Story 1-5 "Revenge of the Resented"  

Katsuragi Daichi, 16 years old.

Who thought he was dead, was living.

No no no!

"...What's the meaning of this?"

I'm confused. I woke up in such a mess, that the information got jumbled up.

Let's fix that. Calm down. It's times like this where a deep breath helps.


Hnggg- No wait, I'm not pregnant!

Breathe in... Breathe out.

...Alright, let's get this straight.

Whether this is Rostalsia, or another world similar to it.

Good thing there's a really simple way for me to quickly check.

To speak those words.



And it appeared silently in front of my eyes.


Katsuragi Daichi Class: Hero Level 2

Stamina: 1300

Magic: 2520




Special Abilities: "Steel Heart" During battle, Endurance increases. Poison, Paralysis, Sleep, Berserk has a 1/3 chance of not working.

"Persistent Soul" Magic cannot be less than 100.

"Wight King": Able to make contracts with living beings near death, to revive them and make them obey to your will. Everytime the user dies twice, increases the limit to the number of contracts. Currently two contracts are available.

Unique Ability: "Revenge of the Resented" No matter how many times you die, power stored in the abyss of death is taken for revival.

At the moment, number of deaths: 5 times



I rubbed my eyes. It's a lie. No way.

Once more, I closed my Status and Opened it again.

The floating numbers shown didn't change.

"What with these crazy numbers!?"

Four digits. Every single status.

Even higher than Samejima's 500, my statuses are above 1000.

It's a number of times over his!

No, it's not the right time to say that.

"What's this, a unique ability?

If I swallowed the explanation, I can't die. The part "power taken" would explain the ridiculous numbers. Looks like it's different from a Special Ability.

Putting that aside, I already died five times...

W-Well, I'm fine now. I can't change the past. I'm alive. OK.

Putting that aside, I gained some Special Abilities. They're all pretty powerful.

Expecially "Persistent Soul" and "Wight King".

My Magic can't frop below 100. I can use all the magic I want.

I wonder if I can control any monster.

The details aren't well written, but I'll figure it out through use.

"Well, these Statuses mean that I'm in Rostalsia..."

I died and revived five times. Probably, I was revived and eaten, revived and eaten... Probably through that loop of events.

As long as I have this "Revenge of the Resented", I can't die.

This is the only thing I'm certain of; I trust in my Unique Ability.

Hm? If that's the case my Statuses are the real thing.

I'll need to put this into practice. I know that experience is valuable.

I might not need it, but just in case. This isn't the world I once knew. This is Rostalsia.

"Next up is actually testing it out."

I looked around.

The floor wasn't brown, it was splattered in red. It's organic material.

As I touched it, a splatter was heard.

I would've preferred if it was water, but it was blood.

"...This is my blood... Isn't it..."

There's quite a lot. I died five times, so it can't be helped.

...Am I... Really alive?

I patted myself down, all bloodied. I rolled up my shirt to check for scars. Not a single scratch could be found.

My clothes got soaked in blood and turned red... It's a weird feeling.

"...Now then,"

I got up and stretched a bit.

"What should I do next?"

The first objective should be to get out of this dungeon.

To get up I'll have to use the staircase, but that's been blocked by Earth-attibute magic.

I only have a copper sword with me. Moreover, it was cracked in half. Probably done by the monsters.

My stuff turning back to the state before I died was one of the unlucky things in the pile of blessings.

"-Which means I'll be going unarmed, huh."

It's unsafe. However, It's the same if I don't move. I don't have food so I'd die of starvation, probably.

I don't want that. I don't want to stay here.

I have to use these lives to the fullest.

This time I'll fight back. I'll do what I think is right.

That's why, I'll have my revenge on those guys. I'll kill them all. I'll hit them with all the resentment I've piled up till now.

That's what I resolved myself into.

If that's what I decided, I'll do it.

"For now, I should increase my Level and Statuses..."

No matter how high my Statuses are, I'm against 29 heroes.

I don't know how to fight against many targets, and I don't even know magic.

If that's the case becoming stronger isn't a bad idea.

If I beat the final boss in this dungeon, I might be able to get out. This was just like a dungeon crawler, and in those if you beat the boss you'll get transported out. Trying it out wouldn't be a bad start.

"Alright, let's find the staircase."

I grabbed my bag on the floor, and started walking.

After a while, I reached a big room with a large open door.

"This is..."

The doors wouldn't close.

The room was drenched in red and green blood. The green were the monsters', and the red were Samejima and the others', huh.

"Looks like there's nothing else... Hm?"

I looked from the left corner to the right corner of the room, and I found a corpse.

And then, the silver wolf eating the meat off of it.


The grotesque scene unconsciously made me blurt out a sound.

It was enough to attract its attention.


The wolf came towards me. With unrivaled speed, it came close to me- and leapt.


The wolf jumped in a straight line, like a bullet. I tossed out a punch in reflex.

At that instant, the sound of my fist made a rugged sound on the bones, and the wolf's head burst.

"Eh, did... I kill it?"

My arm pierced through between its head and neck. I could see my fist on the other side.

The wolf convulsed, and its limbs drooped down in an instant.

It died. In one punch of mine.

"...Haha... Hahaha! Amazing! Awesome!"

I realized the greatness of my feats, and laughed uncontrollably.

I killed the monster Samejima and the others were afraid of. Just by myself, in one punch.

It couldn't be helped that I was ecstatic.

It was the first time I felt this way.


I pulled out my left hand from the corpse and tossed it backwards. At that time I crept closer to the corpse I was so indulged in.

"This is..."

Black hair dropping down to the waist. A large chest that didn't fit the half-eaten body, and most importantly, a small figure.

There's no mistaking it. Only one person I know has this feature.

The person dead in front of me was Hamakaze Juri. A kind of mascot in our class.

"...Isn't this fine?"

I don't mean this situation. I'm not that perverted."

She was the most suitable to test out my Special Ability.

"According to the explanation, I can use it on dead beings, right...?"

I tried to remember the explanation I saw. If my memory serves me right, it was so.

"Then, let's test it out. Let's try to get the hang of this."

I activated my Special Ability "Wight King" on Hamakaze. And then, the method on how to use it flowed into my head.

"You. Now, I shall give you new life. I shall give you a second life. Here, sign a contract with me, and fulfill your duty as my servant. "Wight Back!"

Blue sparkles dropped from my hands to Hamakaze. Under her, a magic circle in the form of the Star of David floared up.

"The wounds heal too, huh!"

It became sort of interesting.

Her injuries quickly healed.

I would definitely prefer if her innards weren't minced meat.

The light grasped onto her for about ten minutes.

Finally it disappeared.

Probably, it was a signal for her revival.

"Oi, Ooooi, Hamakaze. Wake up."

Timidly, I poked her soft cheeks to check if she turned back to life.

And then, her closed black eyes opened.

It's not cloudy. They're eyes with a soul.

She's even breathing. Her chest, exposed to the limits, were faintly moving up and down.

"Experiment... Success!"

Today, I received a power that ignored the laws of the world.
