Chapter 2:  

Kail Jorgen Bruntland.

When Silje saw his green eyes, she became speechless.

How unlucky.

This was someone she never wanted to face. She ran to try to avoid the fox but ended up running into a tiger.

Why did she have to be caught by Kail of all people, especially when he was the cruel king?

Even most of the male students tried to avoid him because they feared him. Kail was involved in many violent incidences at school.


Looking at Kail’s posse, Silje couldn’t breathe. This couldn’t be any worse.

She was in Kail’s arms, and he was looking down at her coldly as if she was a piece of garbage.


She got goosebumps as she looked at his shockingly clear green eyes. She felt like ice water was thrown at her face.

Those eyes.

Yes, she remembered those eyes.


The king might not remember her, but she remembered him.

Some time ago, she was chased by her bullies just like today. While she was running away, she came face to face with Kail’s gang.

Even then, Kail looked at her with a blank emotionless face just like now. She remembered it like it was yesterday. His eyes were so clear like the ocean and they gave her goosebumps. They looked emotionless, but she could instinctively feel them assessing her as potential prey invading his territory. She felt like she was in the presence of a predator.

Those eyes. They were those of a wolf.

And he was the alpha of his group.

She could smell blood at the time. Kail ruled the school with his posse by destroying anyone who got in his way. It looked like he was always surrounded by his people, but to Silje, it was clear that he was completely alone.

His eyes were indicative of it.

She met his eyes only for a second, but she still felt it.

In a way, he was just like her, a girl who was fighting alone for her life. For a moment, she thought that he realized this as well because his eyes flickered.

At the time, he had let her pass without a word.

“Kail! What should we do to this Asian girl?”

“Just let her go.”

He sounded uninterested as his voice was dry and detached.

She remembered this incident very well. Silje accidentally got in his way and normally he wouldn’t have let such an easy prey get away. Did he think she wasn’t even worth it?

But that was then, and this was now. This was different. She got one freebie and she used it last time. Silje knew she wouldn’t get lucky again.

It was obvious that Kail couldn’t let this slide. She had provoked a sleeping lion. Or perhaps she accidentally entered a wolf’s den? And it wasn’t an omega she disturbed. Unfortunately, she ended up facing the alpha of the pack.

Silje swallowed anxiously when she noticed a shiny ring on Kail’s right hand. It was an extravagant emerald ring and it was the same shade as his eyes. Green...

Silje tried to focus on it. She wanted to keep her mind busy with something other than her current situation.

As if that was going to help her avoid her dire reality.

Silje smiled involuntarily and slowly faced him who was still glaring at her heartlessly.

Silje’s expression changed suddenly. He was looking at her like he didn’t like her face. Did he see her smile?

She also noticed a familiar face among Kail’s group. Gunhild. She was talking loudly and excitedly. Gunhild was one of Silje’s classmates and she was also in the group of bullies.

“What the! What’s this?!”

“Oh my god.”

Gunhild snickered with Felicien, who was a close member of Kail’s posse.

“That dirty Asian ape. How dare she fall into Kail’s arms! Haha.”

Kail’s gang pointed their fingers at her and laughed at her.

“She must’ve lost her mind! She almost killed him.”

As he listened to them, Kail’s expression changed.

His breath and Eau de Cologne overwhelmed Silje. This was her first time smelling a man up close. Aftershave, lotion, and sweat... His arms felt unusually hard and muscular.

Kail Jorgen Bruntland.

She knew him. Everyone did, but this was the first time she had ever been this close to him.

In the cold, fierce wind, she secretly studied the tall guy. He must’ve been close to 190 centimeters tall. His dark brown hair danced around his face. Among the blue-eyed blond-haired northern Europeans, Kail stood out with his almost-black hair.

His eyebrows were just as strikingly dark and thick while his eyes looked quiet yet explosive. His straight nose and sharp cheeks were similar to that of a statue.

From first glance, he looked strong yet elegant, but his lips gave his true nature away.

An animal.

A beast.

His firmly closed mouth made Kail look gloomy and astonishing.

He was the guy who rules the Bestrum Videregaende Skole like a dictator.

It was a well-known fact that Kail and his group were constantly involved in violent incidents, but the school always ignored them. There was a rumor that Kail’s father had paid an enormous amount of money to the school to have him enrolled. People believed that this was why the school was lenient when it came to Kail and his vicious behaviors.

A cold breeze blew against his cheeks.

How long had they been standing there like this?

Silje continued to observe his face when suddenly, Kail turned to look straight into her eyes.

Without a word, he studied her cold-heartedly and rudely. After a few seconds, he finally asked with a hoarse voice,

“Who the hell is she?”

“Silje Kim Pettersen. We told you about her before, Kail. She’s the Asian monkey.”

The group sneered as Felicien added, “She’s our toy, perfect for bullying. I told you about her before. She is a beggar from Asia and she thinks she is so great.”

As soon as he heard her name, Kail did something that shocked Silje. He lifted her and threw her onto the ground ruthlessly as if she were a useless piece of trash.

She fell with a hard thud.

Unfortunately, this wasn’t the end.

Everyone around started to laughing uncontrollably. When she looked up, Kail was glaring down at her with his arms crossed. His stare looked cold and frightening.


Silje couldn’t move at all. He was looking at her as if he found her annoying. He wasn’t doing or saying anything to her, but she still found him to be terrifying.

It was a new kind of fear she felt.

His expression was indeed emotionless and rigid. Silje was used to the northern Europeans’ typical callous stares, but Kail was even worse. The way he looked at her truly alarmed her. She felt almost dizzy.

Kail continued to stand in front of her, sizing her up and down. The way he studied her was disturbing.

