"Elvis had called this morning to tell about your mother’s condition. Her body is reacting well to the treatment being given now and they are conducting other tests as well," Elise informed me and I felt relieved. I wished I could be there but dad had told I was safer in the vampire kingdom, with Luke. She then continued, "Elvis was angry on Canrart and Luke."

"Why?" I asked her furrowing my brows.

"Canrart hadn’t gone to check his wounds and well Luke because he slapped one of his workers," she sighed and my eyes went wide. Luke did that? "Apparently, one woman made a move on him and he ended up slapping her. His temper is something you need to be aware of. There are many who have titled him as Lucifer," she warned me.

Now that I think about it, I remembered the time after going out of my room. Two women’s standing there in the corridor while one of them was crying, having fingerprints on her cheek. I gulped hearing it. I didn’t handle angry people well, they were scary. After taking a tour around the mansion, I headed to my room to find Luke already there sitting on the bed.

"How was the tour?" he asked me as his green eyes watched me walk inside the room.

"It was good. I saw your name written on the wall," I said smiling and took a seat on the bed. I expected him to frown but instead, he smiled at it.

"I know. I was there when Julie told you about it. You should laugh more, Lillian," he said bringing up his hand to place it on my cheek.


I was taken back with his gesture and blinked at him before clearing my throat. He looked at me and a slow grin appeared. I looked at him cautiously wondering what he was grinning at. Before I could ask what happened his phone rang.

"Is it done?" Luke asked someone through the phone, "I know...isn’t that why it was given to you?...no there’s more to it...yes I thought the same..." he went on talking which I didn’t understand.

He got up to walk towards a window and I watched him as he spoke, his strong voice filling up the entire room. Facing towards me he sat at the edge with his back towards the glass. Though he was speaking on the phone, his eyes were on me. When his eyes left mine I felt my back relax. A straight nose and strong cheekbones on his face. I had to admit he had beautiful eyes. He was tall and fit with the good amount of muscles but not like a bodybuilder. He had left three buttons at the top of his maroon shirt unbuttoned.

His lips that were set in a thin line for something said on the other end of the phone had suddenly turned to a Cheshire like a smile. That’s when I realized he had caught me looking at him.

"Don’t bother me, darling. Carry on," he said before I turned my face to look at the cupboard to save myself from any further embarrassment, "Not you, you idiot..." I heard him say.

Once he was done talking he put his phone back in his pocket. He walked to the table, picking up a file and handing it to me.


"What’s this?" I asked as my eyebrows furrowed in question.

"Those are your school documents, Lillian. You’ll be attending the local school from tomorrow," he explained as I opened the file to see few documents in my name, "Everything is there in it- your transfer certificate to your schedule."

"What do you mean by that? I’m not going," I said with my eyes narrowed at him. He was sending me to some God knows where school without even asking my opinion on it. A frown formed on his face,

"How about this you either go to school and extend the wedding bells or we get married directly? I would love if you picked the second option," he said with a sly smile and at that moment I wanted to strangle him.

Like Elise had said earlier, Luke had a strange personality. Once he would be all sweet and nice but then he would have a mean glint in his eyes.

"Either way it ends with the marriage," I said through my gritted teeth, "Can’t you just let me go where my father is now and dissolve the marriage thing?" I asked him a little calm and saw something flash in his eyes.

In less than a second, he was in front of me his eyes turning red and I thought he was going to yell but instead his body hovered over mine. His eyes were scary but it looked like he was controlling his anger. Why was he angry? I was the one angry with so much of mess to handle. I waited for him to bark angry words but he didn’t. I was sitting on the bed while he was hovering on top of me wasn’t a good idea. With every two seconds that passed, I felt myself go back while he leaned over and I had to support myself with my elbows.

"Can you repeat what you said, my dear Lillian?" he asked me as our faces were closing in.

"That I want to go to school?" Was my smart answer and his eyes twinkled hearing it.

"Smart girl," he said pulling back and yawned, "By the way, you’ll be accompanied by two of my trusted members in the school." You must be kidding me! I thought.

The next morning, as Luke had told me I was accompanied by two boys who looked at my age but were definitely older than me. Their names were Davis and Gordon. Gordon hardly uttered a word and if he did it was what to do and not to do, it was like walking with a hawk next to you. At least Davis was comparatively better when I had questions to ask he would explain it to me.

The first day it didn’t bother me much but by the third day, I felt caged. It was completely weird having two guys follow you everywhere except for the restroom and at one point of time, I didn’t want to get out of there. It was like no one wanted to be my friend or rather talk to me especially after seeing two muscular guys around me all the time. I had shooed both of them telling I needed some time and would meet them in the lunch room. They were reluctant at first but I had managed to have some time alone for myself.

My head fell back on the wall and I sighed, life was getting weird. What was Luke even thinking having two men watch over me? That I would get kidnapped? No one even knew about it yet.

"It’s lunchtime," I heard someone say and turned to see a boy with glasses, "Hi, I am Travis. We have Geography together," he introduced himself.

"Lillian," I introduced myself. Travis was two or three inches taller than me, a backpack hung over his shoulder and two books in his hand. Though he wore glasses he didn’t look a bit nerdy. Something told me he was trying to hide his image.

"Aren’t you having lunch? You should eat. We have p.e. next hour," he informed me.

"Yeah, which way is the cafeteria?" I asked him scrunching my nose and he pointed his hand to the right, "Thank you." I was still taking the time to understand the crazy architecture of the school.

"Anytime," he replied with a boyish smile.

"Would you like to join for lunch?" I asked him, it would be nice to have a person other than my guards and saw him grin.

"I would love to but I have some work to do. Moreover, I feel like I’m going to be killed soon," he said looking across me when I turned to see what he meant, I saw Davis and Gordon looking at us who were standing few meters away from us.

Oh joy, I thought dryly.
