Luke and I were sitting in a restaurant now as the waiter handed us the menu’s and as I took it our hands accidentally touched mine to which he murmured a sorry. The waiter was a vampire like the rest of the people in this kingdom. Luke didn’t seem to notice it and turned the menu list he held in his hand.

"Did you decide what to eat?" Luke asked me as I looked at the menu. There were items I hadn’t heard of and didn’t know what to pick. When I looked up to see him, I saw him smiling at me as he rested his chin on the heel of his hand, "Unable to decide?"

"I don’t what these are," I replied shaking my head.

"I’ll have a rare steak and the beautiful lady here will have the savory with minced chicken," Luke said handing over his menu to the waiter. I picked my menu to give it to him and I noticed the waiter brushed his fingers on my hand on purpose this time.

"Anything else Sir?" the waiter asked.

"Mm, get a bottle of wine," Luke ordered and when the waiter was going to turn back he said, "And one more thing. Touch her again and I’ll see to it you’re hands are missing from your body by dawn or you from this kingdom, yes?" Luke asked smiling at him and I saw the waiter nod his head before leaving in a hurry.

"You scared him," I stated as I picked my glass of water to drink and he raised one of his eyebrows at me.


"What did you expect me to do?" He asked looking at me and lips twitched to smile.

"The same what you did just now," I muttered looking out of the window and when I turned back to see him, he wasn’t in front of me.

"See, now we are connecting," I heard him speak beside me making me jump out of surprise.

"Why did you shift?" I asked him narrowing my eyes at him as he was sitting to my left and his face broke into a grin hearing my question, "Go back to your seat," I said nudging him away.

"Now now, don’t be so mean, Lillian. Look there are people looking at you," he whispered next to my ear and I looked around to see an elderly couple looking at us. The grandpa sent a wink and a thumbs up which Luke happily returned back.

I sighed, feeling a light headache build in my head. Luke was one of a kind, he would once be all sweet and nice then the next second he would turn scary.


"Doesn’t anyone know who you are?" I asked him during we had our food. He was one of the royal members of the vampire kingdom, how could no one recognize who he was?

"I’m not a celebrity that people will come swarming around me, Lillian. Actually, its quite the opposite," he said as he used his knife and fork, "Royal or not people who know who I am will steer clear of me," and he took a bite of his steak.

"Why is that?" I asked him without thinking. The savory was a noodle like a dish and tasted too good for my brain to think about anything else.

"Few things are best unsaid," he replied and then asked me, "How is the food?"

"Tasty, thank you for picking it," I thanked him and heard him hum in approval. There were no customers in the section we sat now and looked deserted.

I was having my fudge ice cream when Luke went out to make a quick call. I sighed when I had the last spoon, tomorrow I might regret having ice cream with so many calories but now it didn’t matter. I saw the waiter come back with the bill and place it on the table. Seeing no one around he spoke placing one of his hand on mine and the other in his pocket,

"Hey, would you like-" and I saw him fall down limp on the floor, Luke was standing with a hard gaze.

"People never listen do they," he said calmly and my eyes widened. Looking at me he spoke, "Calm down, Lillian."

"Y-you killed him!" I exclaimed looking down at the waiter who was lying on the ground motionless.

"Relax, I knocked him unconscious. He wanted your blood," he said going down where the body was and pulled out a needle-like object from the pocket, "You see this, this is a needle injected to paralyze a prey. But they have stopped manufacturing it, I wonder who’s still working on these needles. Let’s go, Gordon will take care of him," he said and I got up giving one last look.

When we got inside the car, I sat there staring at the road due to what happened in the restaurant. If there were things to inject a non-vampire to drink blood, I wonder how many humans lived in the kingdom as blood was an important thing on which the vampire’s survived.

"How did you know?" I asked Luke as he drove the car back to the mansion, "That he wanted my blood?" Luke’s dark green eyes met mine.

"It’s an instinct," he replied, "I know when someone wants to have a drink out of another creature. I am a vampire after all."

"When you mean creatures, you mean humans and the other non-vampire beings?"

"Technically humans and witches are our food but it’s easier to trick a human than a witch. If a witch is willing to donate or take a sip out of their vein, then it’s fine like Elise and Edmond," he explained and I nodded.

"Which category do I come in?" I asked him and saw him grin.

"Are you willing to give me your blood my Lillian?" his eyes sparkled when it met mine, "I’ll have to take a bite to know that. The way you were almost to be bitten I would say you are pretty much edible. You won’t know until you explore," he said and I stared at him for a few seconds. I remembered Gwen had told something similar about the exploration, I wonder how she was doing.
