Snake God


With his scarlet forked tongue sticking out, Ye Bei kept hissing.

Such a scene was transmitted to the mercenary base for the first time…unfortunately, the mercenary base wasn’t located inside Ye Bei’s domain, so they couldn’t hear him at all when he spoke, and the wireless radio couldn’t transmit his speech over. Those at the base could only watch as Ye Bei constantly opened and closed his mouth, his forked tongue sticking in and out.

“Humans! Where did you come from?”

This was the first thing Ye Bei said after moving forward.

Via the system’s assistance, his voice was directly transmitted to the humans’ ears in the form of soundwaves.


Although the scene that unraveled before them was unbelievable…

A talking snake was something that was definitely extraordinary.

However… after Ye Bei finished speaking, in the depths of their souls, these humans immediately confirmed that this snake was talking.

This should be the magical power of the domain!

As for Wang Dong…

After he turned around, saw Ye Bei, and heard the sound of him talking in his ear, he couldn’t help but open his mouth wide and slowly back away…


Earlier, when he had just woken up, he had, in fact, seen an enormous snake.

Originally, he’d thought that the snake had already left, but unexpectedly, it appeared behind his back in the blink of an eye.

Most importantly, this godforsaken snake was even talking.

“M… monster! Go to hell…”

Even though he was afraid, Wang Dong was holding a weapon in his hand, which directly caused his thoughts to turn violent.

He was yelling.

With a courage that came from god knows where… when he yelled at Ye Bei, his fingers straight up pulled the trigger on the gun.


An ear-piercing gunshot resounded through the deserted island.


The all-metal bullet moved rapidly through the air, producing a whistling sound, and the pistol’s muzzle even flashed with sparks.

The bullet moved immensely fast.

Everything happened in a flash.

But after the bullet was fired, Li Yue and the others stared with their eyes wide open.

At the mercenary base, they even slowed down the footage by 1000 times, as they wanted to see if the enormous python could defend itself against the bullet.

As for Ye Bei…

When he saw Wang Dong fire the pistol, his bodily instincts instantly went into overdrive. His muscles also tightened to their fullest extent. But under such circumstances, Ye Bei wasn’t thinking about dodging. All he did was turn his body over… allowing the bullet to strike his body with a bang.


The bullet hit Ye Bei.

And gave off a hissing sound.

Ye Bei was rather content with the situation that followed.

However, Wang Dong and the others, as well as those in the mercenary base, were completely dumbfounded.

A bullet is very small.

At a distance of 20 meters, it’s actually difficult to see with the naked eye…

But at that moment, everyone saw the bullet very clearly. It didn’t look blurry at all. The metal bullet did, in fact, hit the massive python, and what’s more, the whole of the bullet penetrated its body…

But no blood came out.

And the giant python didn’t even so much as tremble…

But these things were secondary. What happened next was absolutely terrifying.

As if it were being drawn by some kind of force, the bullet, which had clearly lodged into the snake’s body, was coming out bit by bit…

Strange, terrifying, like a scene straight out of a science fiction movie!!!


About a second later, the bullet landed on the ground with a slight hissing noise.

Bam bam bam…

When this happened, Wang Dong completely lost his mind. Fear compelled him to continuously pull the trigger.

The island was filled with ear-piercing gunshots.

And at the mercenary base…

Following Ye Bei’s appearance, the higher-ups in the mercenary base also came to watch the video footage.

When they saw the bullet enter the snake’s body, then fall out, bit by bit, and the wound straight up heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if there had never been a wound in the first place… their hearts started beating frantically.

“That healing ability is truly terrifying!”

“Is that really a Blood Python? Oh lord… d*mn that thing! That size, and those teeth it has… Blood Pythons aren’t supposed to have those things.”

“It’s been speculated that it’s a mutated Blood Python, but this is way too unbelievable. We investigated Research Island a long time ago, and no matter how powerful a mutant beast is, it’s impossible for them to be able to withstand the damage from a bullet… and that healing ability, it’s simply incredible!”

“We must get our hands on this snake! If we can extract its genes, maybe we can find some scientists to study the cause of its healing ability. Think about it. If we can transfer this power over to humans… what would we become? Wolverine!!!”

It was true that they were all shocked.

But the eyes of the higher-ups at the mercenary base were flashing more with greed than fear.

Ye Bei’s first appearance successfully roped in their attention.

Looking back at the island…

After Wang Dong, who was frightened into idiocy, frantically shot all the pistol’s bullets into Ye Bei’s body, which subsequently squeezed out the bullets, he was completely dumbfounded. He slumped down onto the ground right on the spot, unable to move even a centimeter.

Faced with such a situation, Li Yue still retained some of her senses, even though she was in shock. Her eyes were opened wide as she looked at Ye Bei and said in a trembling voice, “You… you talked just now?”


Ye Bei didn’t deny it, and continued to speak. He stuck his scarlet forked tongue out, his voice reaching the humans’ ears in a language they could understand.

After getting confirmation…

The 16 people, including Wang Dong, all stared at Ye Bei, their eyes wide open.

At that moment, there was another thought in their minds…

They came to a deep realization about why the state continued to publicize that ‘animals aren’t allowed to mutate into a demon after the founding of the country’! This was an unprecedented discovery. There were truly monsters in this world… and the government wanted to conceal this huge secret!

If Ye Bei knew what was in these people’s heads at that moment, he would have probably flicked them into the air with his tail right there and then!

“This island is my territory! If you want to live, tell me the truth about the sins you’ve committed. As a Snake God, I can spare you your lives.”

Ye Bei had been a human once before.

From a human’s perspective, a talking snake was an unbelievable, miraculous thing.

To find out even just a piece of the truth, Ye Bei continued to speak… and he really did go on to mystify himself!!

However, in the eyes of those at the mercenary base, the current situation was extremely peculiar.

They could only see 16 people slowly getting onto their feet!

And there was a huge python just opposite them…

The two sides went into a peaceful stalemate just like that!!! The snake didn’t attack…
