Ji xuege bought two steamed buns downstairs and reported to the 24-hour bookstore. It's 50 yuan to stay here all night.

Ji xuege doesn't have a lot of pain. At least he can read a book for one night.

She found a corner with the best view, and could observe the movement of the door at any time.

After sitting down, Ji xuege took a book to read.

That's the speech delivered by the president of Qincheng University on the day of the founding of Qincheng University 200 years ago. "Behind all wisdom and growth, there are hardships and tribulations. All tribulations will one day become the sweetest candy to share with the people you meet in your life."

Ji xuege looked at that sentence for a long time but could not return to God.

Will her sufferings now and in the past turn into sweet fruits one day?


She has no way to think that one day, what expression should she have?

And the famous scholar in her 70s gave her the answer. Even he Weifei agreed with the University, she should try to trust and learn not to complain.


the night of trembling is over after all, nothing has happened. Compared with those ruffians and hooligans, they would not think that she would come to the bookstore.

Ji xuege paid another ten yuan and bought the book she saw last night.

After Ji xuege went back to her sundry room, aunt Wu came here in a hurry. "Xiao Ji, why didn't you come back last night? Where did you go in the evening? "


"I went to the night market to see, and I was going to set up a stall in the night market to make more money"

"I didn't encounter any danger, did I?"

"No. What's the matter? " Ji xuege asked, pretending to be confused.

Auntie Wu patted her chest, "that's good, that's good. You are still young and don't know a lot of things, and don't know the dangers of society. You'd better make more money and stop living in such a place. If you don't care what happens, you'll be back for life. "

"I see. Thank you, aunt Wu."

"Have you had breakfast? I've had a pot of porridge and it's still hot. "

"I have. Take your time. I didn't sleep last night. I'll go to sleep first. " Ji xuege goes back to the utility room.

Before, she thought it was OK to live here, but she suddenly realized last night that she was not so short of money.

She also has a lot of savings. If he can't rent a room, it's better to stay in a more regular hotel than now.

When Ji xuege thought of it, she immediately cleaned up the things that were very memorable to her, and didn't tell Aunt Wu to take her belongings with her and leave.

What Ji xuege will never think of is that ten minutes after she left, those ruffians who chased her yesterday came to the utility room.

A few ruffians attacked the space. Angrily, he pointed to Aunt Wu and shouted, "don't you look at people? Where are you now? "

"I don't know. She just told me to go back to my room and go to bed, but the person who turned around disappeared."

Several scoundrels kicked the things that could be kicked in the small room.

Aunt Wu watched several people smash them in a mess. The doctor looked at the things in the room with little eyes, and found that Ji xuege's personal belongings had been taken away.

Aunt Wu felt a little relieved.

**With his ID card, Ji xuege went to a convenient hotel and opened a single room.

She simply washed and then went to bed for a sleep.

She only slept for two hours and then began to plan for the future.

She didn't have a clear plan before, but now it's different.

Now she has a beautiful dream in her heart. She wants to realize it.

But how to start became her biggest problem.

Many people are willing to work hard for one thing, pay a lot of energy and time.

But how to start is the biggest problem.

Ji xuege doesn't have the brains and ideas in this area. She is in a fog.

Ji xuege combs the people she knows in the city and finds that the only words she can speak are Wu Bo and aunt Wu, Ling Xiu, who spoke to her last night.

After consideration, Ji xuege decided to go to the park yesterday.

It took her three hours to see the doll trot over yesterday.

The doll was obviously shocked when he saw Ji xuege.

Ji xuege waved to him, and the doll stopped in front of her, took off his headdress, and said in surprise, "Why are you here again? I'm not afraid that those ruffians will continue to block you yesterday?"

Ji xuege didn't expect to hide a boy with a good face and a fresh smile under the cute headdress.

"Think of a part-time job."

Ling Xiu holds the doll's head and sits beside Ji xuege. "I have many part-time jobs here, but I don't earn much money and work hard."

"Hard work doesn't matter, mainly money.""Give me your cell phone, and I'll call you after I finish the part-time job in this mall. Are you still a student? "

Ji xuege: "No."

"Oh, just like me. It's better to come out early to practice. After that, we become the boss. Those college students just graduated and can come to work for us. "

"That's it!" Ji xuege wrote a series of numbers for Ling Xiu.

Ling Xiu took over and said, "it's inconvenient for me to take it with me. Let me tell you my mobile number. My mobile number is 138xxxxxxx. It's convenient for you to remember."

Ji xuege dials according to the number he reports and hears a ring soon.

Ling Xiu: "it's OK."

Ji xuege seriously saved his number. "Then I won't disturb your work. When you have time, I'll call you."


After Ji xuege solved the top priority, she was relieved and her steps back were much lighter.

In addition to contacting Ling Xiu, Ji xuege also decided to expand other aspects of the performance. Down to earth,

has been watching the official account numbers of He Weifei. Although she doesn't work, you can see that there are many official account of the Internet novels that are very popular. She has seen it for several years, and found that those novels have specific patterns. As long as they change order or add something different, they will become a new Internet novel.

She is very interested in the aspect of writing. If she can make money through this, it will be much safer than other ways.

When Ji xuege returned to the hotel, she dived into various novel platforms and read all the novels on the best-selling list.

Make a note of what she thinks is hot and great, and then integrate a beginning.

Ji xuege looked over and over the beginning several times to make sure that there was no mistake, and there was no confusion in the paragraphs. Then he sent it to the post box published by several websites.

After sending, Ji xuege collapsed on the bed like a dead dog, and found that writing was far more tired than she imagined.

But she hasn't been tired for several years, so after lying down for an hour, she is alive again.

Ji xuege went downstairs to buy three big steamed buns and prepared to write the following story.
