Chapter 186: God’s Mission (1)  

The Jeppis were like the scarecrows at the training center. They were still frozen in shock and could not dodge properly even after the Dragon Fear had worn off.

I cut between those Jeppis as if I was the wind.

Drake’s TBSA that was now at Advanced Level 7 was able to attack eight times or more in a single second. The Jeppis were gathered so closely together that sometimes I managed to cut through two or three of them with one attack as well.

The Stone Elves were amazing as well. Since the Jeppis were on the shorter side, the Stone Elves’ large physiques looked even more overbearing.

The Jeppis’ bodies were ripped into pieces every time the Stone Elves moved past.

General Genos and the attack squad joined us as well.


Over 80,000 soldiers charged through the now open gate.


I used Dragon Fear every time the cooldown time was over.

It was a one-sided massacre.

The Altan Fortress that was known for being impenetrable had turned into a Jeppi graveyard in less than half a day.

It was almost time for it to get dark now.


But the soldiers did not stop moving. They were trying to exterminate the last of the Jeppis.

I kept my eyes open and continued moving as well. It was because I had not killed their leader, Chikichaka.

‘Where could this bastard be hiding?’

I was certain he had been on the watchtower, but he had disappeared.

I heard an unexpected voice at that moment.

“You’ve grown much stronger. Snort.”

The snorting made it obvious it was a Jeppi.

I turned my head to see a Jeppi who was at least two fists taller than the others. His clothes were fancier than the others’ as well.

It was obvious who this was.


But the atmosphere around him felt weird. Our surroundings quickly became dark.

It was already time to get dark anyway. The darkness just came quicker because we were deep in the mountains.

But this was different than that. It was quickly getting dark as if time was moving 100 times faster than normal.

It was dark even for me when I had the Owl’s Eyes. It was as if I was inside some walls of darkness and could only see a set distance in front of me.

I suddenly realized something.


“You haven’t participated in any of the Chaos Battles since then. Have you been avoiding me this whole time?”

‘It really is that person. The god who created this world!’

Now that I thought about it, it had been close to 10 years since I participated in a Chaos Battle.

It was as Chikichaka said. I had been avoiding it on purpose. There wasn’t much to gain even if I participated in the Chaos Battles.

Money? I had plenty of it and could make more whenever I wanted. I would have a fortune just from selling the jewels I had. I could also make a fortune fortifying other people’s equipment.

Leveling up? I just had to go into Demon Caves a few times to level up.

On the other hand, I had a lot to lose if I participated.

I didn’t know what kind of penalty I would receive if I lost against the god again.

But to meet him again somewhere like this…

No, it was not something I could avoid. The god could appear using anybody’s body like this no matter where I was.

It meant that I could not avoid this battle.

I subconsciously clenched my hands tighter. I clenched Goonto’s Twin Blades in my hands.

Chikichaka smiled hideously seeing me like that.

“Kekeke. I like it. You deserve praise for not cowering in my presence. Snort.”

He sure has a lot to say.

No matter what he says, there was only one conclusion. He wants me to fight and win against him. I’ll be rewarded if I win and if I lose……

“Defeat me without caring about how you get it done. Snort. Then I will remove the restriction I placed on you. But if you fail again……”

Honestly speaking, the time restriction was meaningless now. Even without the restriction, it would be coming in daily versus coming in once a week to go through the same amount of days at once.

But what would the penalty be?

“……You’ll die.”

I instantly got the chills.

My opponent was not Chikichaka, the leader of the Jeppis. Although it looked like him, I was fighting against a god.

Didn’t I experience this last time during the Chaos Battle? It was a battle that I could not lose but he suddenly used unbelievable abilities to turn the tide.

How can I defeat such a god?

But for the penalty to be death… Does that mean that losing now would mean that I could never come into Royal Roader ever again?

That wasn’t it. The ‘death’ that the god was talking about was much worse.

“Your life here, as well as your life in the human world, will end. It will be the end of everything. Snort. So come at me with everything you have. Use everything in your power to defeat me.”

“That’s too much, sir.”

That subconsciously came out. I was speaking respectfully subconsciously even though I was talking to a hideous Jeppi.

However, Chikichaka just laughed.

“Keke. That’s none of my concern. Snort. Then, shall we get started?”

Chikichaka slowly started to walk toward me.

Chikichaka was holding a weapon that seemed to be a double-bladed saw. It looked as if he had taken the jaw of a saw shark and ripped it out. There were hundreds of sharp blades on it so that even a light hit would leave some serious injuries.

But there was some blue light surrounding it as well.

‘A magic blade!’

It really was a scam-like ability. There were only a few humans and Dwarves who could use a magic blade. But this stupid Jeppi was using a magic blade.

What to do? Its not like complaining would work right now. I needed to find a way to win in this terrible situation.

Hadn’t I expected something like this?

That was why I was looking for ways that a single strike could cause significant damage without raising my strength nor magic.

And I had found a way.

That wasn’t all. I had other emergency weapons to use during this kind of situation. I could win if I use them well.

The problem was that I only had one chance.

He would create a skill that is stronger than mine if he learns that I have such skills now. Then I would never be able to win.

I needed to cut his neck in one try. That was my only way to survive.

I clenched Goonto’s Twin Blades tightly and curled my body.

“Keke. Good. That’s more like it.”

Chikichaka laughed again.

He then launched the first attack. He kicked off the ground and ran toward me quickly.


His kick was so explosive that it caused a ripple! No matter how high his level was, this speed was not possible for a stupid Jeppi.

However, I wouldn’t lose in speed either. My Agility was over 2,500.

My Intuition was up to 150 as well. Chikichaka’s movements were surprisingly fast, but I could see them.

But I didn’t rashly counterattack. I needed to find the perfect opportunity to finish it with one attack.

I twisted my body and dodged to the side.

Chikichaka’s double-bladed saw slashed about 5 centimeters from me. But he had not missed.


The magic blade’s strength was stronger than I expected. Invisible mana reached out and brushed past my shoulder.

Thankfully, it was not a serious injury. It seemed to cut about 10 centimeters into my shoulder.

“Keke. You are quite fast!”

Chikichaka did not give me any time to rest. He was pressuring me with explosive speed even while talking as if he was playing with me. He swung his body to create torque as he slashed toward my waist.

I jumped back and used my cutlass to defend.


My hand became numb because of the strong vibration.

Most swords would have broken from that impact. My cutlass managed to survive because it was fortified eight times.

But I don’t think that it can last another hit.

I needed to quickly find an opportunity to change the situation.

I saw my chance as I had that thought. Chikichaka swung his body again as if he was going to end it with this attack.

It looked exactly the same as the last attack.

Was this the god’s attacking style? Or was this Chikichaka’s style?

Either way, the movement was quite wide. No matter how quick Chikichaka was, it could not help but create some openings.

But it could also be a trap. The enemy was a god and not a Jeppi.

I let another opening go by. The wide and strong attack would create another opening in the process.

I just needed to aim for that opening.

I quickly took three steps back. It was just enough distance to dodge the magic blade.

Chikichaka came that much closer, but I was slightly faster. The double-bladed saw cut through the air with a little more distance than last time and I did not end up with any injuries.

Chikichaka was twisting his body again. He looked as if he was planning on using the torque from this last attack to make this next attack even stronger.

But that was what I was waiting for as well.

‘Now! Put 3,000 Guard Point into strength!’

I had slightly over 10,000 Guard Points now. But I didn’t need to put all of those points. 3,000 strength should be plenty.

Of course, that wasn’t all.

‘Put 1,000 Spirit Energy into Agility! Put 1,000 Guard Point into Magic! Use ignore enemy defense!’

I used everything I could use.

And one more!

‘Activate the Ring of Darkness!’

I instantly felt my body disappearing. I was using magic to hide myself.

It was obvious that Chikichaka’s eyes would open wide in shock. He gasped and looked astonished.

“Gasp! What……!”

It did not last long. It was just one second.

But that was enough. I used as much physical strength as I could muster to swing Goonto’s Twin Blades.

But Chikichaka lifted his saw. It was accurately in the path of my sword.

It was unbelievable. How could he see my movements?

‘This scam-like bastard!’

Of course, I was not disappointed. I had expected this. I knew that the first attack would be blocked for sure.

That was why the first attack was a trick. The real attack came next. I’m someone who practices twin-blade arts with two cutlasses.

Furthermore, Drake’s TBSA is capable of attacking eight times in one second. It would take less than 0.2 seconds for the second attack.

Would he be able to block that as well?


The first attack was blocked by the double-bladed saw. But the second attack was already coming.

If the second attack failed, then a third attack would come right afterward.

I could see Chikichaka’s expression.

His face was turned toward the first sword but his gaze was focused on the second sword.

It was as if he was expecting the second attack.

That was why he used the recoil from blocking the first attack to try to move his saw back.

But even a god could not go against the laws of physics.

I used less strength on purpose so that Chikichaka’s saw could not come back as quickly as he wanted.

The second sword was headed toward Chikichaka’s neck at that moment. It was an attack with more than 3,000 strength thanks to using all of those Guard Points.



Blood splattered in front of me. It was red blood coming out of Chikichaka’s cut neck. I had sliced his neck clean with a single attack.

I then brushed past Chikichaka’s body. I stabbed Chikichaka’s heart with the third attack.

Although his neck was cleanly cut off, I just let the third attack continue without stopping it since I was already in the process of attacking.


I moved past Chikichaka and stopped after landing the third attack.

I then felt my disappeared body starting to appear again. All of this had happened within one second.

I turned around and observed Chikichaka’s condition.

‘There’s no way he can come back alive, right?’

Translator: Miraclerifle
