Chapter 49: System behaviour>








The number went up and down, but there was a clear pattern.

It was going up.

Woosung frequently checked his account and there was no doubt it was working.

“Yes!” Woosung exclaimed. It has been 2 weeks since he started using his algorithm trading system from Nuri Finances’ IDC.

In 2 weeks, he made about 4,000 dollars.

It was close to a 10% return. If this trend continued, he could make over 100,000 dollars in 3 months. If he invested even more money…


Woosung grinned.

“And then there is the financial crisis!”

September 12th was a Friday.

Lehman Brothers will file for bankruptcy on September 13th, which will be Saturday. By September 16th, the majority of the stocks will drop significantly.

If he purchased out options on September 12th, by September 16th their values will soar. It could be up to 500 times increase.

With a million dollars, he could make up to 500 million dollars. What if he invested not only in the Korean stock market but also the international markets? What if he got involved in US Dow Jones?

Woosung let out a large grin. “What an investment.”

% success rate.

Knowing the future meant Woosung couldn’t lose.


May 30th.

It was the last day of work for Woosung. In his previous life, Woosung was fired from his job. It was different this time. In fact, Woosung was called up by the CEO today to receive a recognition award for his good work.

He also received a golden key as a reward.

Na Jaeman smiled at Woosung. “I will miss you. The company will definitely miss you too.”

“You have other good employees here. The company will do great.”

“But you are the best!”

“As you saw recently, Kwak Jungwook is great too.”

Woosung again mentioned Kwak Jungwook, But Na Jaeman shook his head.

“But not as good as you. You are the one who put our company at the top.” Woosung smiled awkwardly. Na Jaeman continued quickly. “Now what’s your plan for the future?”

Woosung felt a sense of danger. He felt like he was being threatened. He realized he couldn’t be totally honest with this man. Woosung trusted his gut feeling.

“I plan to continue with my studies and do some random works.”

“Haha, it’s humbling to hear that someone like you still feel like you need to continue to learn.”

“It’s not that. This field is very competitive and so you can never be lazy.”

Na Jaeman was still curious. He kept asking more questions. “I heard you are making good use of the DMA. I made sure you have permanent access to it.”

“Thank you so much.”

“I wish there is more I can do for you. If you stayed here…Whenever you want to come back, you’ll always have a place here.”

Na Jaeman’s kindness was alarming to Woosung. “Thank you.” He smiled with an awkward smile.

“Haha, I am keeping you here too long. Thank you again for your hard work.” Na Jaeman put his hand out for a handshake.

Woosung shook his hand. He noticed how Na Jaeman’s smile didn’t reach his eyes, Woosung knew he shouldn’t trust him.

When he returned to the office, Yoon Gihwan stood up. “Thank you for your hard work. I will see you soon.”

“Of course. I will contact you soon.”

Kim Yonggun also couldn’t hide his disappointment. “Good work, President Kang!”

“What? Haha.”

Park Junwoo shook Woosung’s hand. “Thank you for everything. I will work harder to be worthy.”

“Haha, no way. You’re working way too hard even now. You need to take a break.”

Park Junwoo looked like he aged 10 years in the last few months. It was clear he worked without a sliver of rest.

“No. I still have so much to learn. I have been looking into linear regression recently and it is not easy.”

“It definitely isn’t, but you need to take care of your health too.” Park Junwoo repeated what Yoon Gihwan said before. “If you don’t have the brain, you need to work harder to make up for it.”

Park Junwoo was unwavering. Woosung knew there was nothing more he could say to him, so he finally packed his bag and left.

This was it. Now that it was really happening, Woosung felt both excited and frightened. He wondered if he made a mistake, but he knew this was what he had to do.

When he exited the main entrance, someone called out his name. “Woosung, I will give you a ride.”

“I don’t get into strangers’ cars.”

Shin Semi knew what would interest Woosung. “I heard a rumor on Daeyang Group recently.” She knew exactly what Woosung wanted. When he got into the black sedan, she asked.

“Where do you live?”

Woosung told the driver his address. The car started to move.

In the car, Shin Semi asked with a sly grin. “The recent incident with Choi Gichul…Was that you?”

Woosung didn’t panic. “I don’t know what you are talking about.” He answered with no hesitation.

“Well, it doesn’t matter. Who do you think is going to be the next president?”

This was an unexpected question. Woosung almost said the name out loud but stopped himself.

“Haha, I’m not a fortune teller. How would I know that?”

“You can do what you did last time to predict it. You said it was data analysis.”

“It’s not that quick or easy.”

“I see.”


Woosung started to sweat.

‘This woman is crazy.’

To change this uncomfortable subject, Woosung decided to ask Shin Semi. “You promised to tell me something. What have you heard about the Daeyang Group?”

“The oldest Choi Taemin will be divorcing soon.”


Woosung remembered this from his previous life. Choi Taemin’s wife was also a daughter of a rich businessman. After the divorce, she will date a celebrity.


“You are so curious about Daeyang Group, aren’t you?”

“Haha, I told you before. Collecting data is my hobby.”

“There is a rumor Chairman Choi Gunwon’s sex tape has been leaked.”

Woosung also knew this to be true. So far, Shin Semi’s information has been reliable. He realized he could trust Shin Semi to be honest.

“And the middle brother Choi Gitae is a drug addict.”


This was a piece of new information. If Choi Gitae was doing drugs, there was a good chance that Choi Gichul was as well.

This could be useful for Woosung.

He asked. “Anything about Choi Gichul?”

“Choi Gichul is currently studying abroad.” Shin Semi’s eyes became sharp.

Woosung asked quickly.

“Oh, I saw it on the news. So it must be true.”

Woosung looked out the window. “We’re almost there.” Shin Semi said as they got close to his place.

The car stopped. Woosung opened the door right thereafter. As soon as the door closed, the car drove away.


When Woosung opened the door to his house, he heard laughter.

“You are so funny, sir.”

“Hahaha, please call me Gwangchul, and I meant what I said. You should be an actress! You are so beautiful.”

“Hahaha, you’re such a liar.”

“I’m serious! I have been wondering where Woosung got his good looks. Now I know.”

Kim Eunjung answered happily. “Well, it is true that Woosung is very handsome.”

“I wish I was too.”

“Gwangchul, you’re handsome too!”

The living room was filled with the smell of meat cooking.

“Oh Woosung, you’re home!” Kim Eunjung stood up to greet her son. His parents already knew he quit his job. They tried to convince him otherwise but realized that they couldn’t change Woosung’s mind.

“I didn’t realize we had a guest.”

“Well, it’s your last day of work so I thought we should celebrate. I bought some steaks.”

“But what about your work?”

Jang Gwanchul was a daytime trader. It was a weekday today. He should have been home working.

“Haha, I can afford to take a day off if I want to.”

“I guess…”

“Take a seat. I brought the best steak in the city! Let’s have a nice late lunch.”

Kim Eunjung added. “Did you even get to eat lunch? Gwangchul brought steaks and wild ginseng.”

Woosung was surprised to hear this. “What? Wild ginseng?”

“I wanted to bring you and your parents something special.”

Jang Gwangchul opened the box he brought. Inside were three wild ginseng roots. He picked up one of it and handed it to Woosung.

“Here, take a piece. Put it in your mouth and chew it slowly. It’s a 50-year old wild ginseng.”

years old? How much was it?

Woosung guessed the damn this would have probably costed at least a few thousand dollars. Kim Eunjung looked at it wistfully.

“Mom, you have a piece too.”


Jang Gwangchul smiled and handed a piece to Kim Eunjung too.

“Oh sorry! Here is a big one for you.”

Chew, chew.

Woosung chewed for 15 minutes before swallowing it.

Ah, eating wild ginseng on his last day of work. Woosung saw this as a good omen.
