Chapter 46: It’s over>

Even at work, Woosung couldn’t help but smile. Yoon Gihwan saw this and asked.

“What’s going on? Are you that happy about quitting this job?”

“Hahahaha. It’s a great life. It’s spring. Spring’s coming.”

Yoon Gihwan couldn’t understand Woosung. “Are you going crazy?”

No one seemed to know why Woosung was in such a great mood. Kim Yonggun murmured nearby.

“Spring… maybe he got a girlfriend.”


“I asked him last week and he said no.”

“Then maybe…”

“Maybe what?”

“He has been to the CEO’s room a few times now. That must mean he was offered something big.”

Yoon Gihwan shook his head.

“What could convince Woosung to stay? I can’t think of anything.”


Woosung approached the two and smiled.

“Hahahahaha. Stop gossiping about me and let’s go out for a break. I’ll buy you guys coffee.”

Woosung laughed with tremendous glee.

They chatted over a cup of coffee. Yoon Gihwan told Woosung.

“I took care of your resignation paper. President Son was reprimanded by Nuri Finances regarding his behavior towards you, so he won’t cause any more problems.”

Park Junwoo took a sip of his iced coffee and spoke out of melancholy. “So you only have a month left with us.”

Kim Yonggun sighed as well. “Hmm…We still have so much more to learn from you, Woosung.”

Woosung stopped smiling and replied seriously.

“All of you are ready to be on your own. From now on, you need to study by yourselves to improve. Learning should never stop for any of us. I believe in you. You will succeed wherever you go.”

Park Junwoo looked like he wanted to ask a question. Woosung knew what it was, so he answered right away.

“Yes, you can become a Microsoft MVP too, but as I said before, it will take an incredible effort. You need to be desperate enough. You need to work like your life depends on it.” Everyone listened intensely. “You can’t do anything half-assed. What you think of your effort doesn’t matter. Your work needs to show it.”

Park Junwoo and Kim Yonggun started to pale. Did Woosung mean they needed to work even harder than now?

Woosung said no. “Haha, that’s not what I meant. You are working hard enough right now, but you need to keep it up until you complete your goals.” Park Junwoo and Kim Yonggun sighed. “If you do, you will both be able to join me on my project for Jang Gwangchul.”

Same team.

They all felt strongly about it. This was what they dreamt of. Woosung continued.

“From now on, you two are 100% responsible for the consulting project. I will be focusing on the algorithm trading system. I will be testing the Beta version on the HTS and make more improvements before handing it to Jang Gwangchul.”

The team members were all silent as they listened. It was clear that now, Woosung was the leader of this group.

“When that’s done, you need to join me, General manager Yoon. By that time, if you two feel the same way, Manager Park and Assistant manager Kim, you can quit and join me as well.”

Woosung was telling them they were ready. Park Junwoo bit his lips and gave out a defeated sigh. He worked tirelessly, and it was all worth it. Kim Yonggun felt the same way. He felt incredibly proud.

“I would be honored to team up with you all.”

Kim Yonggun smiled and joked. “Haha, so does that mean we should now call you President Kang?” Everyone laughed, and Woosung shook his head emphatically.

The future was coming.

The next day.

Yoon Gihwan asked Woosung, who was humming happily.

“President Kang, you are humming? What is making you so happy?”

“Haha, this CEO is always happy.”

Yoon Gihwan snorted. “W…what?”

“I hope you are ready for the day’s work today!”

“Hahaha, you’re funny. So you want to be called the president?”

Woosung grinned and answered. “Haha, just kidding. You started it!”

They joked around like friends. “President Kang, I’m ready. Should we start the day?” Kim Yonggun joined in with a smile.

“Haha, you’re such a good employee. Let’s check our work one more time before we start.” Woosung smiled and answered.

Kim Yonggun bowed.

“Yes, sir!”

Park Junwoo added seriously.

“Well then, we’ll do a final test before the distribution.”


Before the market opened, Jang Gwangchul murmured his routine chant. Afterward, he clicked the HTS window icon. An update automatically started.

-HTS Version

-Winning stocks recommendation function Beta Ver. added

: List of future winning stocks provided

: Please use at your own risk

: Please read all the details before use

-Various bugs have also been fixed.

Winning stocks recommendation.

Woosung already told him of it. It would be tested on the HTS, and an improved version would be included in the algorithm trading system Woosung was developing for him.

This was a Beta version.

“Woosung said that based on his calculation, the recommendation list has a 54% chance of success.”

When Jang Gwangchul clicked the new icon, a list of stocks came up. It also included when and how much each stock would go up.

Every stock had predicted a minimum increase of 10%. If one invested 10,000 dollars, they would quickly make 1,000 dollars.

“He said that if I invest too much money at a time, it can change the final outcome. So I should start with just 10,000 dollars.”

Jang Gwangchul started buying $10,000 each of recommended stocks. Afterward, he started to do what he did best: scalping.


“Title: What a garbage function.

“Message: Recommendation? You mean for failure? I bought the recommended stocks today and lost everything. Shouldn’t Nuri Finances pay for my losses?”

“Title: Bogus recommendation system.

“Message: I had my doubts but still tried it and I was right. Don’t trust this function. I lost a lot of money today.”

“Title: Nuri Finances needs to read this message.

“Message: Are you kidding me? I joined your system because I heard good things about it, but this is stupid. Someone needs to pay for this idiotic new function.”

Kwon Taegyun grinned as he read the complaints. Recently, Woosung was the star of the company, but the failure of this new function would be his ruin. Kwon Taegyun asked Oh Juhoon.

“What do you think? Will this recommendation function work out in the end?”

“I didn’t get a chance to have a close look at it, so I don’t know. However, knowing Woosung, I bet it’ll be a success.”

Kwon Taegyun frowned. “Why would you defend our rival company?”

“Sir, I came here to work and be productive, not to bash anyone.”

Kwon Taegyun replied grudgingly. “Fine, fine.”

Kwon Taegyun stopped asking questions and continued to read more complaints.


Na Jaeman was on his way to the CEOs’ meeting. His face was pale. His recent performance was barely on par with his previous month. Nuri Finances reached the number two position in Korea but went back down to the third place. Based on how bad it was doing now, it was very possible that it may drop to the fourth place in the near future.

As expected, Na Jaeman was reprimanded for the company’s lack of improvement. When the meeting ended and Na Jaeman walked out, Park Jiwon followed him.

“President Na, are you ok? Don’t be so down. Everyone has bad days.”

“You must be happy. You did well this time.”

“Hahaha, it’s true. I will buy you a drink, so feel better!”

Nothing could make Na Jaeman feel better. He didn’t know if his company would do better in the future.

Park Jiwon put his hand on Na Jaeman’s shoulder.

“Let’s go. We need to go for a drink.”

Before they exited the building, someone hurried to Na Jaeman.

“President Na, the Advisor would like to see you.”

Na Jaeman could guess which advisor asked for him. He turned around and followed the messenger.
