Chapter 10: Efficiency  


Bi Lele explained: “The little cactus ball grew from the root of big one. It was later transplanted into a new pot, so the boss raised two plants since it was a product of the original one.”

Zhang Siyi: “...”

“And that’s not only it.” Bi Lele craned her neck looking at the direction of the director’s office and then lowered her head, looked at Zhang Siyi, then lowered her voice, “There was an intern working with our group from T University about two months ago at the end of May.”

“Oh?” Zhang Siyi leaned in closer, eager to listen to the gossip with rapt attention.

Bi Lele pointed to Zhang Siyi’s desk, saying: “You were assigned to the same desk as the girl was, and she also asked the boss for the cactus.”


“Wait a minute,” interrupted Zhang Siyi, “Let me make it clear. I didn’t ask for the cactus on my own initiative, Guo gave it to me it.”

Bi Lele.: “......”

Zhang Siyi repeated the dialogue at that time, Bi Lele turned a white eye: “When you admitted to liking the cactus, isn’t that just a roundabout way of asking him for it.”

Zhang Si Yi mouth twitched. The plants were in different pots so naturally he didn’t know that the small one came from the bigger one. So, why is asking about it so weird....

Bi Lele continued: “In any case, the girl was nice and had a cheerful personality. Although she didn’t say, it was obviously she liked the boss. When she was picking her plant, she directly asked Gu Yu for the small cactus. He didn’t directly refuse her, but instead he smiled and asked, If I casually give my small cactus to a girl, then what does our relationship mean.?”

Zhang Siyi did not react: “eh?””


“You are stupid. The small cactus is the child of the big one. Gu Yu was the father to the little cactus, so if he gives some girl his child to take care of, then what does it make her... of course, his Wife!” Talking about the director made Bi Lele look around anxiously.

Figuring out a piece of truth, Zhang Siyi was flush with embarrassment.

“At that time, the girl was stunned and couldn’t speak. She didn’t stay for a long and after two months of internship, she left. But after that incident, everyone thought Gu Yu would not give away his cactus to anyone.” Bi Lele said, looking at Zhang Siyi with a sly look. “I didn’t expect him to give it away now.”

Heart beating faster, Zhang Siyi felt worried. In a flash he had a million thoughts about all that had happened the other day. Would he not think he was Gay? Gu Yu overheard all his ex-girlfriend grievances so if he gave him the cactus ball, is he treating Zhang Siyi differently? Is he trying to say something?

Until Zhu Hongzhen snorted: “Don’t listen to her nonsense. The girls love to make up stories. I feel that the boss told that to the girl as a euphemism to express his uninterested feelings towards her. Besides, the ball grows out from the big one. It’s not the offspring, it’s a brother!”

Bi Lele said: “The cactus comes from the same root. If you don’t cut it away, then it will stick together!” The seeds come from the blossoms and that the offspring, you have no culture!”

Zhu Hongzhen: “I don’t know the details, but that’s one crazy theory.”

Although Bi Lele comments made a bit of sense, Zhang Siyi is more inclined believe Zhu Hongzhen’s rhetoric. He took a deep breath, consoling himself: It’s an office plant, not a gay thing. (=_=)

However, this story also makes Zhang Siyi realize that he may not be special to Gu Yu. Although they are from the same area and high school, does that really mean anything? Gu Yu is not only a student of Ningwai, but also a student of T University with countless schoolmates, not to mention all his colleagues from his profession.

Thinking about this, Zhang Siyi could not help but feel a little disappointed, but he didn’t dwell on the subject, so he quickly adjusted his mood.

Because there is no new task early in the morning, Zhang Siyi took the opportunity to take pictures of his work desk and post them to the circle of friends, Note: “new job!”

All Zhang Siyi wanted to do was send one photo and put away the mobile phone, but quickly someone commented. The praises Zhang Siyi received made him feel great.

One of his friends, Xue Wenhan, who is still in the UK studying for a master’s degree in a related architectural field wrote a note. Calculating the time difference, the time was two o’clock in the middle of the night. It seems that his friend is still staying up late, but whether it is because he is studying or playing, Zhang Siyi does not know.

Many “Congratulations!“ messages appear as well as inquiries about the new job and how he is doing... Zhang Si Yi had no time to reply one by one. He was seeking approval and wanted to quickly reply with two sentences, but a familiar voice sounded behind him: “You seem to have a lot of time on your hands.”

Zhang Siyi froze and almost dropped his phone.

Standing at the end of the desk, unbeknown to Zhang Siyi, Gu Yu appeared behind him. With a cup in his hand, was looking at him with penetrating, sharp eyes, smiling. Without giving Zhang Siyi the chance to talk, he said, “come.”

Zhang Siyi hurriedly shoved his phone into his trousers pocket, was with a perturbed mood followed him.

Gu Yu put two chairs in front of the desk. When Zhang Siyi sat in one, a girl with long straight hair came, and asked softly: “Looking for me?”

Gu Yu said “hmm” and indicated with his hand the vacancy to the side of Zhang Siyi, so she can sit down.

Two people looked at each other and Zhang Siyi was first introduced himself: “Hello, I am Zhang Siyi. I was just hired yesterday.”

The girl smiled shyly, shook hands with him, softly said: “I heard, I am Du Rui, Hello.”

When Gu Yu saw that they had finished introductions, he pushed two stacks of information in front of them. “This is a design summary of a single youth apartment in S City. It requires three sets of plans. Rui Xuan will do two sets and Zhang Siyi will do one set. We will meet again in the conference room at 1:30 this afternoon to discuss the preliminary design plans. The plans need to be refined before the end of the work day.”

Zhang Siyi was still digesting what Gu Yu said, when he heard Du Rui very simple reply “understood” and then stood up.

“Hey, wait.” Out of the door, Zhang Siyi hurriedly asked her, “He is only giving us one morning to work on our designs? With lunch break, that only leaves three hours....?”

Du Rui calmly said: “Yes.”

Zhang Siyi was shocked. When they were studying, they were given a week for each assignment. Now he must do it in three hours? This time he can’t ignore the project data.

Du Rui, who has more experience than him, is calmer. Can he do it?

Zhang Si Yi stiffly returned to his seat and frantically opened the information about the project to read it. The pressure of Gu Yu assignment is making him distressed. Never mind what earlier praise he received, Zhang Siyi doesn’t have time to think about anything! With such constraints, Zhang Siyi’s motivation accelerates and is determined to make a good plan on time.

Since the project is a “single youth apartment”, Zhang Siyi is more familiar with the work than he did with bathrooms in the large office building. After all, he lived in a student apartment in the UK, and he also experienced many beautiful places when traveling abroad. He tried to draw from memory but changed it and used models instead. He will just have to wait until the meeting to explain it. Although it was a bit rough, Zhang Siyi was surprised at his efficiency. If he could have done this while studying, it would have been so easy!”

At lunch time, Zhang Siyi ordered a meal at the company and went to the dining area with his colleagues.

Du Rui Xuan sat two rows away from Zhang Si Yi while Lu Qiao was between them. When she passed by, Zhang Siyi wanted to call out to her and ask her about the plan during lunch time, but Du Rui said: “You eat first. I haven’t finished drawing. I’ll eat later.”

Zhang Siyi thinks about it too. She needed to draw two sets, and her workload is much greater than his.

Curious, Zhang Siyi looked over at Du Rui to see what she was drawing. He was surprised as there were several already finished, beautifully drawn designs on the table.

“Oh my God! Are you drawing designs by hand?” Zhang Siyi said shocked.

Du Rui smiled and shook her head: “No, the drawings have been drawn with a computer. I am making a few touches now, so I can add some explanations.”

Zhang Siyi was stammered: “You, you are so good.”

Although the foreign architecture department also has related sketch drawing courses, there wasn’t a requirement for students to have a high level of hand-drawing. Add that fact to the popularity of computer design software, Zhang Siyi rarely drew by hand. Without the years of practice at university, he absolutely cannot draw to the same professional level as Du Rui.

Du Rui humbly said: “Thanks, but I’m just ok. Look over there at Yuan Zhicheng drawings. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts, and his hand drawing really great.”

Zhang Si Yi did not want to say anything. He wanted to bury his own head in a basin of sand!

His relaxed state of mind from earlier quickly dissolved. He only had a half an hour left so once he got back to his desk, his mind was focused on the task. He used to laze around and check his social media accounts, but now, it isn’t something he is even considering.

He was looking over his design again when a message appeared at half passed one. Gu Yi had summoned him and Du Rui to meet.

In the discussion room, both he and Du Rui placed the designs out on the table for review. It felt like he was back in University having a weekly project critique and waiting for his professor’s approval. Even he knows he was assigned only one apartment while she had 2 but seeing the volume of work Du Rui brought to the discussion room compared to his own, made him feel wholly inadequate. On top of that, her renderings where so beautiful to look at! He broke out in a cold sweat.

Gu Yu quickly reviewed the work. He first acknowledged the volume of Du Rui work and then let Zhang Siyi look at the two designs. “What do you think?”

“Ah, uh, very good.” The quality of those hand drawn pictures has already shaken Zhang Siyi that he is blinded.

After a careful examination, without any hesitation, Gu Yu was quick to point out several flow problems in Du Rui’s scheme, one of which was largely useless. She felt like crying.

On the side, Zhang Siyi was feeling apprehensive, only to find out that what he suffered last night was nothing. It was shocking. Gu Yu is a terrible person. He is terrible! Even though Du Rui has worked so hard, he doesn’t feel any pity!

When it was Zhang Siyi’s turn, he was prepared to hear the worst. Maybe there was a reason for Du Rui criticism, but he thinks that if Gu Yu also finds faults to his own work, Du Rui might feel a little better.

However, after looking over his design, Gu Yu just nodded and said two words: “It’s good.”

...... Good. that’s it?

Yes, there is nothing more to say.

For the next phase of the draft, the Director had Du Rui modify one of her plans, then combine them with Zhang Siyi efforts and finally said. “All the toilets are to be managed by Zhang Siyi.” He nodded at them, and then left.

Zhang Siyi: “...”

Zhang Siyi watched him nonchalantly leave the room, then turned around to see Du Rui staring at his own drawings. He wanted to ease the directors’ words in a small way but didn’t know what to say. Du Rui has worked at the office for a long time. He only just started, so how is he qualified to offer this senior a comforting word.

Embarrassed, he saw Du Rui wipe the corner of her eye and look up: “Zhang Siyi, can you talk to me about the thoughts behind your design?”

Zhang Siyi saw her firm tears and red eyes, but then the girl expression changed, and a hint of stubbornness and determination was seen.
