Chapter 57  : Cohesion Is All About Gorging!

Lin Wan’s first day of work was a massive welcome party!

pm that afternoon, everyone gathered in the office before marching off to the cinema.

Based on Assistant Xin’s schedule, they first booked a VIP IMAX theater, costing over 4,000 yuan for them to catch the latest movie – Avatar.

Next, everyone arrived at the most expensive buffet in Jingzhou City, Swan Lake. At a charge of 428 per pax along with 15% service charge, that meal cost Pei Qian another 10,000+.

After dinner, the group of them continued on to a nearby KTV where they booked a luxurious suite with a minimum spending of 6,000. Pei Qian then spent even more time at the bar to knock that figure up to five digits.

Even so, he was still not satisfied.


This sudden splurge of money was not enough!

He could sense that compared to normal days, the system was more relaxed on him spending System Funds today.

It was as though the restrictions of the system were situational. Each time he spent System Funds using a different reason, the max amount he could splurge was different too.

Take the previous time for example, when Pei Qian used the excuse of the Guangzhou learning exchange, they could spend money based on business expenditures.

This time round, with the celebration of Ocean Stronghold’s development as a reason, the choices they had for their meal gatherings and activities was greater too.

If it was any normal gathering, the limit for the buffet would be around 200 per pax; anymore and the system would ring a warning.


But this time round, because of the solid reason Pei Qian had, the system did not even make a peep when they chose a buffet costing 400 per pax!

Pei Qian gathered that the standards of the system were situational rather than rigid.

That was a good thing because it meant that Pei Qian would have a greater reign of freedom in the way he chooses to spend the System Funds in the future.

But of course, System Funds were still limited to company affairs rather than personal expenditure.

Even though he was already trying his best to spend money, Pei Qian still felt that it was a feeble attempt.

Take today’s expenditure for example. They had spent less than 30,000 in total. That was not what he had expected!

But, it was fine. He had more time to continue spending money since there was still a week to go before settlement!

Even though Pei Qian was indifferent for the cohesion, it was different for the rest.

It was especially so for Ma Yang, Bao Xu and Huang Sibo. As the cohesion went on, they found themselves being marveled by everything!

For a movie, they booked an entire VIP IMAX theater to watch the latest show in 3D! How awesome was that!

The dinner buffet cost 400 per pax and there were over 500 dishes and 400 seafood items such as Bluefin Tuna, New Zealand Scampi, Australian Lobster, Crayfish… just anything they wanted!

When Ma Yang saw that the Haagen Dazs ice cream was free flow, he almost gorged himself in it before he was criticized by Pei Qian for doing so.

‘Don’t you know how to choose?’

‘Can’t you tell what’s more expensive? If you really don’t, check with Qiandu!’

Everyone found themselves getting high during the meal as they sped through the restaurant. When they came across strange food, be it nice or not, they would take it away as long as it looked expensive.

Most of them were in their early twenties when they were best at eating. As such, most of the tables had empty dishes stacked tall.

Pei Qian on the other hand was extremely calm.

Even though it was rare for him to have buffets as such before his rebirth and the food was alluring, he was more bothered with the 500,000.

If he could gain his 500,000, what couldn’t he eat?

He wouldn’t have to wait for the system’s approval and behave himself so that he could have a good meal by then!

Eating a piece of bluefin tuna casually, Pei Qian’s mind was filled with the 500,000.

Lin Wan’s attention was similarly not on the menu.

To her, all of those foods were nothing new and she was already long sick of them.

What she was interested about was the attitudes of the employees and Boss Pei!

She saw how happy everyone looked.

Those were smiles that Lin Wan had never seen before on her colleagues at Sun Strike Studios!

Was it because they had good food today?

No, that wasn’t the case.

This was just a buffet that cost around 400 per pax, it was nothing special.

The reason why everyone looked so happy must be because they could feel Boss Pei’s recognition! His character had managed to warm them to a point where they derived joy from work!

Whoever stated that employees and bosses must always be at odds?

Whoever stated that working must be a miserable affair?

Things were clearly not like that with Boss Pei!

It was such a pure gathering! How rare!

Every other company would always choose their gathering dates on off days so that they could eat into their employees’ rest time. Not just that, most of those gatherings were drinking sessions. Rather than improving the relationship between those of the company, it was more like a necessary social event.

Even though most people did not really enjoy it, they had no other choice.

But here at Tengda, things were different.

All of the awkward segments where the leaders would give a talk and people would exchange drinks for ice breaking… they were all gone! Everyone was just purely enjoying their food.

What a pure cohesion!

Not just that, Lin Wan had noticed that Pei Qian was only eating listlessly as though his mind was on something else.

Could he be thinking about the game and company operations?

While everyone was eagerly stuffing themselves with the food, Pei Qian looked worried as though he was deep in thoughts.

Indeed, that was the responsibility of being a boss! That was what it meant for leaders to worry about the future and to only be happy after their underlings are happy!

Lin Wan felt that she had gained even more insight into Pei Qian as a person.

After they were done with the meal, everyone headed to a nearby KTV’s luxury suite before enjoying themselves for the entire night.

But of course, for some of the girls that did not want to sing or wanted to head home early, Pei Qian had arranged for male colleagues to book rides for them to get home.

In any case, the charges for the suite were fixed whether or not people left and it did not affect Pei Qian’s money spending.

His principle was simple – As long as you guys don’t stop me from spending my System Funds, you can do whatever you want!

There was a small bar and dance area within the suite where everyone drank as they pleased, be it alcohol or soft drinks.

At the start, everyone was still rather restrained. However, after Ma Yang delivered his deathly gross rendition of ‘Transactional Love’, the entire place was hyped!

Everyone started letting themselves go, howling into the microphone as they fancied.

Lin Wan did not leave and instead, sang a couple of songs where her melodious voice was received warmly.

She discovered that she was already starting to like this group.

This was just like a loving, big family where everyone enjoyed themselves while revolving around Boss Pei!

This atmosphere convinced Lin Wan that she had not joined the wrong place!

Tengda was the answer that she had painstakingly looked for!

Out of joy, Pei Qian also indulged in a couple of drinks.

During his intoxicated moments, he seemed to recall seeing the system conducting a settlement where the 500,000 of System Funds was being converted to his Personal Wealth…

The next afternoon, Pei Qian woke up in his rental apartment and rubbed his eyes slowly.

Even though he had drank the previous night, there wasn’t much of a hangover because they had drank high quality wine.

He poured himself a glass of water and turned on his laptop.

This was a new laptop; his previous one was already retired even though he had used it for just six months after school started.

Pei Qian’s current laptop was a high-end Alienware!

Since he would be spending System Funds anyway, having a laptop as such was no longer something that Pei Qian looked forward to.

He opened ESRO’s website and checked on Ocean Stronghold only to find out that it had not passed the vetting process yet.

Because the game was huge, it was only natural for the vetting process to take longer. As such, the game was still in the vetting process despite 20 hours having passed.

Pei Qian closed the laptop and wasn’t overly bothered.

Other companies bothered about when they would pass the vetting process because they had a marketing plan to execute.

However, Pei Qian had nothing of the sort!

Since that was the case, why would it matter when the game passed the vetting process? It wasn’t important at all!
