Chapter 51  : What a Squeezy Working Area!

Guangzhou, Sun Strike Studios.

Outside their office building, Xiao Lu and the others were in awe.

Sun Strike Studios had a seven floor office building to themselves! Majestic!

Right at the entrance was Sun Strike Studios’ plague and the building was surrounded by greenery; the environment was rather decent.

Any gaming company that could build their own building was definitely one that did not lack money!

For most people, they wondered what it would be like if they could work at a place as such.


However, Pei Qian was mostly indifferent.

He was only here to lose money with the learning exchange as an excuse. Besides, it was just a larger office space and there was nothing to be envious about.

When the group arrived at the entrance, there were already people from Sun Strike Studios waiting to welcome them.

“Welcome, Assistant Xin! I suppose this is Boss Pei? Hi, hi! I’m the liaison from Sun Strike Studios, Sun Xi!”

The person welcoming them looked to be around 26 years old.

It was said that the producer of Sun Strike Studios, Zhou Muyan, would be meeting with them as well. However, there was no way he would welcome them personally at the entrance with his status – Pei Qian’s group was not at that level yet.


Sun Xi brought everyone in while introducing the place to them on the way.

“This is the bamboo forest in our front yard that we’ve built because we have a game project in a traditional style. Oh, there’s an ancient zither there that a lady in traditional robes would occasionally play as well.”

“At the far end is the car park because some of our colleagues drive to work.”

“Further up is the main lobby. I’ll take you guys to the guest area to meet the project team.”

Pei Qian checked out the place.

A large company was grandiose indeed!

They should have spent quite a bit of money building this place, right?

If they were to build an office building, they could renovate it every now and then for things such as implanting a bamboo forest or customizing some sculptures. All of those would require a massive amount of money and he wouldn’t have to worry about not being able to spend his money!

But of course, it would require a few tens of millions just to build such an office building – Pei Qian could not afford it currently.

The System Funds provided by the system was still only at the level of 500,000. Even though the games that Pei Qian made had earned him so much money he wanted to puke, they merely amounted in the millions.

If he could earn in the ballpark of tens or hundreds of million annually, Pei Qian could consider building such an office building in the future.

However, he wished that something like that would never have to happen…

He would rather have the company lose a couple of millions annually than rake in tens or hundreds of millions.

The former would be converted to his Personal Wealth at a rate of 10x compared to the latter…

Assistant Xin was someone who had been out and about and was unmoved with what she saw as well.

However, the others such as Huang Sibo, Xiao Lu and Ma Yang were watching with twinkles in their eyes. They resembled bumpkins that were visiting a city for the first time where everything seemed spectacular and fresh.

But of course, strictly speaking, the benefits offered by Tengda were way better than Sun Strike Studios.

Be it in terms of the working desk space or computer specifications, no companies domestically or even abroad could compete with Tengda.

However, because this company had their own office building and a larger total space, they naturally looked more well to do to outsiders!

At the front desk, everyone could not help but feel pride bubbling within them.

A point back to Tengda!

Tengda’s front desk was a pair of twins whose looks alone outclassed Sun Strike Studios’ front desk – this was a victory to them!

Sun Xi brought everyone to the fourth floor where they met with the producer of Sun Strike Studios, Zhou Muyan.

He was wearing a casual suit; that was quite a formal attire in the gaming industry.

However, when he looked at the group of people, his gaze was locked onto Pei Qian.

‘Fuck, that’s a custom-made suit!’

Zhou Muyan could tell with a single look that the suit was costly – it was worth five digits at the very least!

That caused Zhou Muyan to be the pressured one instead, feeling as though he had lost in terms of image…

At the same time, he was bothered with how the other party was already a boss who had created a success like Ghost General when he looked even younger than an intern!

Could he be a rich second-generation heir?

Yes, that must be the case.

There was no way anyone could afford those clothes otherwise.

Most startup bosses were more conservative with their spending and furthermore, there was no need for expensive attire in the gaming industry.

The both of them exchanged some casual pleasantries, “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

But in reality, none of them knew the other…

Pei Qian did not know the games that Sun Strike Studios had created and vice versa, the other than being the producer of Ghost General, Zhou Muyan knew nothing about Pei Qian.

Their lack of understanding for the other party created a silent agreement where they both skipped over typical praises of the other party as Zhou Muyan brought them around the studio.

“This is our sound recording area where the studio is up ahead.”

“Of course, all our in-game music and sound effects are specially created here.”

“This is the working area. That’s our arts team at work, creating the original arts.”

“This is the training area where we’ll periodically provide training of game designing knowledge.”

“There’s a cosplay outfit here. This was previously worn by a celebrity that we endorsed for a game and it’s been kept here ever since.”

“This wall displays some of the side products of our games.”

“This is the resting area and that’s our canteen…”

Zhou Muyan brought the group around and was trying to gauge their reactions.

Sun Strike Studios was considered as an old brand within the domestic games market and thus, their working style was more traditional with their own recording studio and arts team. Almost every single part of their game was made in-house unlike Tengda which had to purchase their art and music resources from the online resource site.

But to Zhou Muyan’s surprise, Xiao Lu and the rest who were exceptionally excited outside the building were now much more indifferent…

Why was it the opposite?

There were some students who had visited previously as well and even though they seemed calm on the outside, they were extremely excited within.

That was because they had a resting area, canteen, pantry and entertainment room right within the building. This was an extremely enticing work environment. That was why the students would all get excited upon seeing those and dreamt about being able to join the company to work.

But, why were these people from Tengda so indifferent?

‘Take a close look, this is the entertainment room! There’s even a resting area!’

‘Doesn’t the gigantic television look nice? Don’t the sofas feel comfortable?’

‘Why aren’t you guys reacting at all?!’

Zhou Muyan was bewildered.

But, it was normal for the group to be nonchalant.

For most of them, when they saw the so-called entertainment room and snacks area, they only had a single reaction.

‘This was it?’

‘You dare to call this small little bird cage that only has a small television and a single console an entertainment room?’

‘This snacks area only has a few packets of biscuits, some chips and there’s even a sign that says every single employee is only restricted to a limited amount. You guys dare to call this a snacks area?!’

‘After all that bragging, everything you have is inferior to what Tengda has!’

But of course, while the group could not say it out loud, they could not help but feel disappointed internally…

It was an outright disappointment!

So, this was the working environment in one of the top tier domestic gaming companies?

This was a far cry from how things were like in Tengda!

Even though the building looked good on the outside, it was pathetic within!

The group’s reaction was indifferent and cold.

Ma Yang recalled Pei Qian’s instructions and realized that this was the time for him to shine.

He must not let the situation turn even more awkward! He had to ask questions and provide feedback!

At that thought, he looked at the filled working area and asked casually, “Oh, isn’t it Saturday today? There are so many people doing overtime?”

Zhou Muyan was stumped

‘What kind of a rubbish question is that?’

‘All of our domestic gaming companies follows the 996 system! If not for the fact that it’s a working day today, do you think I’ll be able to entertain you guys in the office today?’

The question was so stupid that Zhou Muyan did not know how he should reply…

Huang Sibo responded immediately in an attempt to diffuse the situation, “Ah, it’s normal to do overtime for the sake of work.”

Ma Yang nodded. “That’s true. They can even get to earn overtime pay. Say, there are so many people doing overtime, I suppose the company spends a lot on overtime pay monthly?”

‘Overtime pay?’

Zhou Muyan continued to be stumped.

He was puzzled as to where this big faced man was from!

Why did it feel as though this person did not know anything about the industry from the way he spoke?

Which gaming company would have a bloody overtime pay? 996 was just the norm!

When they saw the unnatural expression on Zhou Muyan’s face, Huang Sibo and the rest understood right away.

However, Ma Yang had not realized what was going on yet and looked as though he was about to ask more questions.

Pei Qian pulled Ma Yang away immediately.

‘You shit! What’s up with the things that you’re asking!’

‘I told you to ask questions, not to burn bridges! Anymore and Zhou Muyan’s going to toss you out soon!’

‘We didn’t come all the way here to sow grudges with them!’

Ma Yang shrugged and could not understand why Pei Qian pulled him away.

‘What’s wrong with the questions I asked? Aren’t they normal?’

Thankfully, he was not stupid enough to continue asking as he merely went silent.

Zhou Muyan was extremely speechless but he was graceful enough to ignore that annoyance and he continued introducing Sun Strike Studios to the group.

However, the excitement of the group that had just witnessed the truth had died down as they looked as though they were humoring him.

Zhou Muyan was extremely bothered – shouldn’t they look excited and envious instead?

He was certain that the working environment of Sun Strike Studios was 90% better than all other domestic gaming companies!

It didn’t make sense for them to not be envious!

Xiao Lu looked at the working area and muttered subconsciously, “This working area is so squeezy…”
