Zhang Siyi didn’t have his cell phone, he waited downstairs in the lobby for him.

As soon as Zhang saw Gu Yu, like a puppy seeing his master after a long day, he quickly ran over to him. All of the sadness and worries of the day disappeared.

Gu Yu led him upstairs into one of the nicest suites the hotel had to offer. First, he opened the door then pushed Zhang Siyi into it.

When Zhang Siyi entered the room, he was shocked. Not only was the suite full of roses, there were colorful balloons floating around the room and a banner hanging on the wall. On the banner, the elegant calligraphy said: I love Siyi. Happy Birthday!

Zhang Siyi was so happy, he could die!

He heard Gu Yu quietly shut the door behind him then whisper to him: “Since we were on a business trip I couldn’t prepare anything special. I don’t know if you like it or not.”

Zhang Siyi: “...” He doesn’t think this is special? This is the equivalent to being possessed by the god of romance!

In fact, as long as Gu Yu remembered his birthday and ate dinner with him, Zhang Siyi was very happy. Having spent his time preparing for Zhang Siyi’s surprise, Gu Yu got a free pass for his absence.

Turning around, Zhang Siyi excitedly rushed over to pounce on Gu Yu. He held him tightly like a koala bear then grabbed Gu Yu head and kissed him all over his face: “Yes, I like it!”

Struggling for a moment, Gu Yu looked at him in the eye and smiled: “Ok, ok. You are getting heavy.”

Zhang Siyi: “...”

When they heard a knock on the door, Zhang Siyi quickly removed himself from Gu Yu’s grasp.

Room service had come to deliver dinner. Gu Yu opened the door, offered thanks then asked the waiter to leave the cart outside. Gu Yu wanted to bring the meal cart into the room himself for Zhang Siyi.

Zhang Siyi leaned over and asked: “What are we having to eat?”

With a glamorous arm motion and a bow, Gu Yu motioned to the table and opened the plate cover to reveal Zhang Siyi’s favorite; a steak. In a gentlemanly manner, he said: “If you please.”

Smiling broadly, Zhang Siyi sat down in a trance. Gu Yu was so cool! It would be nice if every day was a birthday!

In addition to the steak, there was a small cake with candles. Even though Gu Yu knew Zhang Siyi didn’t care for cake, a birthday wasn’t complete without it.

After Gu Yu’s out of tune rendition of Happy Birthday, Zhang Siyi made a wish and blew out the candles. From behind Gu Yu’s back, he revealed a birthday present for Zhang Siyi in his hand; the newest Apple iPhone.

Zhang Siyi: “...”

Zhang Siyi was surprised: “Did you buy this after I told you I lost my phone?”

Gu Yu lightly coughed and confessed: “Yeah.”

Curious now, Zhang Siyi inquired: “What was your original gift?”

Gu Yu mysteriously replied: “Since I didn’t give it to you yet, it will be kept a secret.”

In this way, Zhang Siyi’s curiosity was completely stimulated. He pushed the phone back and stated: “Then I don’t want a mobile phone. I want the original gift.”

Gu Yu insisted: “No, now you need a mobile phone. I will give it to you next year.”

Zhang Siyi protested: “What!? That’s so unfair!”

Gu Yu smirked. No matter how much Zhang Siyi asked, he didn’t comply.

The only thing Zhang Siyi could do was accept the new phone. Since everything exceeded his expectations, he wasn’t going to argue with him.

As he was eating the steak, Zhang Siyi commented: “To be honest, this was over the top. In fact, even a small gift would be would be better then last year’s tape measure.”

Gu Yu raised his eyebrows in question: “What do you mean?”

Zhang Siyi found himself saying something wrong and quickly wanted to smooth over things: “No, no. I mean, the tape measure was also very good!”

Gu Yu laughed and said: “This is your first birthday since we have been together. Of course, I have to do something otherwise you would be disappointed. Besides, I think it’s necessary to make special plans for the first time, but I can’t guarantee it will be like this every year so don’t expect too much in the future.”

Zhang Siyi giggled: “Hey...”

Refilling their glasses of wine, Gu Yu and Zhang Siyi chatted about various subjects while they finished their meal. Soon satiated, softly kissing him, Zhang Siyi was pulled down from the table and onto the sofa by Gu Yu. Even though he enthusiastically responded to Gu Yu, Zhang Siyi thought Gu Yu was being uncharacteristically gentle. Taking advantage of the situation, Zhang Siyi took the initiative to roll and switch places with Gu Yu.

Gu Yu laughed out loud: “Do you want to be on top?”

Not really thinking about it before, Zhang Siyi froze. For so long, he had been accustomed to playing a more passive role in bed. Reversing the roles now felt a little strange. What pure man doesn’t want to be on top? Since Gu Yu mentioned it and it was his birthday, Zhang Siyi thought he could try it for one night.

Blushing, Zhang Siyi: “Can I?”

Gu Yu smiled. Suddenly he used his strength to maneuver Zhang Siyi below him. Staring deeply into Zhang Siyi’s eyes, Gu Yu said: “No.”

Zhang Siyi: “...” Bastard! (╯‵皿’)╯(╩▂╩
