Chapter 188: The evil aura of the cave

However, this was enough.

Forest rangers with excellent archery skills could form quite a strong fighting force.

As time passed, the number of forest rangers increased. With the appearance of a top-notch archery master like the Ravenston Ranger, they could firmly guard this “Aaron”village located on the peak of the mountain.

Although ordinary demonized creatures were powerful.

Against these Level-4 Rangers, they would be shot to death before they could get too close.

Moreover, they had the assistance of the crossbowmen of the Kingdom of Rhodoks.


Long-range sniping with a siege crossbow, medium-range shooting with a heavy bow, and short-range shooting with precision. Let alone ordinary demonized creatures, even savage demonized creatures, if they were to be held back by a wide-shield heavy-armored infantryman.., they could be turned into dead hedgehogs in minutes!

“But in the early stage, we still need to rely on the Rangers as the main force to deal damage.”

Kant pondered slightly.

The Rhodoks tribe members recruited from the peasant tribe were the lowest level Class 1 troops. Their combat strength could not be counted on at all. It was better to let the Rangers lead these tribe members to hunt some demonized creatures in the Senwaya range and gain some experience while they were at it. Only by upgrading to a higher level up troop class would they be able to properly play their own role.

Upgrading the troop class was also a helpless move. Not only was it troublesome, but it also consumed time. It was completely different from the desert bandits, Vergia’s archers, and the Ravenston Rangers who were directly recruited from within the buildings. It was easy and convenient.

Thinking of leveling up.


Kant already his troop class maxed out with experience points, allowing him to level up.

Mind direct communication system.

The retina refreshed before his eyes, and the dialog box for level up for the troop class popped up.

It was those seven horsemen, the Sarrandian knights that survived the Stone Pass contest with Kant, killed the ordinary demonized black bears in the Senwaya mountain range, narrowly won against savage demonized lions, and survived by a hair’s breadth.

Their experience points had finally reached full value, and they could level up to Level 5, Mamluke Horseman!

He paid the denar.

The seven Sarrandian horseman had all transformed.

Seven Mamlukes, wearing Sarrandian heavy chain armor, appeared at various places on the mountain peak.

Their equipment had been replaced.

The weapons and equipment that were originally broken or damaged had been swapped out with the latest and best models.

Even the nearby Sarrandian Horsemen were also wearing heavy chain armor. Compared to before, they had at most added linen tot their outfits, and their combat power and defense had increased several times. The price was that their weight had increased, and their stamina would be consumed a little faster, even their charging speed was not as fast as their time as Sarrandian Horsemen.

Even their infantry combat ability was a qualitative improvement compared to the Sarrandian Horsemen.

If it was calculated using the default combat power system of this world…

They had reached the peak of the “Knight Class”!

According to Kant’s understanding, if there was a Grand Knight mentor who was willing to use a year of weakness and only five enlightenment opportunities to let these Class 5 troop understand extraordinary power, then these level 5 Mamlukes would be able to advance to an even higher level, the extraordinary troop class. Perhaps they would even be able to to break through the system barrier of Level 5 and reach an even more terrifying level–Class 6!

Of course, this was just a thought.

The Dukedom of Leo was founded on martial arts. The number of Grand Knights could be counted on one’s hands.

Even if there were Grand knights hidden in the shadows…

It probably would not exceed 50 people.

After all, after enlightenment, whether a knight could comprehend extraordinary power or not was still two different things. After Enlightenment, one would not be able to directly become a Grand Knight with extraordinary power. One would still need to rely on one’s own cultivation.

Otherwise, with the ability of the dukedom of Leo.

It was simply too easy to nurture a knight regiment that was composed entirely of Grand Knights over time.

But most importantly.

Which Grand Knight was willing to spend a huge price to enlighten his subordinates for Kant, an exiled baron who had already offended most of the noble families and had almost no place in the Dukedom of Leo?

None at all!

Kant, of course, understood this point.

He shook his head and sighed helplessly, “Perhaps I’ll have to rely on the system to help me with my supernatural powers.”

As the golden finger who’s experienced transmigration.

The system’s function basically ran through the entire situation.

If there were any questions or doubts, Kant would receive excellent answers from the system. Now that he thought about it, the legendary supernatural powers had already been given a similar temporary quest by the system at the Stone Pass. According to the nature of the system, it had probably already started thinking about how to infuse the supernatural power of this world into the troop class of the system.

“It’s best if the system can solve it.” Kant’s expression was calm.

Even without supernatural powers, with the troop class of the system and the tactics of thousands of knights forming a sea of people, it would not be a problem for them to defend a certain place. Although they could not dominate the world, it was not easy to be a warlord of a certain place!

Looking at the busy Rhodoks peasant and the Rhodoks tribesmen who helped him, Kant nodded to himself. At least for now, he was still developing at a high speed.

However, just as he was patrolling the peak of the mountain…

A Mamluke walked over quickly, revealing only two eyes under the full mask. He was cold and calm. “My lord, we found something unusual at the west peak of the mountain.”

“Unusual?” Kant frowned slightly. This made him curious, so he said, “Lead the way.”

“Yes.” The Mamluke turned around. The Sarrandian heavy chain armor on his body made a slight rustling sound as he walked. The overall rhythm was smooth, showing the degree of excellence of this Mamluke and the excellent workmanship of the chain armor.

The area where they said they found the abnormality was not far away.

At the western central edge of the mountain peak, the other six Mamlukes were waiting. Both of their hands were holding the two-handed iron staffs that looked like little melons in front of them. Their eyes were equally cold.

The surrounding 10 Ravenston Rangers also noticed that something was wrong. They held their heavy battle bows and also quickly walked over.

“My Lord.”

They nodded in respect to Kant.

“Yes.” Kant directly asked, “What happened?”

“At the west side of the mountain peak, halfway up the mountain, we discovered an unknown cave. We also heard a low roar from inside. I’m afraid that there are demonized creatures like before.”

The leading Mamluke quickly explained.

“A demonized creature.” Kant narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice, “Are you sure?”

“Almost certainly.”

The other Mamluke nodded and replied in a similarly solemn tone, “We heard a low roar inside, and there are traces of wild beasts around the cave. There is definitely a demonized creature.”

Kant pulled out his knight sword and said in a deep voice, “Let’s go and take a look.”

Seven Mamlukes and 10 Ravenston Rangers immediately got ready for battle status.

However, Kant glanced at the 10 Rhodoks people not far away. They were the lowest Class 1 troop of the current Aaron Village. He waved at the Rhodoks people who were best at farming and called them over to join the battle sequence, if they encountered enemies, they could also gain experience to level up.

After walking down the mountain peak, Kant personally led a team to walk in front.

Beside him was the Mamlukes wearing heavy armor.

The 10 Ravenston Rangers and the 10 Rhodoks people stood at the back. If anything happened, they would be able to provide timely support.

The terrain on the west side of the mountain peak was relatively gentle.

Although there was a drop, it was less than half a meter. Walking carefully, they quickly approached the mountainside.

It was a flat area of about 30 meters.

The cave was located on the inner side of the flat area near the mountain. There were dense shrubs and forests around it. However, if one looked carefully, one could vaguely see that there were many dense white bones scattered on the flat ground in front of the cave. Moreover, there were many piles of them, the colors were different, so it was obvious that these bones had been scattered here for a long time.

The Mamlukes had been down the cave to investigate before, so he knew where to go.

Kant, who was at the front, stopped for a moment.

Ten Ravenston Rangers drew their awl arrows and put them on their heavy bows.

Two Mamlukes took the lead and walked down the flat ground, holding two iron staffs in their hands.

They carefully explored the interior of the cave and made sure that there was no danger for the time being. Then, they waved to Kant and the others on the hillside, indicating that they could come down. But even so, they did not let their guard down.

Because when Kant came down, he realized that this cave was really a cave.

Two meters high and three meters wide, a cold wind slowly blew from outside. Accompanied by that faint growl from inside, Kant subconsciously tightened his grip on the Knight’s sword in his hand.

The Knight’s body also gave him accurate hearing.

The growl that the Mamluke spoke of did exist.

Even Kant’s ears moved slightly, and he could recognize that the growl was almost mournful and desolate, as well as violent and ferocious, full of negative emotions!

Kant would not have believed that it was anything other than a demonized creature/

He narrowed his eyes slightly.

He looked into the depths of the cave.

But since the cave was facing west, the sunlight couldn’t penetrate it.

Kant could only see two to three meters inside the cave. He could still vaguely see the smooth stone walls. If he continued to look into the depths, he couldn’t see anything at all.

Except for the darkness that seemed to have been accumulating since the ancient times!

“My Lord, something is wrong.”

An arrow was nocked on the heavy battle bow behind him, the serious-looking Ravenston Ranger said solemnly, “In front of this cave, I feel an evil aura circulating. This reminds me of the legend spread by the Elves of Nordo, which is the underworld that the Dark Knights believe in!”

“Huh?” Kant’s face suddenly turned serious. He turned his head to look at the equally serious Ravenston Ranger, and his breathing became heavy. “Underworld… Underworld invaders!”

The Pande continent, where the Ravenston Kingdom was located, was a fantasy world.

That’s right, it wasn’t a world devoid of history.

Even on the Pande continent, there were still ancient races left behind, the Nordo Elves. Even when the race was on the verge of extinction, they still had a little magic.

And on the Pande continent, there were also various artifacts.

And even more mysterious legends of the underworld.

As a player, Kant naturally knew that the legends of the underworld were true. The Dark Knights would eventually become servants of the underworld, that is, those death knights who had lost their human emotions.

And the real invaders of the underworld were the underworld demons.

Powerful and evil.

Ordinary human troops could not match them at all!

Now, this Ravenston Ranger actually said that the evil aura in this cave reminded him of the legendary intruders of the underworld, which was not good news for Kant.
