"I see." He Weifei looked at director Li and said with a smile, "director, do you like to intimidate new people so much?"

"If you can be intimidated by these words, you will not be able to resist pressure at all. It is suggested that you change your industry as soon as possible. Architectural design is the most bitter of all design industries, so choosing this industry will have psychological preparation for suffering. " Li Weizheng's words are straightforward, but his voice is gentle.

He's just stating the facts.

He played with the SLR in his hand and took a picture of Li Weizheng.

Li Weizheng squinted, not angry.

He handed him the camera and asked casually, "director, why did you choose to do architectural design?"

Li Weizheng looked at the picture. "It's a good picture. I didn't think I would do anything other than architecture as I grew up. It's not like you have the chance to try other hobbies. "


"I liked architectural design a few months before I went to university. At that time, I just photographed buildings from all angles. After a long time, I found their lines were very beautiful, so I wanted to know more about them."

"So you haven't been in the business for a year." Li Weizheng said.

"Well, I think it's time to work hard."

Li Weizheng glanced at he Weifei and said, "I always think I've seen you somewhere."

"I have a public face, and director Li doesn't think it's strange that I'm familiar with it."

"If the public face is your standard, the public will wake up with a smile in their dreams." Li Weizheng smiled and returned the camera to he Weifei. "When you get to the place, take photos."




the seven hour high-speed railway is not as painful as he imagined. Maybe the location and riding environment of the high-speed railway are good. Maybe Li Weizheng is not as sharp and severe as he imagined.

He Weifei even slept in the car.

After they got off the high-speed rail, they took a taxi to the construction site.

They came here to see a suburban land.

The government of Jiangcheng wants to build this land into a cultural incubator, but at present, there is only a general idea, and the specific situation will be discussed and determined after they come up with plans and design drawings.

Therefore, we need Li Weizheng to come here in person.

Li Weizheng has taken over so many projects. He has a deep understanding of this level of projects.

Customers are likely to put forward a variety of requirements after they come out with their design scheme and design drawings. After they solve all kinds of requirements, customers will directly transfer these materials and design drawings to small scientific research institutes for processing, which saves a lot of design costs.

This type of case occurs frequently in the construction industry, and various design institutes and design companies have come up with solutions.

This is especially true of their design department.

Because this kind of behavior is the biggest harm to a designer.

Architects can endure the pain of staying up late with exhausted inspiration, which is given by their profession.

They are willing to accept, but their works are stolen by others, which is undoubtedly to take blood from their hearts.

Li Weizheng and he Weifei opened a standard room in a Samsung Hotel on the outskirts of the city.

Then I went to see the land while it was still bright.

It's a wasteland, and the trees on the mountain have been cut almost.

There's a notice on the pole to move the grave.

There are few families nearby, which is very desolate.

He Weifei took many photos from various angles under the command of Li Weizheng.

Finally, they went to a small noodle shop nearby to have dinner.

There are no customers in this noodle shop. Li Weizheng ordered a lot of things and chatted with the boss and his wife.

"Boss, have you heard that a cultural Incubation Park will be built in this area?"

"After several years, I don't know when to start. You can see that there are basically no restaurants or residents around except us. Many people have moved away, but even if they don't start work, they don't know what's going on. "

"Do you want to turn it into an incubator?"

"Of course I do! There are more jobs in the incubator. It's good for us to work nearby, and then the business in our store will be better. But if they don't start work, we can't help it. "

Li Weizheng continued to ask, "didn't they say why?"? I just saw that the notice to move graves was issued three years ago. All graves should have been moved. "

"There are several other families who have paid too little money to move their graves. It is said that the relocation will affect their Fengshui. Maybe it's also because of the nail family, and there has been no progress. " Said the boss.

After serving them, the landlady said, "it's not going to be any progress now, is it? Otherwise, you will not ask such questions. "

"As you think, we two want to find something to do in the cultural incubator after it starts. Now other jobs in Jiangcheng are easy, but the money is too little. It's better to come to the construction site and work hard for a while, and earn a lot. ""Yes, yes, the white-collar workers in the city look very beautiful, but they are basically moonlight people, so they can't save any money. In the office, you need to wear a brand for everything, otherwise your colleagues can't see it. Working in a small place, no one can say anything. As long as you don't spend the money you earn, you can basically save a lot. "

Li Weizheng nodded with the same feeling. "I've been a moonlight clan for several years, and now I've decided that I don't care so much about body and decency as long as I have money."

The boss nodded his head with deep sympathy, "before I married my daughter-in-law, I thought it was the same as you thought. After I had my daughter-in-law, it was different. I had to think about my daughter-in-law about everything."

The boss's wife was listening to the music.

**At 8 p.m., he and Li Weizheng return to their hotel.

He Weifei led the photos taken today into the computer, and Li Weizheng looked at them over and over again.

He Weifei also accompanies you to see. Although these photos were taken by him, they were directed by Li Weizheng.

He didn't quite know what he would see from those angles and what he could understand?

He Weifei waited for Li Weizheng to explain.

Unexpectedly, Li Weizheng looked several times and asked, "do you feel anything?"

He Weifei organized a speech and said: "look at the execution of Party A. in the field we are looking at today, in addition to paddy fields, there are several high-voltage lines. It is impossible to build houses and design intensive industries around the high-voltage line, which is prone to irreversible risk in the process of site construction and use. Another is paddy field. We chatted with the owner of the restaurant and the owner's wife today and learned that this matter has been going on for less than four years. If they want to do this project, in the past four years, they at least come up with a general framework or ask other design companies to design conceptual sketches. But as far as the information they get from you at present, they have no specific direction except to build this large area of land into a cultural Incubation Park. It also reflects from the side that they have no intention of doing it. "
