Ji xuege blinked hard. It took a long time to digest that message.

She is not suitable for the line of literature and art.

Ji xuege rubbed her face hard, looked at the books on the list again, and typed them out word by word with another second-hand mobile phone she just bought.

She hit three copies in a row, and finally got some feeling.

Ji xuege took out her previous beginning again, and revised what she thought was wrong again.

This time, she had a lot to learn.

After she had finished the list, another letter came in the mailbox.


This letter is a message that a manuscript can sign.

Ji xuege read it four times in a row to make sure it was her manuscript that could be signed.

She added the edit number on the mailbox with shaking hands.

The editor over there soon added her.

Xuege: Hello.

Yuanyuan: Hello! I read your manuscript and think I can sign a contract at our station. Would you like to?


Xuege: I changed another version today. You can see which one is more suitable.

Yuanyuan: momada, fly by.

Ji xuege opens her new hair.

Yuanyuan: I'll see it right away. I'll get back to you later, Ma.

Xuege: OK, it's hard.

Yuanyuan: for RMB!

Ji xuege looks at the last sentence, showing the little girl's simple smile.

Half an hour later, the editor replied to her.

Yuanyuan: honey, I've been waiting for a long time. I've just seen your new changes, and I think the new changes are better and more suitable for the needs of the current market.

Xuege: are you sure?

Round hair had a very silly and cute nod expression.

magic Circle: sure and sure! I'll tell you the welfare of our station first. Can we sign the contract if you think it's suitable?

Xuege: OK.

Yuanyuan: there are three ways to sign a contract on our website. One is to buy out, the second is to guarantee the minimum price, and the third is to share. I've read that the style and outline of your book are very similar to one of the most popular books on our website recently, so I suggest you share it. Our website is also divided into full attendance, which is more than 6000 words per day, six yuan per thousand words, and five and five points for subscription. For example, if you sell a book for ten yuan after it is put on the shelves, you will get five yuan, and the welfare of six yuan per thousand words will also be enjoyed. Can I understand that?

Xuege: I see. I choose to share.

Yuanyuan: OK, I'll send the contract to you later. You fill it out and send it back to me for review.

Yuanyuan then sent a contract.

Ji xuege took the document and looked at it carefully.

This contract is relatively simple. She focuses on when to pay for publishing, and then signs it.

The editor found that there was no problem after the audit, and gave her an address, and asked her to send it by address after printing.

Ji xuege immediately ran downstairs and printed three copies of his ID card and sent them together.

Ji xuege sent a message to the editor.

Yuanyuan: your speed is really fast, momida.

Xuege: I don't have much writing experience. Please give me more guidance in the future.

Yuanyuan: as editors, we are not afraid of the author's less experience, but more afraid of the author's unwillingness to learn and stick to his own ideas. Writing is a very boring and boring thing, which is sometimes very painful and can be incomprehensible to readers. These are very normal, but as long as the author does not give up, as your editor, I will try my best to get more recommendations for you and make your text more money. Do you have any peace of mind when I say that?

Xuege: Well, thank you!

Yuanyuan: I'm sorry about that. Come on, come on, we don't want to be a God, but we need to make progress in every book! Make money, go to the top of life!

Ji xuege found that the editor was really cute and would infect people.

Xuege: with your words, I will work harder.

Yuanyuan: I'm so moved. Do you have wood? Come on, make it. There's plenty of time.

Snow song:

Yuanyuan: haha, hurry to code, and update tomorrow. If you dare to break it, I will serve you with a small whip!

Xuege: Yes, yes!

Ji xuege bit, just went downstairs to buy the big steamed bread, holding the mobile phone and began to code again.

After confirming that she can sign the contract, her enthusiasm for coding is even higher than before.

Holding the mobile phone motionless sitting on the bed, fingers crackling typing, as if there are countless thoughts in my mind can't be spewed out in the next second, turned into words in front of her.

Ji xuege wrote all the plots she thought about before and found that it had been more than four hours.

She didn't think she could write for four hours without moving.

She went to see the number of words, which shocked her. She wrote more than 11000 words.Ji xuege put down her mobile phone and jumped in the room for a few times. Her body and neck were already stiff.

She didn't realize how tired she was when she was just concentrating on something.

Once except for that state, the brain starts to faint.

Ji xuege went to take a bath and got a lot of energy.

The phone is full of electricity, she will continue to pick up the phone to write the plot.

She didn't put down her mobile phone until her eyes couldn't open again.


in the next period of time, as long as Ji xuege didn't take a part-time job, she either used the second-hand mobile phone to read all kinds of online novels or wrote novels with the mobile phone he only sent her.

In addition, she also bought several books about writing in the 24-hour bookstore.

She had read a lot of books about the writing skills of online writing on the Internet before, and felt that it was quite fruitful.

But as she began to spend a lot of time writing novels, she clearly felt that her previous knowledge and experience were too shallow.

He often didn't know how to solve the Bureau she set in the novel.

In her opinion, this is the reason why she has too little experience.

So, she now read all kinds of books. If many books can be found in electronic version, she will resolutely not buy entities. First, she has no money. Second, she will move in the future, which is not easy to take away.

The book signed by Ji xuege went on sale ten days after it was published.

On the day before putting on the shelves, Yuanyuan asked her to prepare 50000 words of saved manuscripts for the first day after putting on the shelves.

Ji xuege has little experience, so she is currently following the editor's instructions.

At 1:00 a.m. on the day of listing, 50000 words were updated.

The next morning, she received a round call.

Seeing that strange number, Ji xuege didn't want to answer it, thinking it was a harassment call.

But the phone rang three times in a row, so she had to pick it up on the fourth time.

Ji xuege: "Hello, who are you, please?"

"Hello! My little sister is your editor's round children's shoes. Sister, did your mobile phone fall into the toilet? It's been such a long time! "

"I was too busy to hear."

"Forget it, these little things, don't care. I'll tell you, you've done very well on the shelf. Up to now, you have 800 yuan to share today. "
